Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 696: That's what she can say

  Chapter 696 She can say something like this

Mrs. Shen was already on guard, and she grabbed her hand all of a sudden and didn't let her hit it. Instead, she was aroused by this slap, and with her backhand, "Clap!" She opened her bow twice and hit Mrs. Shen. On his face, he scolded sharply: "Little bitch, what are you, you have taught yourself a shameless and shameless person, and if you want to climb high, no one wants to stand up in front of me! You will be another one. let me see!"

   "Ah! You dare to hit me and me! I will fight with you!" Mrs. Shen was going crazy, waving her hands and pounced on Mrs. Shen.

  The two fought in the carriage.

  Shen Liangyue was so frightened that she forgot to cry! Together with the little maid, their faces turned pale, screaming and hurriedly dodging.

  The old lady Shen was so angry that her eyes darkened, and she patted her thighs and yelled and reprimanded: "Stop, stop! Don't even stop it for me, what does this look like, what does it look like! Changmao, don't pull it away!"

  This new lady Chang was originally quite stupid, how could she dare to go forward and pull it? Stupidly there, dumbfounded, very helpless.

  's eyes were even more timid, and he didn't even dare to take a second glance, and even pulled it away.

  The old lady Shen was so angry that she almost fainted, she pushed Madam Chang fiercely, and she tremblingly stepped forward to stop her.

   No matter how much Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen fought, quarreled, screamed, and quarreled, they didn't get to the point of madness, and they didn't dare to do anything to Old Mrs. Shen.

  The old lady Shen stopped them, panting and staring at the two of them, "Things that don't grow, go back and settle accounts with you!"

   Mrs. Shen snorted softly, rolled her eyes to the sky, and looked full of indifference.

   She really doesn't care, anyway, she is like this, there is nothing to lose.

Mrs. Shen San was extremely aggrieved, "Mother, you really don't care if my sister-in-law bullies people like that? You don't want to lie about Yue'er. If it's true, there is no airtight wall in the world. Doesn't this ruin our family's reputation?"

   "Yue'er hasn't told her yet, she Shen Liangwei doesn't want fame, we Yue'er can't let her get involved!"

   Mrs. Shen sneered when she heard this, "chi!" and gave Mrs. Shen a mocking look.

   That means: You are really shameless

   This kind of thing, she can say it!

   Mrs. Shen was stabbed to the forehead by her sneer and full of ridicule, and glared at her fiercely: "You—"

   "You all give me a break!" The old lady Shen said viciously: "This is still on the way, does it look so good? Huh?"

   Mrs. Shen felt wronged and insisted: "Mother, sister-in-law and the others—"

   "Enough!" The old lady Shen said angrily: "What? I want you to teach me how to do it? I have my own opinion on this matter, don't worry about it!"

   I called the boss back and asked to understand.

   Her words, the boss dare not listen to a word!

The third Mrs. Shen did not dare to speak, but the second Mrs. Shen was still full of mocking skills, and her eyes rolled again: These are all still living in the past. What the hell.

   at the Shen family mansion.

   Such a farce happened, and in the end, although it was nothing, it was a disappointing thing in the end.

   Fortunately, the banquet has already been used, so they also said goodbye and left.

   (end of this chapter)

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