Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 699: So, what Shen Liangyue saw

   Chapter 699 So, what Shen Liangyue saw

  Shen Liangyue read it right yesterday, it was indeed a strange man who tried to break into Shen Liangwei's yard.

   It's just that the man was quickly caught and stunned by the dark guard left by Xiao Jingyu and dragged away.

   That person is none other than the only seedling of the Duke Meng's mansion, Meng Chun, the heir of Duke Meng, and the nephew of Yu Guifei's family.

  This Meng Chun was born with a serious illness since childhood and was frail when he was a child. In addition, he was the only one who had received countless concubines, so he was the only one who was the only child.

   After Meng Chun grew up, his body was better and he was very healthy, but because he was pampered and raised when he was a child, he couldn't do anything if he didn't know how to do it.

   However, the Duke of Meng's mansion has the support of a jade concubine. Meng Chun is destined to enjoy wealth and honor, so what's the problem?

   As long as he can give birth to a son, it is enough for the Meng family to inherit the lineage.

  This Meng Chun relied on the power of his own aunt, and he was raised by the stars and the moon since he was a child, and he was very courageous.

   He doesn't even care about Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingyu, let alone the Shen family?

  Others may be a little jealous, but he doesn't exist!

That day, I was drinking and having fun in the brothel with a few dudes. Somehow they talked about the marriage of Xiao Jingyu and Shen Liangwei. Several dudes started booing, Meng Chunxing was shameless, so he made a bet with people that it was Shen Liangwei and Shen Liangwei that day. , he wants to go to the yard where she lives to steal a piece of her clothes or a piece of jewelry.

   These were judged by Xiao Jingyu from Meng Chun's mouth. Meng Chun was not talking about stealing a piece of Shen Liangwei's clothes, but close-fitting clothes. Because of this, Xiao Jingyu got two more feet.

   All the gangsters are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal, and they have to applaud and cheer. If you talk to me, if you are in a hurry, you will talk about it to death.

   Meng Chun woke up afterwards, although he still felt a little regretful in his heart - after all, no matter how playful he was, he was not a fool, and he understood that some things were inappropriate to do.

   But he promised, and if he regrets it, how can he still be among the dudes in the future? Dare to love him without a face?

   Later, he was reminded to run a few words by the gangsters laughing and joking. His blood was surging, and he couldn't lose face, so he decisively said that he had done it! Absolutely do not shirk.

  Therefore, on the day of Shen Liangwei and her wedding ceremony, she caught up with what Shen Liangyue of Lingxiao Academy saw.

   "That shameless thing is still locked in the palace at the moment," Xiao Jingyu sneered: "This king will let him go to **** before letting him go!"

   Xiao Jingyu naturally had his confidence in doing so. In fact, Shen Liangwei was also very angry after listening to his words.

  The prince in the mansion of Meng Guogong, she has heard about it in her two lifetimes. She is indeed one of the best in the capital. She does all kinds of bad things.

   No wonder he is so brave!

In the last life, when Xiao Jinghuai came to power, Xiao Jingye committed a crime and was imprisoned for life. Concubine Yu went to guard the mausoleum of Emperor Tianyao. The palace of Meng Guo quickly declined overnight, and countless bitter masters came out to sue Meng Chun. Sentenced to exile, Meng Guogong died soon after he fell ill, and none of the family was able to die peacefully.

   Shen Liangwei felt a little better when she thought of this.

   (end of this chapter)

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