Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 802: Concubine Yu taught Concubine Li a lesson

   Chapter 802 Yugui Concubine teaches Concubine Li a lesson

   After all, Concubine Yu Gui is too controlling, no matter how much she jumps, she can't get out of her palm.

   It's nothing to fight with her on weekdays and let her take a little advantage!

   also developed the more domineering character of the jade concubine.

   In this way, it was determined that Concubine Li was taunting and teasing, how could Concubine Yugui's temperament not find fault?

This finding, under the guidance of Concubine Li who did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Concubine Yu's anger became more and more violent, and she was out of control. She slapped Concubine Li in the face, causing blood to ooze from the corner of her mouth and fell to the ground. The suet white jade wishful hairpin, which Emperor Yaodi only rewarded a few days ago, was also broken.

   Concubine Yu was still puzzled by her hatred, seeing that Concubine Li was so pitiful and pitiful even though she was slapped so badly and fell to the ground, her jealousy finally broke through her reason at this moment.

   She yelled, "Fox spirit! Little bitch!" She stepped forward and kicked Concubine Li again, claiming that she had rammed the imperial concubine and punished her to kneel in the imperial garden for two hours!

  This little bitch, shameless to seduce the emperor, he was obviously put into the cold palace, yet he can actually give birth to a little prince for the emperor!

   It's really strange. I used to think that this Concubine Li's appearance was not very good. Who knows that she looks so beautiful now. I think I was deliberately hiding it.

   Yu Guifei hated it even more.

   ran away in anger.

   Concubine Yu felt that there was nothing wrong with her punishing Concubine Li. This was the case in the palace, where the power was too great, and things like bullying and suppressing others with power were not uncommon!

  I am a noble concubine, and Concubine Li is only a concubine. I said that if she collided with her, she collided and punished her, so what?

   If she was not afraid of the emperor, how could she just punish her to kneel for two hours? You must destroy her appearance or simply kill her!

   Yu Guifei made such a big battle in the imperial garden, how could it not be known? Concubine Li is in the limelight now, and the palace maids and eunuchs dare not come forward to offend Concubine Yugui, but there are many people who secretly go to Qianqing Palace to report to Concubine Li.

  Emperor Tianyao hurriedly ordered people to come to the rescue, and carried Concubine Li back to the Qianqing Palace in a sedan chair—this was a great honor.

   In this case, it is more equivalent to hitting Yu Guifei in the face!

   Originally, the maids and eunuchs were not quite sure about Concubine Li's position in the emperor's heart, but this time it was completely certain.

  Emperor Tianyao saw Concubine Li's miserable appearance, and when she heard Concubine Li tell what happened, he couldn't help being furious.

Intentionally or not, Concubine Li mentioned the little prince again, crying that Empress Yugui was in a high position, and she punished herself for not daring to say more, but she was very worried about the little prince, the little prince was still so young, I begged the emperor to send more in the future People look after and protect the little prince

   These words were like adding fuel to the fire, and Tian Yaodi, who was already very angry, was even more furious!

  If Concubine Li was domineering and bumped into Concubine Yu Gui, Concubine Yu would not say anything when punishing her.

   But he easily sent someone to ask the truth, and it was Yu Guifei who found fault.

   That's fine, Concubine Yugui is jealous, just find fault. If it is common to find fault, you will not ask if you open one eye or close the other.

   But she was so vicious, tossing Concubine Li into this!

   Yes, Concubine Li gave birth to a little prince!

   Concubine Li gave birth to a little prince, and Concubine Yugui hated this. Therefore, Concubine Li could not be tolerated. Even if she was picky, she would torture Concubine Li severely.

  Why does she hate the little prince? Oh, not for her son! For the throne of the country!

   (end of this chapter)

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