Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 804: He can't wait any longer

   Chapter 804 He can't wait any longer

   Xiao Jingye was both angry and even more frightened!

   He was really scared! His mother-in-law is more favored, so he has always been favored more than Xiao Jinghuai, but now his mother-in-law has not only fallen out of favor, but has also been thrown under his feet by his father, so what about him?

   What is he?

   When the father and the emperor punished the mother and concubine so severely, I am afraid that he thought about himself at all?

   There is also the Duke of Meng’s mansion, now instead of relying on it, it is a burden

   For a time, Xiao Jingye had a sense of desolation as he looked around and was alone.

   He was even a little discouraged.

   In this situation, how could he hold back?

   After meeting with Xiao Jingyu, the first sentence was: "What should I do to make Xiao Jinghuai rebel?"

   He can't wait any longer!

   If you wait any longer, there will be no advantage! He must take the initiative.

   Xiao Jingyu gave him a sympathetic look and shook his head: "Xiao Jinghuai is not stupid, I'm afraid he won't rebel no matter what, at least, not now."

   Seeing that Xiao Jingye's mother and son were unlucky, he just sat on the fishing boat and watched from the side. Why did he jump out to attract artillery fire at this time?

   Xiao Jingye slammed his fist on the seat back, why didn't he know this? It's just that you don't give up in the end, and you go to the doctor in a hurry!

   Xiao Jingyu's eyes flashed a sneer, and he said, "However, it's not impossible."

  Xiao Jingye suddenly looked up at him.

  Xiao Jingyu: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether Xiao Jinghuai really rebelled. As long as the emperor thinks he rebelled, he is. What do you think?"

  Xiao Jingye's eyes lit up with a "swoosh", and his face lit up with joy: "You mean, let's plot against him? What can you do, tell me quickly!"

   Xiao Jingyu smiled slightly, "Jingye, if you take that position in the future, you must not forget what you promised me."

   Hearing Xiao Jingyu asking himself for guarantees and benefits, although Xiao Jingye was a little unhappy, he was more relieved and looking forward to it.

   What does this mean? It shows that Xiao Jingyu really has a way.

   "Don't worry, cousin!" Xiao Jingye thought for a while, and suddenly felt that if he really sat in the country, he would dedicate a piece of land to Xiao Jingyu in a remote place. Actually it's nothing!

   So he said solemnly: "I swear, if Xiao Jingye sits in this country in the future, the promise made to cousin Xiao Jingyu will definitely be fulfilled, otherwise I will be struck by lightning and die!"

"Jingye, you don't really have to do this. Since you said you will do it, I will naturally believe you." Xiao Jingyu smiled and said: "To be honest, when I returned to Beijing, when I was passing through Shanxi, While resting on the way, my subordinate accidentally discovered an iron ore while hunting. Later, I quietly sent someone over to make a general survey. The mine is very rich, and it is still in an unowned state.”

The iron ore    was not discovered by his subordinates, but was discovered by case investigators of the Ministry of Justice who were out on business after Xiao Jinghuai succeeded to the throne in the previous life.

  The mineral deposits are indeed very rich. Xiao Jinghuai was overjoyed at that time and sent officials to control the mining, which greatly eased the embarrassing situation of the imperial court using iron.

   An iron ore deposit that big is enough to do a lot of things.

Xiao Jingye naturally knew what this meant, so he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and said with joy, "Really? That's really great! When you come back and tell me the exact location of this king, I will send someone to take over quietly - no, it's not related to this. What does Xiao Jinghuai have to do?"

   (end of this chapter)

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