Chapter 806 Despair

   This is a bolt from the blue for Tai'an Bofu!

  Especially for the uncle, who now hopes that her own son can surpass the first-born daughter of the first wife, the uncle, who wants to die!

  Lu Xiuyan was in the same mood as her mother and wanted to die.


   She has always believed that her elder brother is more talented than Madam Yuanpei's eldest son, and has always believed that he is the one who will revitalize the Lu family!

She hated the Shen family, especially Shen Honglin. She believed that Shen Honglin had robbed her brother of the limelight. She also firmly believed that her brother was blessed by ancestors and would one day surpass Shen Honglin and become the leading military general in the Qin Dynasty. Rising star!

   However, her brother injured his leg because of the attack on the mountain bandits, and it is very likely that he will become a disabled person from now on. Not to mention the bright future of the ancestors, even the career will be cut off!

   How can this work?

   Seeing that her former high-spirited brother has now become dull-eyed and haggard, the whole person seems to be lost, Lu Xiuyan almost cried and blinded her eyes, and her heartache and grief could not be added.

  The Lu family was in a cloud of misery.

  Emperor Tianyao also valued the Lu family very much, and naturally he had to send an imperial physician to see a doctor.

   But the imperial physicians all shook their heads and sighed. The Lu family couple and Lu Xiuyan pressed on and asked if they could be cured? Will it recover? How can the imperial physicians dare to make such a guarantee? Crazy!

  Their scrutiny and ambiguity were heard in the ears of the Lu family, which made the Lu family go crazy.

   Uncle Lu and Mrs. Lu forced Lu Xiuxun to ask Mrs. Shen to come and see the doctor.

   Their only hope now is Mrs. Shen.

But Mrs. Shen is a female imperial physician, so generally speaking, she will not go out to treat the ministers, but other imperial physicians. Only other imperial physicians can't cure them, and the family members of the patients are unwilling to give up. Ask her to try it.

   But that’s not really the case.

  Because the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital do have two masters, they rarely encounter any intractable diseases, and most male imperial physicians can cure them with their hands.

  If they can't cure it, it's usually a terminal illness that can't be cured, and Imperial Physician Shen can't do anything.

  Uncle Lu and his wife forced Lu Xiuxun to hire someone, and they also believed that Lu Xiuxun and the Shen family had a close relationship, and Mrs. Shen would be more attentive.

After all, Lu Xiuyan didn't have a good relationship with the second Miss Shen family who became Princess Zhan. On the day when the second Miss Shen family came out of the cabinet, Lu Xiuyan made a rude remark and deliberately blocked others, and Mrs. Shen also loved her daughter. God knows if she will hate her because of it. What about the Lu family?

  Even if you were forced to visit a doctor because of your love, you were perfunctory?

   Only ask Lu Xiuxun to come to the door with a heavy gift to ask, say more good things, or be more sure.

  Lu Xiuxun doesn't want to care about their **** at all!

   When his elder brother injured his arm, the stepmother and stepsister were schadenfreude and ridiculed, and viciously cursed the elder brother not to get better.

   is his own father, and he is also dispensable and calm.

   As if they were picked up by their brother and sister.

   Now that Lu Zhifeng has an accident, what does it have to do with her? Why do you want her to invite Mrs. Shen?

   But when my father spoke up, Lu Xiuxun couldn't refuse. He just asked someone, so he nodded and agreed.

  Lu Xiuyan was not at ease, for fear that Lu Xiuxun agreed only because she couldn't get over it. Who knows if she would fool around at Shen's house?

   (end of this chapter)

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