Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 808: don't give up

   Chapter 808 Don't give up

   Mrs. Shen's expression darkened and she felt unhappy.

What is this nonsense? This means that she must have a solution, but she is unwilling to cure it?

   This second Miss Lu family, who do you think she is?

   Their family has been anxious and sad for a while, and I'm afraid they have become a little confused! Madam Shen was too lazy to care about them, so she just said patiently, "Second Miss Lu is really flattering me."

   Where can Lu Xiuyan believe? Now Da Furen is their only hope!

   "Mrs. Shen, just tell me, how can I save my brother!"

   Mrs. Shen is not a very good-natured person, she almost swears when she hears this!

Lu Xiuxun couldn't listen anymore, Madam Shen couldn't say anything, but she couldn't just watch Shen Liangwei's mother being so persecuted by Lu Xiuyan, so she couldn't help but said: "Second sister, Madam Shen has made it very clear, don't you? It's a mess. I have invited so many doctors before, and they all said the same, no matter how sad you are, you can't force Da Furen Shen to say that it can be cured!"

Lu Xiuxun's voice just finished, "Crack!" Madam Lu slapped Lu Xiuxun on the face with a sudden slap, pointed at her and scolded: "You are so vicious! You are so sarcastic here, I just don't want Feng'er to get better, right? No! Feng'er has become like this, are you satisfied? I tell you, it's early! If there is something in Feng'er, I will definitely not be able to spare you!"

  Tai Anbo looked on coldly from the side, not only did not comfort Lu Xiuxun, but instead scolded with hatred: "Reverse girl, if you can't speak, don't open your mouth! What are you doing here? Get out!"

"Tai Amber, Mrs. Bo, what Miss Lu is telling the truth, the two of you are doing both hands-on and scolding in front of me. I don't think I need to stay and annoy you. In short, I can do nothing. The two of you, please be wise!" Mrs. Shen pulled Lu Xiuxun, her voice slightly cold.

   There is no such reason for any family. To do such a thing in front of a guest is to disrespect her as a guest at all.

   Mrs. Lu's words were even a bit like scolding Sang and scolding Huai, and of course she was the imperial physician.

  Tai Anbo was a little embarrassed, and reluctantly said: "Mrs Shen, this has nothing to do with you. This rebel girl is really not at ease. When is it time to be jealous and say such unlucky things, how can we parents listen?"

   Jealousy? Lu Xiuxun's eyes flashed mockery.

   Does she have such a need? Besides, this is not something she can win by fighting.

   After so many years, her confused father has long coaxed the stepmother, mother and daughter, and his heart has long been completely biased towards them, how can he have a share in the fight?

   Now that he actually said that he was "jealous", Lu Xiuxun thought it was ridiculous.

   Mrs. Shen heard that Tai Anbo was so unreasonable that black and white were so unreasonable, and she was even more angry. Lu Xiuxun and Shen Liangwei were good friends and used to go to Shen's house often, and Mrs. Shen also liked her very much.

Immediately, he said: "Uncle is a sensible person, and I don't need to say the Taoist ideal of tabooing diseases and doctors, right? Faithful words are not good, and there is no such thing as auspicious or unlucky. If Uncle thinks that a doctor has the ability to guarantee the cure of Young Master Lu, he will invite him. The doctor is, I am not good at learning, I really can't do anything, leave!"

   Mrs. Shen left immediately, not giving them a chance to stay.

  Lu Xiuxun immediately turned and left.

   (end of this chapter)

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