Chapter 818 Eavesdropping

   The two "Doctor Rong, Dr. Rong" discussed the medicinal materials that Dr. Rong needed, and most of them went out to Beijing to find medicinal materials for Dr. Rong under the order of the prince.

  This place is not close to the capital, so they naturally have no vigilance. Besides, when it comes to "Doctor Rong", I don't know, who can think of Rong Xiu'er, the apprentice of Mrs. Shen?

   Mrs. Shen used to praise her apprentice a lot, saying that she was not only diligent and hardworking, but also very talented. Given time, her future achievements may not be inferior to hers.

  So, does this mean that if Mrs. Shen can cure the disease, Rong Xiuer can also be cured?

  Lu Xiuyan's heart was pounding, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

   No matter what the result is, she has to give it a try. How can she be willing if she doesn't give it a try?

   She didn't know why Rong Xiu'er was in Prince Yong's mansion, nor why Da Furen Shen expelled her from her division—maybe, she was jealous, right?

   That shows that Rong Xiu'er's medical skills are really exquisite and not under Mrs. Shen's, that's even better!

  Otherwise, how could His Royal Highness King Yong quietly leave her in the mansion?

  Lu Xiuyan was even more excited.

   She lowered her head and sat there, not daring to move for a while.

   Since His Royal Highness Prince Yong quietly kept Rong Xiuer in the palace of Prince Yong, he would definitely not let anyone know.

  I think so too, Rong Xiuer has excellent medical skills, and she was expelled from the school by Mrs. Shen. If the news left by His Royal Highness Prince Yong spreads, it will not look good.

   So she can't be recognized at the moment. Although the two guards may not recognize her, but there is nothing wrong with being careful, right?

  Lu Xiuyan waited patiently, waiting for the two guards of Prince Yong's residence to leave for almost half an hour before she set off.

   If she doesn't go, the wet nurse and the coachman have no choice but to go! I wish she stayed in this town for two days, so that the people in Tai'anbo's mansion would catch up, so they wouldn't rush her.

  What the nanny and the driver didn't expect was that their second lady didn't know what was wrong, so she wasn't crazy anymore! He even ordered to return to the capital!

   Although the two of them don't know what's going on, they must be overjoyed!

   The two of them didn't dare to ask anything, and they didn't even dare to show a happy look on their faces, they just turned around and went back to Beijing right away!

   I'm afraid what if the second miss goes back on her whim after a while?

  Lu Xiuyan is very sensitive now, just looking at the expressions of these two people can tell what they are thinking, but she is too lazy to say. She can figure it out on her own.

   The speed driver who left Beijing was fishing for fish, and it was slow, but it was different when he returned to Beijing now, and he wanted to fly.

   It took less than three days for the five-day trip out of Beijing to return to Beijing.

  Before entering the capital, Lu Xiuyan told them the excuse of Tianxinan in a leisurely manner, and everyone gave a good confession.

   How could the nanny and the driver not be happy? And I was greatly relieved, please rest assured, Second Miss!

   Don't dare to say this, otherwise, can Uncle and Madam forgive them?

   The two of them understood this in their hearts. No wonder, no one in the uncle's mansion has been chasing after him.

  Just like this, Lu Xiuyan left the mansion and returned to the mansion. Everyone in the mansion didn't get any news, she just thought she really went to Tianxin Nunnery to pray for Lu Zhifeng.

   Xiao Jingyu's people respectfully replied, Xiao Jingyu sneered and waited to watch the play.

  Perhaps having had the experience of not inviting Da Furen Shen, Lu Xiuyan went straight to Prince Yong's mansion without any impulse.

   (end of this chapter)

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