Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 826: Those two unworthy sons know, that's not bad

  Chapter 826 Those two unworthy sons know, that's not bad

   But in these cases, he is absolutely impossible to say!

   He still can't trust anyone, even if these two people are already the people he has to trust more than others, he doesn't dare to trust them completely.

  If they knew about it, they would not dare to say it openly, but who can guarantee that they would not say it to anyone in private?

   If his two unworthy sons knew about it, would that be great?

The court judge and Mrs. Shen were in front of Emperor Tianyao's sick bed, discussing the prescription of medicines and how to recuperate in the future. After a short while, an agreement was reached, and the court judge carefully explained the final result. Listen to Emperor Tianyao.

  Emperor Tianyao listened expressionlessly, nodded slightly from time to time, and also asked some layman's questions that would make doctors laugh and cry.

  The court judge always explained to Emperor Tianyao respectfully and patiently, until he could finally understand and accept it.

  Emperor Tianyao accepted it, but neither the court judge nor Madam Shen thought that Emperor Tianyao would give them such a task in the end!

"For the past two years, I have been feeling weak and lacking in energy and blood, but I can't afford to delay the affairs of the state. As a monarch, who cares if I don't? Even if I want to rest in peace, I can't! I want to let Yong King and King Qi share their worries, but they are still young and haven't done anything, so I don't worry about it. I have to do it myself!"

   "There are so many things to do, and my body can't bear it. You two are the leaders of the imperial hospital, so I can only entrust the two of you with my dragon body."

"Shen Aiqing, I know that you like to study all kinds of medicinal herbs and recipes on weekdays, and you also have a lot of rare medicinal herbs in your collection. You will discuss with Court Judge Zhang, and come up with a recipe that nourishes qi and blood and fills the gap in your body, and refines it. Some pills, I'll try it and see if it works or not."

"If you need any medicinal materials, just tell Director Lu, he will order people to find them for you! I will also send people out to various places to secretly search for any hidden famous doctors in the people, and then I will invite them to the capital together and give them to you two. Strike."

"I only told the two of you about this matter, and only Director Lu knows about it. I don't want this matter to be spread and let others know. If you want something from the top, you will do what you want. I don't want to see such a thing. In this case, labor and wealth hurt the people.”

   "Have you all remembered?"

   Mrs. Shen and Court Judge Zhang secretly complained in their hearts, the emperor really forcibly sent them a big bad job!

   Refining medicine for the emperor, is this kind of thing easy to handle?

   Besides, they knew clearly in their hearts that the emperor's body, he himself was reluctant to let go of power to rest quietly, and delusionally relied on drugs to fill it up, how could it be possible?

  How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!

  But the two of them didn't dare to refuse, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

Emperor Tianyao was a little satisfied, waved his hands and ordered the two to stand up, two smiles appeared on the thin, pale, lifeless faces, "I believe that you will be able to handle this matter well, it will be limited to half a year, within half a year. , I want to see a certain result. Don't be too nervous, as long as you do your best, I will understand!"

   Mrs. Shen: "."

   Zhang Court sentenced: "."

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

   "Okay, kneel down." Emperor Tianyao nodded and screened the two.

   He also instructed Eunuch Lu to bring two jade Ruyi handles and give them to each of them separately.

   Mrs. Shen and Zhang Yuan sentenced each to hold the jade Ruyi, and it was so heavy that it made one's heart sullen.

   (end of this chapter)

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