Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 829: the sky is falling

   Chapter 829 The sky is falling

  Rong Xiuer also tried to forcibly hold her respect: "His Royal Highness, I—"

"Shut up!" Xiao Jinghuai interrupted her roughly, and sneered: "From now on, you can do whatever this king asks you to do, you listen to this king, this king will let you go and spare your life, otherwise, this king will spare your life. The king will kill you now. No, this king will definitely tell you that life is better than death and try all kinds of means! This king promises that Xiao Jingye will never be able to save you from this king. Besides, what are you? It is worth his waste. Strength?"

  Rong Xiuer's face was instantly pale, and she looked at Xiao Jinghuai in horror

   Xiao Jinghuai sneered and sneered, his sword eyebrows raised and scolded: "Take her down!"

   Xiao Jinghuai hurriedly entered the palace and went straight to Kunning Palace, where Queen Fu lived.

  Empress Fu was a little surprised when she saw that his face was not right, she hurriedly backed away and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Why is his face so ugly? Could it be that the sky is falling down!"

  Empress Fu didn't expect that her words would come true, Xiao Jinghuai smiled bitterly, and knelt down on the spot: "Mother, the innocence has fallen! Mother, it is the son who is unfilial, the son has implicated you, and the son is sorry for you!"

   "This is—" Queen Fu's pupils shrank and her face changed slightly.

   However, even at this time, she still didn't feel that much happened.

  Xiao Jinghuai's face was ugly, shame, resentment, resentment, despair, fear. He had all kinds of emotions, he opened his mouth, but found that trying to explain things clearly was such a difficult thing!

   It was not easy for him to bluntly say the words almost word by word.

   As if every word had exhausted all his strength.

Every time Empress Fu heard a sentence, her heart sank an inch. After hearing that, she was so angry that she couldn't fight, she raised her hand and gave Xiao Jinghuai a loud slap, pointed at him and said with a trembling voice: "You, You are crazy! How dare you! How dare you! How dare you!"

   Queen Fu was dizzy for a while, her body swayed, she leaned over and sat on the chair weakly, her face pale.

Xiao Jinghuai couldn't feel the pain at all, looking at Empress Fu, she was lost and desperate, and she said with decisive madness: "Mother, the matter has come to this point, there is no way for the son to turn back, and there is no way to go back. The mother, the son can only go back. If you can move forward, beg your mother and make it happen!"

   Queen Fu choked and closed her eyes in pain.

   The pain in the internal organs and six viscera was unbearable.

   She never thought of taking the road of treason, never!

  But the mother and son are one, and the son has no future, of course she is the same.

   As soon as this incident broke out, it was absolutely impossible for me to sit down in the position of the queen, absolutely impossible!

  Into the cold palace, or simply give poisoned wine Bai Ling?

   But she doesn't want either!

   She could only go out with her son and take risks.

   Win, they have everything they have been after; if they lose

   No, can't think about this! They must do it, and, must win!

   Queen Fu exhaled fiercely and made up her mind instantly.

   She sat up straight and looked at Xiao Jinghuai: "Get up, let's discuss what to do next."

   There is not much time left for mother and son.

  The troops dispatched by Emperor Tianyao to Beijing will soon find out what happened and found Xiao Jinghuai.

   After the mother and son discussed it, they made their own arrangements and decided to start after one day.

   (end of this chapter)

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