Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 832: This guy is so selfish

   Chapter 832 This man is really selfish to the core

   Emperor Tianyao glared at Empress Fu with resentment, his cheek muscles twitched fiercely.

   This bitch! bitch!

Empress Fu was aggressive: "Your Majesty, don't you drink a toast or eat a fine drink, is there anything more important in this world than your life, the emperor? There is only one life, if it is gone, it is really gone. !"

  Tian Yaodi's breathing began to chirp again, his face flushed, his hands clenched into fists to cover his mouth and he coughed violently.

  Empress Fu pouted, her eyes looked contemptuous, she was so sick, she still wanted to occupy this position, and she still refused to establish the crown prince, hehe!

   This person is truly selfish to the core!

   After a while, Xiao Jinghuai really came in. Following him, in addition to two confidants, two very skilled bodyguards, and Rong Xiuer.

   It's not that he doesn't want to bring more people in, but that there are not many people under his command who can do such a big thing with complete confidence, and they are all sent out.

  The defense in the palace has to be captured and defended by them. How can they bring everyone around.

  Emperor Tianyao saw Xiao Jinghuai, his blood surged even more, and his eyes went black for a while, shouting: "Nizi!"

   Xiao Jinghuai sneered, "Father, don't delay time, if you don't write down the imperial edict of Zen, don't blame me for being rude!"

   He has been forced to this step, where is there any tenderness? Some are just hideous after tearing their faces!

   Things should be done sooner rather than later, and he must make a quick decision.

   After getting the decree of the Zen position, he still has a lot of things to do, arrange, and guard against.

   Emperor Tianyao simply closed his eyes.

   He couldn't believe it, this mother and son really dared to kill him!

Xiao Jinghuai sneered: "Father, what are you getting away with? Father, do you have time to be so naive! Rong Xiu'er, go and kill Eunuch Lu. Father, if you don't do anything, my son won't kill you, but it's indispensable. You are going to suffer!"

   "You dare!" Tian Yaodi was shocked and angry, his whole body went cold, he never expected Xiao Jinghuai to be so cold.

  Rong Xiu'er was trembling all over, and being reprimanded by Xiao Jinghuai, she had to bite the bullet and walk towards Eunuch Lu, who was tied into a zongzi, gagged and thrown by the side.

   Eunuch Lu was unable to speak, but his ears were not deaf, his eyes widened and his face full of terror, he struggled humbly.

  Rong Xiu'er trembled and took out a poisoned silver needle from her bosom, and her heart skipped a beat as Eunuch Lu's terrified and widened eyes watched, and her hands trembled uncontrollably.

   In the end, however, he closed his eyes and stabbed the poisonous needle into Eunuch Lu's neck.

   Eunuch Lu's throat uttered a series of dull gurgles, his body froze, and he slammed to the ground to death, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

  Rong Xiu'er's legs went weak and she fell to the ground, Hua Rong paled, clutching her chest and gasping for breath.

   Queen Fu's eyelids also jumped fiercely, her palms were slightly cold, and her face changed slightly. She glanced at Xiao Jinghuai, fell to the ground and said nothing.

   "You" Tian Yaodi was quite frightened, looked at Xiao Jinghuai in disbelief, and finally his face changed completely.

   His son is more ruthless than he expected!

   Xiao Jinghuai sneered, "Father, do you write this imperial edict, or not?"

He pointed at Rong Xiu'er and smiled again: "You have seen her, do you remember? She is Rong Xiu'er, the extremely talented apprentice of Imperial Physician Shen! Her medical skills are not under Imperial Physician Shen, and her use of poison is even more serious. Absolutely!"

   (end of this chapter)

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