Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 846: It would be better if he betrayed his relatives

   Chapter 846 It would be better if he betrayed his relatives

  Secondly, he rescued his daughter, which is also equivalent to showing the emperor his attitude and determination to draw a clear line with the Yong Palace.

  How to get this girl back is not an easy task.

   And this thing is quite urgent, can't wait. If the emperor's decree to deal with Prince Yong's mansion comes down, it will be too late.

   So Xu Shangshu bravely went to the palace to ask for peace for his daughter.

  Horizontal and vertical Xu Xin was not married to King Yong for a long time, and the two of them didn't even have a consummate marriage, so naturally there was no relationship. If Xu Shangshu were a little more shameless, he insisted that Xu Xin did not "really" marry Xiao Jinghuai.

  Emperor Tianyao was rather happy when he saw Xu Shangshu doing this, and he didn't blame him.

   That unworthy son, that bastard, it would be better if he betrayed his family!

   As long as he thought of that day when he stood in front of him, his grim smile, his condescending gaze, his disdainful attitude, and his cold words as sharp as a knife, Emperor Tianyao was so angry that he wanted to go crazy.

He always thought that he had the two grown sons in his hands, and that even if they were slightly dissatisfied with him and complained a little behind their back, they were respectful from the bottom of his heart for his father, and he never dared to have it. A little bit of disobedience.

   But in fact, this is not the case at all!

   This was a deadly blow to him, and he was also a little bit angry.

   Even now, he even has some doubts and fears towards Xiao Jingye.

  Xu Shangshu managed to get Xu Xin back overnight before Prince Yong's mansion was closed.

  Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't even want a dowry, and being able to escape with her life was already a blessing from God!

  The master and servants just packed up some delicate jewelry in a panic, and quickly fled from the Yong Palace.

Emperor Tianyao decreed that the palace was also carefully screened. The eunuchs in charge and the maids in charge were all those who were Queen Fu, and even those who had been a little closer to Queen Fu before, all suffered. After the disposal, the palace was filled with smog and panic.

  Emperor Tianyao had to temporarily give the phoenix seal to Concubine Yugui and ordered her to take care of the harem.

   He didn't want to, but this palace has been in such a chaotic situation that there is no way for a group of dragons without a leader. There must always be a concubine who will stand up and take charge.

   Concubine Yu has the highest status, and secondly, Xiao Jingye supervises the country. As Xiao Jingye's mother concubine, she is in charge of the six palaces.

   But Emperor Tianyao refused to hand over the harem to Concubine Yugui alone. Otherwise, wouldn't the harem of the former dynasty be taken advantage of by their mother and son?

Even if he refuses to admit it, he has to accept that his body is not as good as before, and there are many times when he can't do what he wants. If the former harem asked them to control their mother and son, who knows if they will become the second Queen Fu and Xiao Jinghuai. ?

   It's enough to have that bad thing happen once! Emperor Tianyao definitely doesn't want to do it again!

  Therefore, Emperor Tianyao summoned Concubine Yugui, and gave her a phoenix seal, and also gave a private seal to Concubine Li.

   "Everything in the harem will be discussed by the two of you from now on. All matters must be recorded in detail, and both the phoenix seal and the small seal must be pressed to be effective."

   In other words, it is not Yu Guifei who has the final say in matters of the harem.

   She and Concubine Li had to talk about it together.

   (end of this chapter)

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