Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 853: back to the palace

   Chapter 853 Return to the palace

   In this case, Shen Liangrong went home in a state of embarrassment, how could anyone accept her?

Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen San originally wanted to drive her away, but they heard the servants from the Shen family who brought Shen Liangrong back said that if she didn't take good care of this concubine Shen, she would talk nonsense outside. What do you want, I'm afraid it will affect the family?

   Old Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen San were startled.

I thought it wasn't right, just Shen Liangrong's temperament, and now she is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, maybe she will really go out and do something desperately, if she really wants to do this, she will suffer and be implicated in the end. Is it not your own home?

   You must not let her go out and cause trouble.

   Mrs. Shen was not polite to her, she locked her in the wing, and a large lock was locked. At least, before this turmoil in the capital was completely over, Shen Liangrong would not want to take a half step out of the wing.

  If the emperor refused to spare Princess Yong and Princess Side, they would definitely hand over Shen Liangrong as soon as possible.

   As for that girl Tinglan, of course, she was sent to do all kinds of rough jobs, how could she be kept by Shen Liangrong's side to serve and eat rice for nothing?

   Shen Liangrong is going crazy!

  This wing is dimly lit and cold, with nothing but a bed, a desk, and a wardrobe! The bedding and other things are very perfunctory, where does she live in the habit?

   Shen Liangrong was angry, of course, she wanted to block people, so she yelled every day, and in the small yard, more and more chickens and dogs jumped up.

   Xiao Jingyu heard that Shen Liangwei had returned to the palace from the Shen residence, said hello to Xiao Jingye, and went back to the residence first.

   They haven't been able to talk together properly for two or three days!

   In just two or three days, the sky above his head has almost changed.

  The world is impermanent.

   Xiao Jingyu called out with a smile, "Weier!" Shen Liangwei's heart softened as she walked over, feeling a little sad for no reason.

   "Your Highness!" Sitting in his arms, Shen Liangwei's voice was slightly choked up.

   Xiao Jingyu hugged her tightly, patted her back gently: "It's alright"

  Shen Liangwei gave a low "um" in a heavy nasal voice, raised her eyes and forced a smile: "We are all fine, that's fine. My mother is also fine, fortunately"

   "Mother-in-law is blessed and will be safe. After this catastrophe, she will live a hundred years in the future!"

   Xiao Jingyu also felt a little emotional, the last life and this life are really completely different. Even if some things seem to go around in a circle and still return to their original trajectory, they are not immutable.

He took Shen Liangwei's hand and sat down together, looked down at her, and said with a smile: "It's only two or three days after careful calculation, but this king seems to have not seen Wei'er for a long time! You are back today, Ben. Wang's heart always felt empty, as if something was wrong, but now it's safe."

  Shen Liangwei smiled "puchi" and gave him a charming glance.

   "Is your lord alright for the past two days? Is there any embarrassment for your lord in the palace?"

  Emperor Tianyao was only afraid that his suspicions would worsen after passing through this time, and Xiao Jingyu's identity was so special that a little carelessness would be irreversible.

Xiao Jingyu laughed lazily and said, "Don't worry, this king is doing well! Uncle Huang values ​​this king. Although there was an oral order to assist Xiao Jingye in supervising the country, this king is naturally not that ignorant person, so how can he block Xiao Jingye's great show? What about hands and feet? This king has nothing to do, just stand on the side and watch the fun!"

   (end of this chapter)

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