Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 865: That weird feeling is coming again

   Chapter 865 That weird feeling is coming again

   Walking around the palace is not a good thing.

  Especially the plum garden is in the northwest corner of the Imperial Garden. Although it is not a particularly remote place, it is definitely not conspicuous.

  After all, plum blossoms can only be admired in winter. They are inconspicuous on weekdays, and naturally they will not be planted in the lively part of the garden.

Shen Liangwei's answer was the same as not answering, because Concubine Li took her to the plum garden no matter how she answered, and said with a smile as she walked, "How about Concubine Zhan accompany this palace for a while? The scent of plum blossoms in the bottle is a little weak, and the colors are not too bright, so Ben Gong just went to fold a few more and bring them home."

  Shen Liangwei naturally couldn't refuse, her eyes flashed, and she said yes with a smile.

   Concubine Li smiled, glanced at her, and said with emotion: "Princess Zhan is really good-natured and has a gentle and gentle temperament. At first glance, she is virtuous, virtuous and considerate. No wonder His Royal Highness Zhan Wang likes it!"

   That weird feeling came again.

   Shen Liangwei thought to herself, is she too sensitive because she cares too much about the prince?

  Shen Liangwei smiled, only said "Li Fei Niangniang praised!" and gave up.

   However, Concubine Li refused to give up. The left and right sentences were all about Shen Liangwei's marriage to Xiao Jingyu, and every sentence revolved around the War Palace.

   This made Shen Liangwei secretly vigilant: Could it be that this is not what Concubine Li meant, but what the emperor meant?

  Although the emperor re-used the prince on the surface, in his heart, he was still suspicious of the prince, and because of this, he let Concubine Li attack him from the side?

Thinking of this, Shen Liangwei immediately worked up her energy to deal with Concubine Li, either being vague or pretending to be deaf and dumb, and she couldn't get through it, so she simply said one or two sentences, just this or two, carefully. Come to think of it, it has no actual content.

   Concubine Li didn't notice it at first, but soon realized it.

   I felt a little unhappy in my heart.

   She asked Shen Liangwei what happened?

   And the good intentions of making friends in her words, haven't Shen Liangwei heard it yet?

   His Royal Highness the King of War cooperates with him, and he will not lose him!

   Think about it, if Xiao Jingye inherits the throne, will His Royal Highness King Zhan be named Regent? I'm afraid that the first one to get rid of is him!

   His own son is different.

  Isn't it worth his approach? ?

   Besides, he was originally sent to the palace by him, and he was originally his own.

   The hateful prince is ruthless and ruthless. He took a big risk and finally sent the secret letter out of the palace and sent it to him, but there was no news at all.

   Now that Concubine Yugui is fighting with her endlessly, she is also staring at herself. She has been operating in the palace for so many years, who knows who is hers?

   Now she doesn't dare to send letters outside easily, otherwise, if she is caught by Yu Guifei, she will die.

   If the lord is interested, he will naturally understand that it is inconvenient for him to contact him directly, but Shen Liangwei can.

   With his ability, he still can't handle a Shen Liangwei?

   But why does Shen Liangwei seem to know nothing.

   Concubine Li couldn't help being a little irritable.

   The group came to the Meiyuan, and two palace maids hurriedly stepped forward to greet them. These two palace maids were the people who waited by Li Fei's side: Lvyi and Lvfu.

When    Concubine Li saw them, she smiled and said, "Ben Gong actually forgot. It turned out that yesterday I told you to come and fold plum blossoms today. If you know, you won't come."

   (end of this chapter)

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