Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 867: She's even a little stuck

   Chapter 867 She was even a little blocked

   What's more troublesome is that Shen Liangwei doesn't know if this is Concubine Li's own intention or Tianyao Emperor's intention.

   Concubine Li gave it to someone. If she really didn't want it and insisted on rejecting it, Concubine Li had an ugly face, but she couldn't do anything about her!

   After all, Princess Zhan is also a princess. If you really want to be willful to make your temper, even Emperor Tianyao can't say anything.

   She, the princess of war, also has a pair of great parents!

   Shen Liangwei had several thoughts in her mind, but in the end she didn't say anything and accepted the green clothes.

Shen Liangwei thanked Concubine Li very sincerely: "My concubine is so grateful for her love. What the concubine said is that Luyi is considerate, smart, and diligent, and she is really good at serving people. I'm thinking, it would be great if someone as competent as Lvyi was there to serve her! Who would have thought that the empress would give her to the concubine! It can be seen that this is the fate of Lvyi and the concubine!"

   Shen Liangwei's sincere and satisfying remarks caused Concubine Li and Luyi to look at each other a bit.

  Lvyi looked at Concubine Li subconsciously, and there was a bit of surprise in her eyes.

   Concubine Li had an inexplicable feeling of punching in the air, and it was really unpleasant that she didn't exert herself.

   She was even a little blocked.

   I wondered if this Princess Zhan really didn’t understand or was it fake? Such a beautiful young girl in green clothes, her skin is white and greasy, and her fingers do not touch the spring water. Does she really think she is really a maid?

   Could it be that the mansion of the King of War was so poor that he could not afford a maid?

   She rewarded people, of course, to serve the King of War.

   As long as the green clothes are favored, it is a secret channel for communication between himself and the King of War.

  Shen Liangwei entered the palace to greet her, and she was done with green clothes.

   But what does Shen Liangwei mean?

   Shen Liangwei's eyes swept a little, and she could see the expressions of the two, and immediately understood what Concubine Li meant.

Naturally, she would not give Concubine Li a chance to change her mind, so she immediately got up in green clothes with a smile, "Wait a while when Chunying comes, don't forget to say hello to her, Chunying is the first-class girl by my side, of course, You are a gift from Concubine Li, and naturally you are also a first-class example. But Chunying comes first, so you can call her sister! If there is anything you don’t understand, just ask her and ask her for advice.”

   "The maid by my side doesn't do much work, so she won't hurt you. You can just be as meticulous and thoughtful as you are today!"

  Green: "."

   The face in green clothes is turning green, and he has to grit his teeth.

   Concubine Li opened her mouth, she just said that she would be a maid, but it was not easy to change her words immediately, so she smiled and told Luyi to stop.

  Lu Yi also calmed down, and when he entered the palace of the war king, why couldn't he get close to the prince? As long as she gets close to the prince, she doesn't believe that she won't get a little favor.

   When the time comes, he will naturally serve for Concubine Li.

   In the future, Concubine Li's wish will be fulfilled, and she will naturally rise.

   Niangniang has promised that a prince's side concubine will definitely not be able to escape her in the future. If you are lucky, your own children will be able to become nobles.

   I have to say, Concubine Li painted a big cake, and Lu Yi yearned for it, so she was convinced.

   Shen Liangwei was naturally not at all panic.

   What is she afraid of? The lord won't give Luyi a second look.

   She also wanted to see if this person was sent by Concubine Li, or whether it was the emperor's will. There are two natural solutions for two people.

   But no matter which kind, when people come to the house, it is much easier to deal with.

   (end of this chapter)

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