Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 872: Concubine Li's heart turned upside down

   Chapter 872 Concubine Li's heart is overturned

   She was not worthy of the prince in the past, but now, she is also the biological mother of a distinguished prince!

   She thought that Xiao Jingyu must pay more attention to her than before, and thought that he would agree without hesitation as soon as she offered to cooperate.

  I don’t want to send my letter without response.

   Today, she wants to send the green clothes to him, so why not try it again.

   As long as he accepts this person, it means that he agrees to cooperate with himself, that he is still different in his heart.

   But he refused!

   still refuses to give her face to keep her from coming down the stage!

   How could Concubine Li not be upset and angry?

   Seeing him treat Shen Liangwei like this again, Concubine Li felt a sense of jealousy and hatred in her heart for no reason. It must be the second young lady of the Shen family, and she must be the one who made trouble.

   Green clothes was dumbfounded.

  Stand there stupidly, bewildered, watching everyone leave, not knowing whether to follow or stay in place.

In the Xinhua Hall, the preparations for the banquet are almost ready. The hall is decorated with luxurious and elegant decorations. The embroidery items such as splendid hangings, flower clusters, carpets and curtains have been applied to the extreme. Emperor Tianyao liked this very much. Such gorgeous and bright scenes, it seems that the older and weaker you are, the more you want to "rush" through these gorgeous things to get rid of bad luck.

   Concubine Yu and other concubines who are eligible to attend, Xiao Jingye, and members of the royal family who have been invited have all arrived. The emperor arrived, and everyone knelt down and greeted them.

   Seeing Concubine Li beside Tianyao Emperor, everyone didn't feel that it was very strange. After all, the emperor loved the little prince very much. Concubine Li was rising and the limelight was rising. This is now known to everyone.

   But seeing that His Royal Highness the King of War and his wife were also accompanying him, everyone's expressions became a little subtle.

  The clan secretly exchanged glances with each other, and the eyes of the concubines fell on Yu Guifei intentionally or unintentionally.

  Emperor Tian Yaodi was in a very good spirit. He laughed loudly and ordered everyone to "get flat!" After they were seated, they also ordered everyone to take their seats.

   After a few opening remarks, dancing and music began, and the little ladies in the crowd served food and wine like water.

   Seeing that Emperor Tianyao was in good spirits, everyone felt relieved.

  Especially the clans and concubines, of course they all look forward to Emperor Tianyao's longevity. After all, with the emperor and the courtiers, who knows what will happen to His Royal Highness King Qi after he takes the throne?

  All changes are subject to great uncertainty and risk. For everyone, of course, it is more beneficial to maintain the status quo.

  Therefore, the imperial clan and the concubines sincerely expressed their blessings to Emperor Tianyao and toasted him.

  Emperor Tianyao's body naturally cannot drink alcohol, but it does not hinder the enthusiasm of everyone!

   Everyone toasted and drank it all in one gulp, Tian Yaodi just had to watch it.

   Seeing this situation, Emperor Tianyao was overjoyed!

   was very happy.

   Concubine Yu and Xiao Jingye's mother and son had some needles on their backs.

  Although the mother and son also followed the crowd and stood up to compliment and toast, but some things are sincere to others, and it is hard to say whether they will be sincere when they come to be others.

   All in all, the mother and son were calm and composed, but there were still strange, inquiring eyes that surreptitiously fell on them.

   The two of them couldn't be more aggrieved!

   But this kind of grievance can't be expressed, and even the performance can't show the slightest!

   (end of this chapter)

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