Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 878: she thinks beautiful

   Chapter 878 She wants to be beautiful

   "The little prince has to be taught by the emperor himself, so he must be smart and clever. The emperor made arrangements for him to pave the way and ordered the old ministers to assist him. He may not be able to sit firmly in this country. I really didn't expect that Concubine Li is a blessed person!"

   Concubine Jade: "."

   Imperial Concubine Yu was so angry that she could barely breathe, so angry that she was speechless.

   She never knew that the elegant and dignified Queen Fu, who spoke softly and smiled, never slowed down, had such a mean time in her mouth!

   This bitch! She did it on purpose, she did it on purpose, she didn't want to see her own good, and deliberately stabbed a knife in her heart.

   If you were angry with her, wouldn't she have fulfilled her wishes?

   She thinks beautifully!

   How could she have been caught in a few words by her?

Concubine Yu Gui's complexion gradually recovered, she raised her eyebrows and hummed, "You only have so much ability left now! You are not even Ben Gong's opponent, what is that little **** of Concubine Li? I saw through it, and to put it bluntly, you are just a clown jumping on the beam!"

   "You stay in this cold palace, open your eyes to let this palace see clearly, the last laugh, it must be this palace!"

   Queen Fu sneered, "I'll wait to see the end."

   As for whether the final winner is you, I don't know.

Concubine Yu Gui glared at her angrily and glanced at the dilapidated palace, feeling better at last: "I didn't expect that one day our empress who was so high in the past would fall to such a level! This is really life. Impermanence! Oh, if you don't die, you won't die, who told you to do it yourself? But, I really want to thank you!"

"Oh, yes, there is also the former Prince Yong! If it wasn't for the success of your mother and son, the palace would not be as beautiful as it is today! I heard that the former Prince Yong was imprisoned in the Zongren's Mansion. It's really miserable when you think about it, you mother and son are really miserable one by one!"

"Why don't you——" Yu Guifei raised her hand to support the phoenix head and hairpin on her temples, her red lips drew a charming and cruel smile: "How about you kneel down and kowtow to this palace and beg for mercy? If you do it well, maybe in the future Gong Hui will show mercy, and change a better place for His Royal Highness King Yong?"

  Empress Fu's cheek muscles twitched fiercely, her palms clenched tightly, this bitch!

   Jinghuai, Jinghuai.

   She closed her eyes and stopped looking at Concubine Yugui.

Seeing that she had finally made a comeback, Concubine Yugui laughed, coldly instructing the old servant in the cold palace: "Don't allow her to eat tomorrow, and don't give her anything! Take care of her on weekdays, as long as there is one left. Just breath!"

  The old servant girl's eyes were dull, she bowed and said "Yes!".

   Concubine Yu then left with a sneer.

  In the dark night, Queen Fu opened her eyes, her eyes were cold and sharp, full of madness.

   "Go ahead and do it before New Year's Eve."

   "Yes, Master."

   Queen Fu smiled mockingly, closed her eyes, slowly relaxed her body, and leaned against the corner.

What if    is miserable? She can still make some people die.

   She knew that Concubine Yugui would come sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to come so quickly. It seems that her life is not ordinary.

   It's no wonder that the emperor is the most ruthless, selfish and suspicious person, how can he let Yu Guifei and Xiao Jingye's family dominate?

  If the emperor lived a few more years, their mother and son would definitely not have a good outcome!

   (end of this chapter)

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