Chapter 885 Deception

  So, she can say whatever she wants now, and Shen Liangwei has no way of doubting it.

  Although Xiao Jingyu rejected her that day, she was also angry at the time, but after calming down, she was reluctant to just give up!

   Even if Xiao Jingyu doesn't look down on her, he won't have any personal relationship with her in the future, but if his power can be used by him, if he is willing to support his mother and son, then his chances of winning are of course better!

   Don't look at her now provoking Yu Guifei everywhere and vying with Yu Guifei everywhere, but in fact, in terms of foundation and strength, she is far worse than Yu Guifei!

   More importantly, even if the emperor spoils her son, her son is too young!

  The King of Qi Xiao Jingye is already married. If Princess Qi gives birth to a son next year, the emperor may not like his son the most, but his eldest grandson.

   So how could Li Fei not be in a hurry?

   But, she is a harem woman. Although she has bought some people in the harem now, she is only good-looking and beautiful!

   In fact, her strength did not increase in any way.

  Because these people are all grass on the wall, the kind that falls to the side where the wind blows.

Now relying on her is just to get some benefits, and it is even more ugly. Many people here want to curry favor with Yu Guifei, or they have offended Yu Guifei intentionally or unintentionally. .

  Once she loses power, it’s even better if they don’t fall into the trap, and it’s absolutely impossible for them to help her.

   It's not that she doesn't want to win over the courtiers, but she must have that chance!

   She suddenly realized that the only chance she could see was Xiao Jingyu.

   As long as Xiao Jingyu is willing to help her, the connections and forces involved in the relationship between the War Palace, the Northwest Army, the Shen family, and the Shen family will be incredible.

   As long as she wins Xiao Jingyu, it can even be said that she will immediately have the ability to truly compete with Yu Guifei's mother and son!

   Thinking like this, how could Li Fei not be hot?

   How can you let Xiao Jingyu go so easily?

   At Xiao Jingyu's place, she would find a chance to contact him again, but she didn't believe it, she couldn't impress him.

   After all, cooperating with himself is much better for him than watching Xiao Jingye come to the top! The reason why he refused to nod his head might be because he wanted to take Joe on purpose to show his importance.

  Or, dissatisfied with the chips.

  It doesn't matter, the conditions are good, we can talk about it slowly, it's always good for both parties to be satisfied.

   As for the former, Concubine Li felt that she could also afford it

   I haven't had a chance to talk to Xiao Jingyu yet, and a few more words with Shen Liangwei, the princess of war, may be useful.

  Shen Liangwei blinked and said to Concubine Li with a serious face: "I don't know what Niangniang said, and I don't really understand it. This is the matter of the lord. Niangniang might as well talk to him in detail when you have free time."

  Concubine Li saw that Shen Liangwei was so "virtuous", and when she heard her ambiguous remarks and Xiao Jingyu's past, she had no other reaction at all. She felt a little contemptuous in her heart, so she felt that her words were not too inappropriate.

   With such a temper, it is really impossible to be the master of the King of War!

   And the King of War would not tell her about him even if he wanted to come!

   However, there is no harm in pulling this person together.

   Concubine Li smiled kindly and said, "Princess Princess is too arrogant! You are Princess Zhan, no one else can control the affairs of the lord, and the princess is just right!"

   (end of this chapter)

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