Chapter 887 Murder

   "You—" Concubine Li was so angry that she didn't dare to order someone to forcibly stop her.

   After all, she is the princess of war!

   And this is not her territory, maybe someone from Jade Concubine is watching secretly. If she made a little mistake and Yu Guifei was caught, Yu Guifei would never spare her.

   Besides, who doesn't know that His Royal Highness the King of War protects him? If His Royal Highness Zhan Wang knew that she was in trouble for Shen Liangwei in the palace, don't care what he thought about Shen Liangwei, as long as Shen Liangwei stared at Princess Zhan's name, he would definitely take care of her!

   Concubine Li secretly hated and could only watch Shen Liangwei leave.

   However, she will not stop there!

   Concubine Yu had always sent people to stare at Concubine Li, and naturally she soon learned that Concubine Li had deliberately left Shen Liangwei to speak.

  Although I don't know what the two of them said, I can guess it without asking Concubine Yugui.

   That **** must be trying to win over Shen Liangwei with rhetoric.

   Hehe, don't even look at how much you have!

   Besides, the King of War has long since formed an alliance with her son, and what happened to her concubine Li!

   It's just that Concubine Li's behavior gave Concubine Yugui one more reason to destroy her as soon as possible. This woman, she was becoming more and more intolerable.

  In the Qianqing Palace, after the great congratulations, Emperor Tianyao also left Xiao Jingye to talk to Xiao Jingyu.

   To Xiao Jingye, he taught him like a loving father. It seemed that the father was kind and filial to the son, as if he was happy.

  But it's hard to say what the father and son think in their hearts.

   After Xiao Jingye left respectfully, Emperor Tianyao said to Xiao Jingyu unhurriedly, "I heard that you took your princess to the Shen family to spend the New Year's Eve vigil last night?"

   Emperor Tianyao would know about this, Xiao Jingyu was not surprised at all.

  Whether he knew it or not, he was not surprised.

   "Yeah," Xiao Jingyu smiled, "there are few people in the house, it was too boring, so I went out and walked around at will, suddenly remembered the Shen family, and simply went over."

   He answered so frankly that Emperor Tianyao choked, but he didn't know what to say.

   Fang glared at him for a while and reprimanded him lightly: "Nonsense! How can the New Year's Eve go back to the parents-in-law's house with the princess? This is not in line with the rules. In the future, we can't be so ignorant and let people gossip for nothing!"

   Xiao Jingyu sneered in his heart, why does his uncle really care about whether he is in compliance with the rules?

   In the end, he reused himself, but still guarded himself.

  Xiao Jingyu couldn't help but think of Wei'er's feelings when he and Wei'er talked about these things in private, isn't it tiring to live like an emperor?

   No one can make him trust, no one can let him not be wary.

   Even if your body is so bad, even if you are old, you are still working hard to balance power!

   What he stole, is he still guilty?

  Because of his guilty conscience, he was afraid. The more afraid he was, the more he wanted to hold the grabbed thing tightly in his hand. No one would give it or believe it.

"Since the uncle said so, the nephew will write it down," Xiao Jingyu smiled, and answered without hesitation, and said with a smile, "It's better if it's a festival in the future, nephew and princess Enter the palace to be lively and lively! Nephew's mansion is really boring!"

   (end of this chapter)

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