Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 893: two-bedroom three-bedroom

   Chapter 893 Two bedrooms and three bedrooms

  Nowadays, Shen Liangwei feels that she can still hold the banner and bully others.

  The title of Princess Zhan is not for nothing, and you don't need to be polite when the majesty of Zhan Wangfu should be shaken.

Mrs. Shen didn't care about the mocking, and smiled at Shen Liangwei: "This year, you are very honest. Your father and I have been polite to us when we gave New Year gifts. You can rest assured that Shen Liangrong is here. Nian, there will definitely not be any waves over there!"

  Shen Liangwei was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, and couldn't help laughing: "That's good, I'm relieved!"

   Shen Liangrong is the concubine of King Yong, and she was quite favored at one time!

   However, King Yong is always trying to rebel against the palace. Shen Liangrong, the concubine of King Yong, can you please him?

  Although the emperor was kind enough to let the Xu family take back Princess Yong, who had not yet been married to King Yong, Shen Liangrong also secretly made a decision to escape from the palace of King Yong and returned to the Shen family.

   But, it would be strange if she didn't worry about it!

   What if? What if the emperor suddenly thinks of this in a rage one day? Who knows what will happen!

   Not only Shen Liangrong was worried, but the old lady Shen and the second and third bedrooms of the Shen family were also worried.

   Mrs. Shen, in particular, was even more than once noisy and dissatisfied, urging Shen Liangrong to go to the village outside the city, not allowing her to live at home, so as not to affect others.

   Old Mrs. Shen also had the idea of ​​sending Shen Liangrong to the big room to take refuge—of course, Mrs. Shen did not agree, and Shen Liangrong was sent back before she could enter the gate of the Shen residence.

  Although Mrs. Shen was once cold-hearted towards this daughter, Shen Hongqi has long since disappeared, and there is almost no possibility of coming back in this life. Shen Liangrong is her only daughter, how can she bear to really ignore it?

   Even for her own future, she has to take care of it!

  Shen Liangrong looks good, and once was the concubine of King Yong, and she has a lot of knowledge. After the new emperor ascends the throne and the matter of King Yong is completely over, maybe she can marry a good family.

   King Yong is dead, and there will be no threat to the new emperor, so of course the new emperor will not be able to embarrass the former concubine of King Yong like Shen Liangrong again.

   Otherwise, besides Shen Liangrong, who else can she rely on in the future?

   Is it possible to rely on the husband who has long since separated from him, but now he is dedicated to cultivating the young concubines and trying to make another son?

  It was also because of Second Lady Shen's firm opposition that she had a quarrel with Third Lady Shen's sister-in-law, and Shen Liangrong was staying at home after all.

   Although, the whole family is like a bird in shock.

   In this situation, no one over there would dare to provoke the big house easily.

If this happens because of King Yong's affairs and something is involved, I can ask the big room to ask for mercy and talk, but if it offends people to death, the big room will not only not help, but also push a If you take a kick, then you won't know how to die if you die!

  Because of this little scruples, it is rare for the Shen family's big house to find peace.

  Shen Liangwei was not interested in the reason, as long as she knew that her parents were peaceful and happy, and that nothing bad came to her, she would be satisfied.

   Not long after lunch at her mother's house, Shen Liangwei and Xiao Jingyu said goodbye and left.

   Xiao Jingyu accompanied Shen Liangwei back to the room to talk for a while, then went to the study.

   (end of this chapter)

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