Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 910: It had nothing to do with them

   Chapter 910 This matter has nothing to do with them originally

"Is this court verdict reliable? Ben Gong sees that he is getting old and confused, right? Why is it not good! Ben Gong doesn't want her to read it, go to Qianqing Palace and say, Ben Gong wants Imperial Physician Shen to come! "

   In the end, it was her appearance that was more important than anything else, and Concubine Yugui finally couldn't stand it anymore, so she still had to ask Da Furen Shen to show her face.

   The big drama of Concubine Yu and Concubine Li started with the little prince and ended with the little prince. Who in the capital city doesn't know?

When the news of the little prince's disappearance spread outside the palace, both Mu Jin and Xiao Jingyu were taken aback. Then, the two of them felt their own emotions.

   They both knew that there was no little prince in the last life!

   Although there is a little prince in this life, but in the end the little prince was not able to keep it, maybe this is God's will.

   This has nothing to do with them.

   The battle between Concubine Li and Concubine Yugui escalated and became extreme because of this matter. It is not surprising that you will live and die.

   For Concubine Li, at this point, where does she have any scruples?

   Anyway, if she didn't do anything, Concubine Yugui might not have spared her.

   However, Concubine Yu Gui wanted to invite Da Furen Shen to the palace to see her, but Shen Liangwei was taken aback.

   Xiao Jingyu heard the news and quickly told Shen Liangwei. Shen Liangwei was worried about her mother and hurried back to Shen's house.

   happened to catch up, so I couldn't help but agree to accompany Da Furen Shen to the palace.

   Concubine Yu was in such a calamity, and it was justifiable for her, the Princess Zhan, to go to ask Ann to take care of her.

   Concubine Yugui is not sure what kind of anger she is in now. With the fact that the family is dominant, she is even more arrogant and unscrupulous. If her mother is helpless and expresses her inability to do anything, who knows if Concubine Yugui will do anything extreme?

  Emperor Tianyao's body was declining, and Concubine Yugui's arrogance was much more powerful than before.

   Shen Liangwei is really worried!

  Although, Mrs. Shen herself had nothing to worry about, she smiled and reassured Shen Liangwei, trying to dissuade Shen Liangwei from accompanying her into the palace, but Shen Liangwei insisted.

  The little **** who came to pick up the people from Ripple Palace didn't dare to stop Princess Zhan, and he didn't think it was necessary to stop them, but urged them to leave quickly.

   Mrs. Shen smiled and sighed helplessly, so she had to give up.

In the Ripple Palace, Concubine Yugui saw that Shen Liangwei was also coming, and after a little thought, she understood why she followed, and she glanced at Shen Liangwei unhappily, and said with a half-smile, "Princess Zhan is really filial, Imperial Physician Shen, you You have a good girl!"

   Mrs. Shen felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this. She always protects her shortcomings, so how could she be willing to let someone speak plainly to her daughter?

   No concubine either!

   Besides, her daughter came to the palace this time to accompany her, not to worry about her.

   Mrs. Shen smiled and said, "Weichen's daughter has always been extremely filial, and Weichen does have a good daughter! Weichen has always believed that this is the greatest blessing of Weichen!"

   Shen Liangwei's heart warmed, "Mother, you praising me like this in front of the imperial concubine, it makes me a little embarrassed!"

   Mrs. Shen: "Silly girl, the noble concubine also praises you like this, what's so embarrassing!"

   The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled.

   Concubine Yu Guifei's cheek muscles twitched, feeling a little annoyed and aggrieved.

   I can't tell why I feel this way, but I just feel a little unhappy.

   Perhaps subconsciously, she felt that since King Zhan had already taken refuge with her son, he was someone under her son's hands. Shen Liangwei, Princess Zhan, should naturally regard herself as her master.

   (end of this chapter)

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