Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 934: How could he allow

   Chapter 934 How can he allow

   Xiao Jingyu smiled slightly, "The emperor will definitely show up."

   Xiao Jingye was taken aback: "Why?"

Xiao Jingyu said with a smile: "Because, the emperor not only has to show his face, but also shows up as if nothing happened, so that the courtiers and nobles will believe that the emperor's dragon is safe - isn't this what the emperor cares most about now? So, such a good opportunity, The emperor will definitely show up."

Xiao Jingye nodded slowly, not knowing whether he was sneering or sneering lightly: "Cousin is right, the royal father will definitely show up at that time, and he will show up very energetically, if anyone tells him not to show up, I'm afraid he will Who are you in a hurry with?"

   In a situation like that, what would it mean if he didn't show up?

Does    mean that his body is dying?

   How could he allow it!

  This is what he is most concerned about and most afraid of now.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Emperor Tianyao has even begun to prepare for the grand event that day, and ordered Zhang Yuanjing and Mrs. Shen to take care of his body and ensure that he can attend the event smoothly at that time, and He wants to stay the whole process.

  Yuan Zhang and Mrs. Shen were going crazy.

  Xiao Jingye is full of confidence, excited and looking forward to it. After discussing with Xiao Jingyu, he is very satisfied.

   He seemed to see his own bright future

When the two were about to part, Xiao Jingye suddenly stopped Xiao Jingyu and said with a smile: "By the way, this king almost forgot one thing. The eldest lady of the Lu family in Tai'an's house, but the sister-in-law is covering Lijing? This matter? Son, is there any misunderstanding?"

   Xiao Jingyu raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled, why Xiao Jingye suddenly cared about this.

   Xiao Jingye smiled and raised his voice to call, "Go, call the second Miss Lu family."

   "Yes, my lord!"

   After a while, Xiao Jingye's entourage led a young girl over.

  The girl was wearing a dress with embroidered lotus flowers in lilac, with a slim figure and a pretty face. Her eyes were sparkling and sparkling, and she looked very energetic.

   "My ministers and daughters have seen His Royal Highness King Qi and King Zhan!"

   Xiao Jingyu knew her.

  Because Shen Liangwei had a good relationship with Lu Xiuxun of Tai'anbo mansion, Xiao Jingyu had to take a look at Tai'anbo, and he knew a little bit, so he wouldn't be ignorant when he met him.

   Isn't this Lu Xiuxun's half-sister Lu Xiuyan? When did she get involved with Xiao Jingye?

   It seems that Xiao Jingye is expected to succeed himself, and his popularity has risen a lot.

   Xiao Jingyu had no expression on his face: "What's wrong with Miss Lu Er?"

Lu Xiuyan first glanced at Xiao Jingye subconsciously, and then said softly, "Your Highness King Zhan, the minister's daughter just wants to know where the minister's sister has gone? The minister's sister has a marriage contract, and Princess Zhan will send her to her. Hiding it, this—isn't it right?"

"The minister and daughter also heard rumors from the outside that this matter is related to the eldest young master of the Shen family. As a fourth-rank general of the imperial court, how could the eldest young master of Shen do such a thing to seduce the young lady of the uncle? , our Tai'anbo Mansion still has to face!"

"The words of the minister may not be very pleasant, but it is true from the bottom of the heart. His Royal Highness Zhan Wang has always been fair and reasonable, and he would not blame the minister and daughter! If this matter is not resolved properly, it will also have a bad impact on the Zhan Wang Mansion. Don't your Royal Highnesses mind at all?"

   (end of this chapter)

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