Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 944: So, with this

   Chapter 944 So, there is such a story

Needless to say, Shen Hongxun is a arrogant, lofty and elegant genius on the face, as if he doesn't eat the fireworks of the world. In fact, there is really a limit to what is loyal to the monarch and disloyal to the monarch. If the monarch is not worthy of loyalty, he will not die. knock.

   Besides, he is not optimistic about Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye, and has long been involved with Xiao Jingyu. In all the things Xiao Jingyu does, there is no lack of his involvement.

   Master Shen and Shen Honglin, as long as they don't oppose the current emperor, they have no opinion. When You Qi learned that Concubine Yu Gui humiliated Mrs. Shen, both father and son were very annoyed.

   Concubine Jade is not the queen mother now, and even so, will it be good in the future?

   Instead of this, it is better to follow His Royal Highness War King, even if he resigns and retire in the future, at least you don't need to be angry.

   But in the current situation, it is impossible for Shen Honglin to take the initiative to leave the capital and return to the army. Emperor Tianyao will never agree. On the contrary, it is very likely that he will become suspicious after hearing such words.

   After all, he wasn't so at ease with the Shen family originally.

   Then, if Shen Honglin wants to leave the capital, he must use a special method.

   At this time, Lu Xiuxun asked for help, and Shen Honglin was asked by Princess Zhan to send her away from Beijing, which makes sense.

  If Emperor Tianyao sent someone to inquire secretly, Xiao Jingyu would have a way to make arrangements, so that his people would find out that Shen Honglin was indeed secretly sending Lu Xiuxun away from Beijing.

   So, there is such a thing.

  Lu Xiuxun wished to leave the capital early to see her eldest brother, so she nodded in agreement without hesitation.

  Although Shen Liangwei explained it clearly to her, she still felt a little bit sorry, and felt that it was too much trouble for the Shen family.

  With Shen Honglin's protection, Lu Xiuxun didn't need to worry about anything and left the capital very safely.

  Taian Bo Mansion did not give up, and has been sending his servants to watch the vicinity of the War King Mansion secretly.

  However, with just a few servants in Tai'anbo's mansion, how could it be possible to keep an eye on the people of the War King's Mansion? Naturally nothing was discovered by them.

   After Lu Xiuxun left Beijing safely, those people were still staring at the side sneakily, Xiao Jingyu couldn't bear it any longer, and ordered someone to grab it and beat him and throw it into a nearby alley.

   Those people cried and called their mothers to report back to the manor. Tai Anbo was angry and annoyed, but he didn't dare to send people over to watch.

  Lu Xiuyan hated so much in her heart, she felt that the Shen family was really deceiving!

   Not only did she watch her own brother's broken legs and deliberately turned a blind eye, but he also deliberately helped Lu Xiuxun escape from marriage, which was absolutely hateful.

  Lu Xiuxun, where can she escape? Even the parents don't want it, it's really shameless.

  Tai Amber was helpless, except for scolding angrily, "It's just like there is no such daughter!"

Mrs. Lu was not reconciled and said to Tai Anbo with a sneer: "Xun'er is confused for a while, and the child is playing with his temper. As the saying goes, it's hard to go out for a thousand days at home, and when she suffers outside, It's back of course!"

   "This marriage, might as well change the Geng Tie first and settle it down. When she comes back, it's not too late to discuss the matter of leaving the cabinet!"

Hearing Mrs. Lu's nonsense, Tai Anbo thought it was a really good marriage, and sneered: "She can't love her back, just like her, is she worthy of others? Such a good marriage is really a waste to her. Now, why don't you tell it to Yan'er!"

   These words almost scared Madam Lu to death!

   Mrs. Lu hurriedly laughed along: "Master, what are you talking about, Xiu'er has lost her mother, and if you don't find out about this marriage, it will be too wrong for her."

   (end of this chapter)

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