Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 950: too opinionated

   Chapter 950 Too self-righteous

   But she didn't expect that Xiao Jingyu was so calm that he never contacted her after learning the cause of his mother's death.

   As the days passed, Queen Fu became more and more anxious.

   Finally, in late April, Queen Fu finally got some news.

  Xiao Jingye. This courage is really bigger than the sky! Sitting on the fishing boat firmly, but also lack of people's hearts, good, very good!

   Queen Fu giggled and couldn't stop laughing, burning the note in her hand to ashes.

   smiled, and tears came out.

  Xiao Jingye's mother and son are ridiculous, so why is she and her son not ridiculous?

  In the beginning, it was not like taking such a stupid step!

   It can be seen that everyone is like this, too self-righteous!

   If you don’t really suffer from the pain, you will never realize your stupidity.

   Since Xiao Jingye's mother and son wanted to die so impatiently, she didn't mind helping them.

   It happened that her poor son had been in the prison of the Zongren Mansion for so long, and he was really wronged, and he should come out.

   In the blink of an eye, it was the Dragon Boat Festival in May.

   The Golden Lin Pool of Beiyuan Palace, which is silent most of the year, ushered in the annual highlight period.

  The Dragon Boat Race is held every year, and the Jinlin Pool is full of people and extremely lively.

  This year, of course, is no exception.

The five-storey Jinlin Building is built high on the north bank of Jinlin Pool. On the large and wide terrace, an exquisite red-embroidered Fu Lu Shou carpet has already been laid. Tian Yaodi sits on the high-end dragon chair, surrounded by accompanying people It is Yu Guifei, King Qi, King Zhan, and other favored princes and ministers.

  Others with lower identities or less favored by Emperor Tianyao were in a slightly farther position. Full of people everywhere.

The    Royal Forest Army was fully armed and guarded and patrolled everywhere, and the defense was impeccable.

  The palace maids and eunuchs walked around like butterflies, serving the hosts and guests who participated in the feast.

   The dragon boat teams participating in the competition have already assembled at the pier below the shore.

  There are so many people, even if one person speaks a word, the whole scene is unbelievably noisy, and the people coming and going are surging, which makes people's eyes dazzled after watching it for a long time.

   In this environment, it would not be surprising if something happened.

   In other words, this is a perfect situation for something to happen.

  No wonder, Xiao Jingyu only gave a few words of guidance, and Xiao Jingye made up his mind to do something today, and he was full of confidence!

   Today's banquet, Shen Liangwei also came.

  Originally, Xiao Jingyu didn't want her to come. He knew what would happen, and the scene would be in chaos. With so many people, who knows what could happen?

   He definitely won't be able to take care of her at that time - after all, the emperor was assassinated and His Royal Highness Prince Qi was injured when he blocked his sword. Once such a frightening event happened, as a prince, how could he still have time to do anything else?

   Of course you have to stay by the emperor's side!

   But Shen Liangwei was unwilling, she wanted to come.

   On days like this, Emperor Tianyao was worried about his own health. Zhang Yuanjing and Mrs. Shen would definitely be present, and Emperor Tianyao would never allow them to be absent—no matter what the reason.

  Shen Liangwei was worried about her mother. Although her mother was highly skilled in medicine and famous among courtiers and nobles, Concubine Yugui did not like her. Who knew what would happen then?

   (end of this chapter)

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