Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 952: day by day

   Chapter 952 Life is like a year

   Shen Liangrong has spent so long a luxurious and luxurious life in the Yong Palace, and she is very imposing. A sudden fall from the cloud into the mud is unbearable for anyone.

  The crisis is over, the more I look at the small yard and the noisy mother and aunt, the more I can't stand it.

   Live like a year.

   She had nowhere else to go but to find Shen Liangwei.

When she was the concubine of King Yong before, Shen Liangwei wanted to see her fight with Princess Yong, making trouble in Xiao Jinghuai's backyard, but she was quite willing to cooperate with her to play the role of sisters. Love" as a life-saver.

   She thinks that she and Shen Liangwei still have sisterhood.

   Now she can't live her life anymore.

   When escaping from Prince Yong’s mansion, for fear of being implicated by Xiao Jinghuai, it would be a good thing to be able to escape from the mansion, how could he dare to ask for anything?

  I didn't dare to clean up the fineness of gold and silver, so I ran away in a hurry.

   As a result, now I have nothing and suffer.

   Don't say anything else, even if Shen Liangwei is willing to help her with some money.

   After the limelight has passed, she doesn't care if I introduce a noble or powerful person to her, even if she is a side room.

   Or, just be a concubine to the war king, she doesn't mind.

   But how could Shen Liangwei care about her? She didn't forget how she cheated on herself in the past. Now that Prince Yong's mansion is gone, she doesn't need to play with Shen Liangrong anymore.

   Besides, it is absolutely impossible for a woman like Shen Liangrong to stay safe.

   In the last life, she was able to climb the dragon bed behind her back, but she may not be able to do the same shameless and shameless thing in this life.

   As a result, Shen Liangrong couldn't even enter the gate of Zhan Wangfu!

  I can't go to the Zhan Wangfu, and I can't go to the Shen family's big house either. Shen Liangrong was so angry!

   hated Shen Liangwei for turning his face ruthlessly.

   figured that she was looking at her downfall now, so she came to the downfall.

   Originally, Shen Liangrong could only be angry with resentment, but unexpectedly, Lu Xiuyan found her before the Dragon Boat Festival, and the two did not know what they were muttering, so Shen Liangrong felt that the opportunity had come again.

  Lu Xiuyan's mother and daughter had the opportunity to attend the dragon boat banquet at Beiyuan Palace on the Dragon Boat Festival. Shen Liangrong dressed up as Lu Xiuyan's maid and mixed in with her.

   Entering this Beiyuan Palace, there are so many people, no one will pay attention to a maid, she can easily find a place to hide.

  Lu Xiuyan was again responsible for sending letters to Shen Liangwei.

   When she saw Shen Liangwei leaving the Jinlin Building, Lu Xiuyan was very excited and her eyes shone brightly.

   She knew that Shen Liangwei would definitely go, if Shen Liangrong really made a scene on this occasion, and it was because of Shen Liangwei, even if Shen Liangwei was Princess Zhan, she couldn't bear the consequences!

  The emperor was so happy today to hold such a grand dragon boat event. It is absolutely not allowed to have a little accident.

  Shen Liangrong is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, how can Shen Liangwei dare to go out?

   Seeing that Shen Liangwei came downstairs with a maid, Lu Xiuyan rolled her eyes and went downstairs to dodge and follow.

  Shen Liangwei visited this place last year, and she had been there countless times in the last life when she was the queen. She knew the Beiyuan Palace very well, and was very familiar with it.

   Easy, Shen Liangwei went to the remote west garden area and found Fuxiang Pavilion.

   (end of this chapter)

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