Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 964: He'd never felt so exhausted

   Chapter 964 He has never felt so exhausted

  Between half asleep and half awake, he even dreamed of today's scene again. He woke up from a nightmare, his face was pale, his forehead was sweating, and his heart was beating so violently that he almost fainted.

   Goddamn thing!

  Thinking of what Mrs. Shen and Zhang Yuanju said when they visited the doctor, Emperor Tianyao was so annoyed that he almost vomited blood.

   His body has managed to recover one or two points of the nourishment, and today's shock is probably ruined!

   He had never felt so exhausted.

   After three watch, he finally calmed down his heartbeat, and simply did not fall asleep. He leaned on the bedside of the dragon couch in his clothes and stared at the dim candle in the corner covered with a bright yellow gauze, his eyes darkened.

  A dark shadow appeared beside the bright yellow curtain, Tian Yaodi's dark and gloomy eyes finally moved, staring at the shadow, and said coldly, "How did you check?"

The black shadow knelt down and bowed his head, saying solemnly: "Your Majesty, the entire Beiyuan Palace Royal Forest Army has carefully searched for it, and there is no other face, the **** who assassinated has died of poisoning. The noble officials, their family members, the dragon boat team, etc. have all been checked one by one. Dozens of people have been detained. The list is here, please take a look at the emperor."

  The man in the black cloak stepped forward and presented the list with both hands respectfully.

  Emperor Tianyao took out a night pearl from the dark compartment of the dragon couch at his hand, and the hall suddenly became much brighter.

  By this light, he looked at the list.

   The identities of these people are indeed quite suspicious, and it is right to detain them and interrogate them carefully. only--

   "Lu Xiuyan, the second young lady of Tai'an Household? What's going on?"

   Don't blame Tian Yaodi for being confused, he has never even heard of the number 2 Miss Tai'an Household, and he can't imagine how such a girl in the boudoir with no sense of existence could be involved in this matter.

The man in black bowed his body and explained, "The guards patrolling the royal forest were the second Miss Lu who was found in the rockery cave in the southwest of the palace. The second Miss Lu said she was lost, but her expression was clearly panicked. That's right, so I detained her too."

get lost? Ah! Emperor Tianyao didn't believe this kind of clumsy excuse at all.

   He even believed that this was something else!

   Besides, she was restlessly watching the dragon boat race upstairs. Why was she running around alone?

   That Beiyuan Palace, is she able to run around at will by herself?

   "Check," Emperor Tianyao stared hard at Lu Xiuyan's name, and his words were cold and ruthless: "Check everything about her carefully and thoroughly!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

  It is no surprise that the man in black took the lead.

  Because compared to all the suspects, this second Miss Lu family is the most suspect.

  The next day, there was a new progress in the investigation of this assassination.

Although the stabbing **** is already dead, according to the various traces found, it is obvious that he has a helper - naturally, without a helper, it is impossible to give the original **** on duty so smoothly. replaced.

   It's hard to say that those helpers are one person or two or three, but it is true that they have all left Beiyuan Palace. Although people have been ordered to secretly continue to investigate their whereabouts, it is hard to say whether they can be found.

   What makes people have to pay attention is that the direction of those people leaving Beiyuan Palace happened to find the direction of the second Miss Lu family.

   (end of this chapter)

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