Chapter 979 Leave it to fate

   In other words, he's old and confused!

  Because of the old and weak, the thinking has long been confused! Because of suspicious people trying to seize power, they have long been unable to think about problems calmly and rationally and solve problems.

   This is also the reason why countless emperors were wise when they were young, and when they got old, they tended to do a lot of stupid things that did not match the wiseness of his youth, and were often dumbfounding.

  Emperor Tianyao is also not exempt.

   "You guys go back!"

   He gave Tai Anbo and his wife a cool glance, and said coldly as if they were alms.

   Mrs. Lu still didn't give up, she couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, that little girl"

  Emperor Tianyao glanced over coldly, Madam Lu was so frightened that she couldn't speak.

   Tai Amber also hurriedly tugged at her sleeve and glared at her, pulling her to quit.

   "Master, why don't you let me finish my sentence! We don't have any news about Yan'er yet, where did Yan'er and Yan'er go?" Outside the Qianqing Palace, mentioning her daughter Mrs. Lu wanted to cry again.

"Shut up for me!" Tai Anbo scolded in a low voice, gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "The emperor is not allowed to mention this matter at all, don't you understand? My daughter, even if we can't get out of the palace today!"

   Mrs. Lu's color changed instantly, "This—how can this happen? This, what is the reason for this."

  Tai Anbo snorted coldly: "I don't know either, all I know is that Yan'er got into trouble! And it's still a big disaster! Since the emperor is not allowed to mention it again, let's not mention it. Let's wait."

   "But Yan'er—"

   "Let it be your fate!"

   Mrs. Lu suddenly felt that a thunderbolt struck on a sunny day, and her eyes were darkened. How could this be possible?

   Her son was disabled, and now her daughter is gone, how could her life be so hard!

  Tai Anbo saw that she was about to cry and scolded: "This is in the palace, shut up for me!"

   Mrs. Lu covered her mouth and wept silently.

   Leaving the palace and getting into the carriage, she burst into tears.

  Tai Amber watched her cry coldly, his mind was heavy and upset.

   He is also aggrieved, but what can he do? If the daughter is gone, she is gone. Since she disappeared in the palace, the person must be in the hands of the emperor.

   But looking at the attitude of the emperor, he was not sure whether she was dead or alive.

   He said "Let it be fate", not casually, but really resigned to fate

   Concubine Yu was also a little frightened in her heart.

   When Emperor Tianyao received Tai'anbo and his wife, Concubine Yugui was behind the partition.

   Now she is summoned by Emperor Tianyao to accompany her every day. Of course, it is not the kind of **** that used to be glorious in the past, but the **** that is almost equivalent to a palace maid, trembling and holding her breath.

   But Tian Yaodi asked her to come, she dared not to come.

   She also vaguely heard the news that Lu Xiuyan had been imprisoned by Emperor Tianyao. Unexpectedly, Tai Anbo and his wife came to ask for someone, but he did not mention a word.

   That Miss Lu family, I'm afraid it will be bad

   This has nothing to do with Concubine Yugui, and she has no sympathy for Lu Xiuyan. She just felt that the emperor had really changed, and compared to the past, it was so different!

   makes people feel unreasonably scary and creepy.

  After Tai Anbo and his wife left, Concubine Yugui came out from behind the partition and served tea with a smile.

Emperor Tianyao took the tea, leaned on the soft couch, suddenly glanced at Concubine Yugui, and said with a half-smile, "I heard that Mrs. Tai'an asked you to find her daughter for her, the garden is so big, your people Why can't I find anyone?"

   (end of this chapter)

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