Chapter 993 Restless

   A number of courtiers with agile minds subconsciously thought of this possibility, and were almost frightened again!

  This, this is too scary

  The emperor doesn't look like he's leaving his nephew instead of his own son.

   As a result, old things vaguely surfaced.

   Could it be that the emperor wanted to put things right? Back then, he won the throne from the late emperor, but now he wants to return the throne to the late emperor's son?

  This - if you really want to say that, it makes sense.

  Although the emperor doesn't seem like someone who would think so, how can ordinary people guess the emperor's mind? Maybe that's what the emperor thought in his heart?

   If you can’t figure it out and feel incompatible, it must be your own problem!

   Having said that, in the face of such an unpredictable emperor who could not guess what he was thinking at all, no one dared to speak nonsense in front of him.

  If you say a sentence or a half wrong, it is a death.

   Palace of the King of Qi.

  Xiao Jingye was lying on the bed "recovering", already restless and extremely irritable.

   From the day that he was "in a coma" and was carefully carried back from Beiyuan Palace, Xiao Jingye was very happy and felt that his life seemed to be on the hook.

Before the assassination incident, although he had scrutinized and argued over and over again to ensure that there would be absolutely no problem, Xiao Jingye still felt a little dizzy and scalp hairy when he thought of the dangerous scene and the thought of being stabbed in the body. numb.

   He was afraid of death.

   What if it becomes self-defeating? This life can be explained!

   If it wasn't for his longing for his father's affirmation and praise, and his eagerness for his father to hand over power to him as soon as possible, he was so desperate that he was almost obsessed, and he would never risk his own safety to gamble on such a thing!

  The desire for power finally prevailed, he gritted his teeth, and still decided to go out and do it.

   As it turns out, he succeeded!

The moment    was carried back to Prince Qi's mansion, a big stone hanging in Xiao Jingye's heart fell to the ground, not to mention how happy he was in his heart.

   His mind even started to fly, and many imaginary pictures flashed triumphantly.

   He sacrificed his life to save his father, the father must be very moved, right? Must be shocking, right?

   Then, the royal father will definitely reward him, right? If you don't say anything else, at least you will praise him for his filial piety in front of the courtiers, right?

   For him today, the most missing thing is this compliment.

  As long as this good reputation spreads, other benefits will naturally be a matter of course and a matter of course!

   After all, he is now the only heir!

  I don't want to, but Xiao Jingye, who was eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the palace on the next day, the second day, and the third day, was disappointed again and again.

   After looking forward to a day, he secretly cheered himself up in the depths of his heart, telling himself that the royal father might not remember it for a while, but someone will definitely come to the palace tomorrow.

   Repeatedly, he was so disappointed that he no longer dared to hold on to hope.

   was replaced by anxiety that made him restless.


   He saved his father's life by himself, and he was so desperate, isn't this enough to show his loyalty and filial piety to his father?

   But, why didn't the royal father react at all?

  Why is there always no one in the palace?

   Not only did no one come from the Qianqing Palace, but no one came to visit him even from his mother's concubine!

  Suddenly startled, what the **** happened in the palace?

   (end of this chapter)

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