Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 995: It's so heartbreaking

   Chapter 995 is so heartbreaking

  Your Majesty is really, really hurt this time!

  The master saved him regardless of his life, how could he treat the master like this?

"My lord." The housekeeper spoke carefully, trying to keep his voice soft as possible: "Don't worry, lord, maybe there is a quarrel between the emperor and the noble concubine, it's not necessarily the case, the emperor is now ill, and it is inevitable that he has a bit of temper—perhaps, yes I was annoyed for a while, so I was so angry that I sent Niangniang to the cold palace, maybe I will change my mind in two days?"

   "The old slave has inquired carefully. The emperor only ordered the empress to be put into the cold palace. He never issued an imperial decree, nor did he depose the empress. It can be seen that the emperor did not mean that!"

   "Master, you must be calm and hold on, you are still injured, and you must not hurt yourself because of this!"

   Xiao Jingye turned his head to look at the housekeeper with difficulty, the corners of his lips raised slightly, full of sarcasm.

   "Okay, you go down. Go ahead. Continue to stare at the palace. If there is any news, report it immediately. Be careful, don't make a big move to disturb others, go ahead."

   "Yes, my lord."

   Seeing his master closed his eyes, the housekeeper who wanted to say something could only shut up, sighed in his heart, and bowed down.

  There have been people watching from outside the palace, where does the master need to say.

   Xiao Jingye clenched his fists tightly, trembling uncontrollably.

   Gradually, the trembling became more and more intense, so intense that the heart also contracted. His chest was so tight that he could hardly breathe!

  Father, Father! How could he treat himself like this. How could he treat his mother-in-law like this.

   Didn't the royal father know that he was injured? Or the injury that fell just to save him, but what is all this in his eyes?

   He treats his mother and concubine like this, why does he have the slightest care for his father and son?

  No, it's not just that he doesn't care about the relationship between father and son, this is simply a slap in the face!

   He couldn't help but "Haha!" He laughed softly, yes, it's ridiculous! He is still eagerly looking forward to his father's reward to be praised, and looking forward to the infinite scenery bestowed by his father, who knows - he was looking forward to this!

   smiled, the corners of his eyes gradually became wet, and his vision gradually blurred.

   A tear slipped from the corner of his eye, he raised his hand and wiped it away, how could this be.

  Xiao Jingye felt a strong sense of unwillingness and grievance in his heart.

How could this be? He is really too dissatisfied, even more unwilling!

   He thought, he must be thankful that he is now injured and lying in the mansion to recuperate, instead of having to go out to meet people or go to court.

  Otherwise, he didn't know how embarrassed he was after seeing those people!

  No, he has no face to go out to meet people!

  Xiao Jingye was so embarrassed that he wanted to burrow into the ground, even though there was no one else in his room except him at the moment, he still felt his cheeks were hot, that was ashamed and angry!

   Xiao Jingye was in a daze, his head was in chaos, he was annoyed and angry, aggrieved and frustrated, and at the end, he didn't know what he was thinking, what he was thinking, and he was completely confused.

   Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered what the butler had just said.

  Perhaps, maybe the father and the mother-in-law had a dispute, and the mother-in-law angered the father-in-law.

   Dispute? Yes, is it to reward their own disputes?

   (end of this chapter)

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