Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 998: he forgot this

   Chapter 998 He actually forgot this

   "Yes, it will all pass," Xiao Jingyu said: "Xiao Jinghuai is imprisoned in the sect's mansion, and it is impossible for him to come out again in this life. As long as my cousin waits slowly, everything will pass."

   "Look, no matter how suspicious the emperor is, isn't it just suspicion? He didn't break the matter, and even the assassination of Beiyuan Palace has been stopped."

   Xiao Jingye's expression changed again.

  How could he forget this!

It is said that the emperor was assassinated. It is impossible to investigate this kind of thing thoroughly. Even if the investigation fails in the end, it is absolutely impossible that there will be no news in just a few days. There must be a big battle to investigate thoroughly. .

  Although the official statement is that the matter has changed from light to dark, the father and the emperor have their own arrangements, and do not want to disturb the people's livelihood and the government.

  If you don't know the inside story, that's true.

But now that I think about it, the royal father is only afraid that he has already doubted himself, for fear that if he finds out that his head is too embarrassing, and in any case, he is only his only son now, if this matter is confirmed, where will he be? Can you take over?

   Therefore, the father emperor actually let him go.

   But he was angry in his heart, so he punished his mother concubine severely.

   In the end, the mother-in-law was still implicated by herself!

  Thinking of this, Xiao Jingye not only did not feel that he could settle down and was relieved, on the contrary, he became even more uneasy.

   Will this matter really end here?

  Although he is sure that he has cleaned up all his tails, but since the father has such suspicion, and because of this suspicion, he punishes the mother and concubine so ruthlessly, is he really willing to give up?

   What if?

   What if his anger still remains unabated?

   What if his anger persists and he sets his sights on him and punishes himself severely?

  He, his temperament is getting more and more weird now, who knows if he will be confused and go crazy for a while?

  Actually, he actually wanted to beat and warn himself, there are ways, why did he have to treat his mother-in-law like this? He, he is so ruthless!

  What is that place in the cold palace, the mother concubine was beaten in without warning, what should she do?

   Not to mention that there is also a deposed Queen V there.

   Empress Fu had bullied her mother-in-law in the past. After she went to the cold palace and fell into her hands, how could she have let her mother-in-law go?

  My father would not have thought of this at all, but he did it anyway.

   How hard his heart is!

   He is so hard-hearted, what can't he do?

   At least, Xiao Jingye can't imagine

   So, I seem to be safe, but in fact, I am still in danger.

   If you are not careful, you will never be saved.

   "Oh" he sighed softly, looking a little disheartened, and said in a daze: "Cousin, I'm too hard!"

  Xiao Jingyu looked at him coldly, with no emotion on his face: "Cousin don't say that, the emperor still cares about the father and son's relationship with you very much."

  Xiao Jingye "Haha!" without saying anything.

  If the royal father really cared about the father-son relationship between them, how could the relationship between their father and son come to such a situation today?

   He didn't want to, and he didn't want to make so many troubles, but, what can he do? This step by step, it was all forced by his father!

   If not, why did he come here?

   But now, he can only continue to walk forward step by step, he can't turn back.

   (end of this chapter)

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