The research team of the Patching Array was finally established with great difficulty under the compromise of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's compromise did not make Danzo have any intention of restraining himself.

Danzo's ambition and tough methods have always been one of the unstable factors in Konoha Village.

Regarding the research of the Patching Array, he has a strong personal opinion and is full of control over the research process. He firmly opposes any plan that disagrees with his opinion. As a result, the research work has fallen into a deadlock that cannot be advanced, and its progress has been seriously affected.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has a deep understanding of Danzo's character, and he also knows that if he has a direct conflict with Danzo at this time, it will inevitably cause greater unrest in the village. In order to take the overall situation into consideration and ensure that the research on the Patching Array can make progress as soon as possible, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally chose to make a certain degree of concession.

He sat in the Hokage's office with a solemn face, thinking about the countermeasures. The sunlight outside the window shone on him through the window, but it could not dispel the worries in his heart. He knew that compromise was only a stopgap measure, and there must be subsequent means to restrain Danzo and prevent him from going to extremes.

On this day, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was dissatisfied with the progress of the Patching Array research, so he personally summoned Shimura Danzo, the leader of the Patching Array research team.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, his face solemn, his hands crossed in front of him, his eyes full of worry: "Danzo, we really can't delay the research on the sky-patching formation any longer, we must advance it as soon as possible."

(Danzo, the research progress of the sky-patching formation must be accelerated)

Danzo's eyes were gloomy, his eyes slightly narrowed, the corners of his mouth turned down, his hands folded in front of his chest, and he looked disapproving: "Humph, Sarutobi, you think things are too simple. The research of the sky-patching formation is not that easy, you don't know the complex situation here at all."

(The research of the sky-patching formation is not that easy, if you don't know, don't talk nonsense)

What do you mean? I don't understand the sky-patching formation? I proposed the sky-patching plan, I researched the concept of the sky-patching formation, and I thought of the principle of the sky-patching formation. Now you say I don't understand the sky-patching formation?

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, and looked at Danzo with a serious expression: "I know you have your own considerations. But Danzo, this is not the time for you to be petty, everything is for the overall situation."

(If it weren't for the overall situation, you would be under house arrest for life. If you continue to be petty, I will make you obey the overall situation)

Danzo's face sank, his cheeks puffed up, and he said viciously: "The overall situation? What you think is the overall situation may not be correct. Everything I do is for Konoha! How do you know that my way is not the best for Konoha?"

(What do you think is the overall situation? I also do it for the overall situation)

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes are firm, and his eyes are fixed on Danzo , with a calm but slightly gloomy tone: "I understand that your starting point is for Konoha, Danzo. But now time waits for no one. If we fall behind too much in the research of this sky-patching array, we will face a huge crisis in the future."

(The overall situation is that the research of the sky-patching array cannot fall behind)

Danzo narrowed his eyes more, with an impatient look on his face, and waved his hand: "Crisis? Why didn't I see it? In the current ninja world, who is the crisis of Konoha? Who can make us Konoha feel a sense of crisis?"

(Our Konoha is now invincible, and the research of the sky-patching array is not so urgent)

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment, made up his mind, rubbed his chin with his right hand, and said slowly: "I decided to allocate funds 1 billion to establish the Ninjutsu Research Department. The Ninjutsu Research Department is responsible for managing all the projects being researched. "

(Don't blame me if that's the case. I'll show you what the overall situation is)

Danzo's face suddenly changed, his eyes widened, his body leaned forward, and he shouted in disbelief: "What do you mean? Are you trying to sideline me? Have you been wanting to do this for a long time?"

He never dreamed that Sarutobi Hiruzen would resort to such means! Before this, Sarutobi had been patient and yielded to him in order to allow the research team to work smoothly.

He originally thought that Sarutobi would at most blame himself, after all, there was still a certain affection between them, but he never expected that Sarutobi would be so decisive!

Sarutobi made such a decision in a blink of an eye: to set up a new department above the research team.

On the surface, Sarutobi did not have any

He broke off completely with his former lover, but in fact, this move was much more serious than a direct falling out! This undoubtedly dealt him a heavy blow and caught him off guard. At this moment, he realized that he had always underestimated Sarutobi's determination and means.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked serious, straightened up, and said righteously: "No, Danzo, you misunderstood. The establishment of this department is to better promote various research, which is for the future of Konoha."

(Danzo, did you see that? This is the overall situation. Only by grasping the righteousness can you have the overall situation)

Danzo's eyes were wide open, and his voice was low and threatening: "Sarutobi, don't think I don't know what you are planning. You just want to weaken my power and marginalize me!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked a little helpless, and shook his head: "Danzo, how can you think so? ? We are all for Konoha, so we should work together. I will act as the director of the Ninjutsu Research Department, so that we can unify all forces and support research. "

(Everything is for Konoha and the overall situation. Without my support, you can't do anything)

Danzo gritted his teeth, his cheeks puffed up, his face full of unwillingness, but he had to endure it temporarily, and snorted coldly: "Okay, I hope you are really for Konoha and don't make any wrong decisions. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen (with a serious expression and a firm look): "Danzo, the research on the sky-patching formation cannot be If you delay any further, it will affect the future of Konoha Village."

(My purpose is just to ask you not to interfere with the normal operation of the research team)

Danzo's eyes were gloomy, and he sneered: "Humph, Sarutobi, you always make things so simple. 'Where there are leaves flying, there will be fire burning. 'But do you know the dangers and difficulties involved?"

(Sarutobi, we are two sides of the same coin, don't always use some trivial matters to pressure me)

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Of course I know, Danzo. But we are the guardians of Konoha Village,' The Will of Fire needs us to inherit and protect it. "

(As disciples of the second generation, we should inherit the same Will of Fire. Why do you always act differently?)

Danzo snorted disdainfully: "The Will of Fire? That's just an excuse you use to bind me. 'I am the root in the darkness, and you are the leaf bathed in the sun.' Everything I do is for the strength of Konoha Village."

(The Will of Fire? That's just a tool for you to exclude dissidents. Although what I do cannot be said openly, I am also for the strength of Konoha.)

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