After a few days, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others were having a great time in Sunagakure, walking around and looking around.

Sometimes they would look at the customs and customs of Sunagakure, and sometimes they would watch Yuhi Maku, Hatake Sumo, and Mitarashi Anko accept various challenges from the Sunagakure Village. They were also having a great time.

Sunagakure finally coordinated everything.

Sunagakure invited everyone from Konoha to go to the Kazekage's office.

This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to take Nara Shikadai and Akimichi Tofu to the Kazekage's office together.

Before departure, Sarutobi Hiruzen told Nara Shikadai: "Senior, you have to make great efforts in this negotiation, mainly for the things mentioned above. The first is the issue of sealing the tailed beasts. We can help them seal the tailed beasts once. But the money must be more than 500 million. The second problem is their internal affairs, we will not interfere. The third problem is the problem between them and the Daimyo of Wind Country. The main thing is to get some money back to the village." Nara Shikadai thought about it and realized that he only needed to solve the negotiation of sealing the tailed beasts. Then he asked his question: "We help them seal, they may not be happy, they may ask for sealing techniques."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment, "Sealing techniques, it's not impossible, as we all know that sealing techniques are relatively scarce. But as long as they pay an equal price, it can be exchanged, such as ten times the money, or secret techniques. Of course, it would be good if they are willing to share magnetic escape and puppet techniques with us. I will also be there. If we really can't come to an agreement, I will stop it."

"Hokage, you think too much. Puppet techniques are their specialty, and magnetic escape techniques are something they have spent a huge amount of money to study. How can they teach others so easily?"

"It's just talk, then you can see if they have any secret techniques that we need in Konoha. Let's go, don't let them wait anxiously." Sarutobi Hiruzen walked out first.

When they went out, the Sand Village who delivered the message had already left, and Sarutobi Hiruzen and his group had to go to the Kazekage Building by themselves.

The quality of the Sand Village is really poor, and they didn't even send someone to lead the way. Fortunately, I remembered the way, Sarutobi Hiruzen silently complained.

Arriving at the Kazekage building, the Sand Village who had delivered the message was waiting here. Sarutobi Hiruzen followed his lead and entered the Kazekage's reception room.

Shamon, Chiyo, Takumi. Already waiting inside.

After a round of greetings, everyone got down to business.

Shamon invited Sarutobi Hiruzen to the Kazekage's office for tea, and let his subordinates talk about the rest.


"We hope that Konoha can support us with a sealing technique. As one of the five great nations, it is only natural for us to help each other. Sand Village will also remember Konoha's help, and at the same time, Konoha will gain the friendship of Sand Village."

"As one of the five great nations, we Konoha will not turn a blind eye to the situation in Sand Village, but our Konoha's sealing technique did not come out of thin air. We Konoha can help seal the tailed beasts. What price can Sand Village pay?"

"I think help should be selfless, otherwise it can only be traded, and trade is not worthy of friendship."

"Is that so? Maybe I didn't express it clearly just now. At present, Konoha's financial resources are unsustainable, and the pensions for many years of war have not been fully paid. I beg Sand Village to help Konoha for the sake of being one of the five great nations. Konoha will remember the help of Sand Village, and at the same time, Sand Village will gain the friendship of Konoha."



Shamon and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who were drinking tea in the office of the Kazekage, were also chatting.

"I'm very distressed. I originally planned to let Takumi host the negotiations, but Chiyo also wants to serve the village."

"Power is very attractive, but people who are too obsessed with power are often not suitable to be in power." Sarutobi Hiruzen silently praised Chiyo. If Chiyo really broke her fate and became the third generation Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen would have to consider whether Sunagakure is still suitable for cooperation.

"Chiyo is a miserable child. Her husband was ordered by the captain of the jonin to perform a bait mission and died in the mission. After she gave birth to her son, she attached great importance to power. Now her child is only 6 years old. She is working hard as a mother. I know she doesn't want to lose the person she cherishes because of someone's improper order. I treat her as a daughter, and I don't want to see her lost."

The love for her child on the old man's face moved Sarutobi Hiruzen. According to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law in the future were also killed by Hatake Shimomo while performing the rear-end mission. She raised her son alone, married him and had children, then her son and his wife died, and she raised her grandson alone, who then assassinated Fengying and disappeared. It can be said that her life was tragic.

husband, lost his son in middle age, lost his grandson in old age.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought again and again and said, "Actually, you know that Kazekage, I have never wanted to interfere in the internal affairs of Sand Village. But today I have to tell the truth here. Chiyo is not in a good state, very radical, and may bring unpredictable consequences to Sand Village.

Maybe I shouldn't say this. Since I have said it, I might as well say more, and it can be regarded as a heart-to-heart talk with the senior. In the ninja world I plan, there should be no war in the future, at least there should be no declaration of war between the five major countries. Under the premise of the Five Shadows Federation, a radical Kazekage is a disaster for the ninja world.

Maybe both of them are your beloved apprentices, but at this point in time you must identify a successor to inherit your will. Instead of this ambiguous attitude, it gives Chiyo confidence and hits the mentality of your true successor."

Shamen smiled bitterly and said, "As a teacher, I don't want to hit my own disciples with my own hands. I can't do it at this time."


Soon after, the noise next door became louder and louder, and they started to quarrel. Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shamon stood up and approached the door, listening attentively. Only Chiyo's voice was heard.

"You Konoha are not kind-hearted, you are robbers, spying on our magnetic escape and puppetry. There is no need to talk anymore."

……. .

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said to Shamon: "Since Senior Shamon can't make this decision, then I will help you be the bad guy." His expression became furious, and he pushed the door open fiercely and walked towards the reception room.

The members of the negotiation team all stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen in amazement. Nara Shikadai looked at the furious Sarutobi Hiruzen, thinking that Sarutobi Hiruzen had something wrong with Shamon, and hurried over to ask about the situation: "Hokage, what is this..." After saying that, he looked back and saw that Shamon's expression was very normal again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen restrained his furious expression and asked Chiyo: "Miss Chiyo thinks we are robbers in Konoha. What did we steal?"

Chiyo said angrily: "You Konoha want to exchange the sealing technique for our core inheritance of Sand Village, magnetic escape and puppetry. Isn't this robbery?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Nara Shikadai seriously: "What's the matter? Advisor Shikadai, didn't I tell you not to exchange their secret techniques, inheritance and other things? Don't we have enough secret techniques and inheritance in Konoha? We can't study our own secret techniques and inheritance, so where do we have the time to study two inheritances that don't match the village. Just ask for some money."

Nara Shikadai saw Sarutobi Hiruzen say this and knew that he would take the blame. You didn't say that at the beginning. After all, he is the Hokage. Nara Shikadai calmed down and replied: "Hokage, I told Miss Chiyo that I would help Sunagakure to seal the One-Tail as long as there is money, but Miss Chiyo disagreed and insisted on buying the sealing technique for 30 million. Then I can only say that I will exchange it for their secret technique."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shamon in surprise: "Has the disciple of Kazekage never seen the world? A sealing technique to seal the tailed beast is worth 30 million? Or is the sealing technique of Sunagakure very cheap? How about this? We will buy the sealing technique from Sunagakure for 30 million, as much as we can, no, 50 million. What do you think, Miss Chiyo?" Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked at Chiyo.

After hearing Hiruzen Sarutobi's ridicule, Chiyo ignored Ebizo's attempts to stop her and said angrily to Hiruzen Sarutobi, "You Konoha said you would help us Sunagakure. Isn't 30 million enough? You still want our secret technique? Isn't that robbery? Robbery?"

Nara Shikadai complained loudly to Shamon, "Lord Kazekage, I think Miss Chiyo lacks the minimum respect for Lord Hokage and Konoha. Even though our Lord Hokage spoke to her without any emotion, Miss Chiyo has shown disrespect to our Konoha and our Lord Hokage more than once."

Chiyo immediately retorted, "I don't think I'm disrespectful to the Hokage. I just have a strong respect for the young people. "

Nara Shikadai: "Lord Kazekage, I think Miss Chiyo has affected the diplomatic relations between Konoha and Sunagakure. Disrespect for Lord Hokage is disrespect for our Konoha. Isn't it absurd for Miss Chiyo to talk about the young Hokage in front of Lord Kazekage and me?

If the next negotiation is left to Miss Chiyo, I will refuse to negotiate. "

Shamon looked at Chiyo and sighed: "Chiyo, the current ninja world respects strength. Age doesn't mean anything. Our Konoha Hokage is a strong man, and you lack respect for the strong... Forget it, let Takumi host the next negotiation. "

Chiyo looked at Shamon with a face full of grievance. Then he threw down the pen and prepared to go out.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped her: "Miss Chiyo, cooperation between the two countries is not a simple bargaining.

price. It involves all aspects. In your opinion, the sealing technique is very simple for us, and you don't want to pay too much for it. For us, the sealing technique is a profound secret method, and we don't want to give it away cheaply.

For you, magnetic escape and puppetry are very important, but for us, it's just like that. Our Konoha's secret technique inheritance has at least 80 if not 100, which is dispensable for your secret technique. Before Miss Chiyo figured it out, I don't recommend Miss Chiyo to participate in the negotiations. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen ignored the sign-in after speaking, turned around and said to others: "You continue, Kazekage, let's continue drinking tea."

After Shamon and Sarutobi Hiruzen went out, the negotiation team continued.


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