The old man was buried in the tomb.

Time flies, and more than a month has passed since the Jounin meeting. After the last Jounin meeting passed the Konoha reform proposal, another Jounin meeting was held a week later to select the heads of various departments, members of the village committee, and the first deputy shadow of Konoha Village.

The village committee has only 7 people for the time being, namely Sarutobi Hiruzen (Hokage), Shimura Danzo (Deputy Shadow), Uchiha Kagami, Mito Kado En, Akimichi Tofu, Uzumaki Mito, and Hyuga Tennin.

Among them, the deputy shadow Shimura Danzo is in charge of: Customs Department, Intelligence Department, and Foreign Affairs Department.

Uchiha Kagami is in charge of: Patrol Department and Security Department

Mito Kado En is in charge of: Mission Department, Government Affairs Department, Medical Department

Akimichi Tofu said that he did not want to be in charge, but just wanted to be a mascot. Uzumaki Mito and Hyuga Tennin were just figureheads, which also showed the village's respect for the older generation.

The head of the Customs Department is Aburame Shitoku, assisted by the deputy head Sarutobi Shinya. Sarutobi Shinya had been helping out in the Hokage's office. After this restructuring, he wanted to gain experience, so he decided to go to the Customs Department as the deputy head.

The head of the Patrol Department is Inuzuka Hiro, assisted by the deputy head Kurama Yoshio.

The head of the Security Department is Hyuga Nobusumi, assisted by the deputy head Uchiha Yashiro, and the head of the Sealing Class Sarutobi Biwako.

The head of the Foreign Affairs Department is Akimichi Tofu, and Danzo is the deputy head of the Foreign Affairs Department. Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted Danzo to be the head of the Foreign Affairs Department, but the most complicated Intelligence Department was given to Danzo, and another reason was to arrange a position for Akimichi Tofu.

The head of the Medical Department is Senju Daiki. Originally, due to the incident of the Fire Trade Company, Utatane Koharu was deprived of the position of assistant to the Hokage. Logically, even if she was not removed from the ninja class, she should have been idle. However, under the manipulation of the patriarch of the Utatane family, there were only a few minor stains on Utatane Koharu. The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen may have been nostalgic or there was really no one else to use, so he accepted this statement and was assigned to the position of deputy head of the Medical Department.

The head of the Political Affairs Department is Nara Shikako. After the division of other powers, there are only two or three big cats and small cats left in the Political Affairs Department, and now it can only be used as the secretariat of the Hokage.

The head of the Intelligence Department is Shimura Danzo, and the deputy head is Yamanaka Yoshima. Danzo probably has some talent for intelligence work, and intelligence involves a lot of things and is complicated, so he directly threw it to Danzo.

The head of the Mission Department is Mito Kado En. It is not appropriate for any ninja clan to take charge of the Mission Department. Only this former Hokage can assist him and other ninja clans will not object.

The Minister of Education is concurrently held by the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Let’s not talk about the Ministry of Education. Education is the top priority and must be controlled by himself.

The Minister of the Anbu is Uchiha Kagami in name only, and the captain Hatake Sakumo will act on his behalf. Since Hatake Sakumo’s qualifications are too shallow, Uchiha Kagami can only be the face.

The Minister of the Assessment Department is Uchiha Setsuna, and the deputy minister Nara Shikadai assists. The Assessment Department is also well matched by a grumpy old man and a salty old man.

So far, the power cake of Konoha has been divided.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen and his people are still leading Konoha in general, other ninja clans have also more or less obtained some power and are very satisfied.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is even more satisfied. Things have been divided, and the decisive power has not changed. This is a win-win situation, and he wins twice.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen knew why so many forces in the previous life would be awarded positions, such as kings and dukes.

No matter whether the position has real power or benefits, it should be awarded first to stabilize people's hearts, and the rest can be adjusted slowly later.

After the ministers of each department were in place, Konoha carried out various arrangements, including the transfer of personnel to the newly established departments, the handover and division of the separated departments, the merger of the original departments, etc. It took a month for everything to be adjusted properly.


In the study room of the Academy of Learning, Sarutobi Hiruzen is studying his panel

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Body: 73/73

Spirit: 189/189

Element: 274/274

Skills: Advanced body mastery, intermediate combat mastery

Energy level: Primary wind mastery, primary fire mastery, advanced earth mastery, advanced water mastery, advanced seal mastery, advanced illusion mastery, primary energy mastery, intermediate thunder mastery, advanced space mastery, primary yin mastery, primary yang mastery,

Skills: Advanced electromagnetic application: electromagnetic strong body, magnetic field control,

Primary wind control

: Bone-Eroding Yin Wind

Intermediate Fire and Earth Fusion: Meteor Shower

Intermediate Earth and Water Fusion: Mudslide

Intermediate Water and Fire Fusion: Nuclear Bomb

Primary Earth, Water and Yang Fusion: Wood Style

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen's reform of the village was recognized by Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Mito gave Sarutobi Hiruzen some of her own ninjutsu experience, and studied it for a month or so, and successfully put Wood Style on his own panel.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not so eager for Wood Style now. After all, with his skills, ninjutsu, etc., Wood Style will not be much enhanced, but in the ninjutsu of Wood Clone. Sarutobi Hiruzen found something worth studying.

As we all know, the physical clone technique in the ninja world includes the famous shadow clone, and various attribute clones, such as: water clone, earth clone, etc.

But this clone is no exception. It will disappear directly after being attacked. However, the wooden clone is different. It has a higher limit. Sarutobi Hiruzen vaguely feels that this wooden clone should have something he wants, but he just can't catch this little bit of inspiration.

While Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking hard, the doorbell of the Academy rang, and he had to put away his thoughts and open the door.

The one who opened the door was the current Minister of Government Affairs, Nara Shikashin.

"Shikashin, what's the matter? Didn't you say not to look for me if there's nothing to do, and not to look for me if there's something to do?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said casually and irrelevantly.

Look, this doesn't look like a Hokage at all. Brother, you are the Hokage. You told others not to look for you if there's nothing to do, and not to look for you if there's something to do. Then when can they look for you?

"Hokage-sama, the five-year official meeting of the Five Kage Association is about to begin. Do you think we in Konoha need to prepare anything?" Nara Shikashin said with a determined heart.

"Oh, the Five Kage Federation, you can see if there are any disputes between countries that have not been resolved in the past five years, or if there are any proposals about the ninja world, just sort them out and bring them to the meeting to discuss, and then let Danzo represent the village." Sarutobi Hiruzen thought, isn't this the purpose of selecting Danzo? Just let him go and fool around.

But after thinking about it, he still felt that he needed to go in person. Originally, the Five Kage Federation was something that he temporarily promoted by showing his force last time, and it has not become a regular practice. If Danzo can't control the situation this time, the Five Kage Federation may die, so he said: "Forget it, I'll go in person this time, and call Danzo along, and as for the accompanying team, let's take the Hatake Sakumo team."

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