Dali Temple Small Dining Room

Chapter 247: Pot-packed meat (2)

  Chapter 247 Pot-wrapped meat (2)

  Placing a few huge food boxes beside the food table, Zhao Youdao: "Our Lin Shaoqing and those temple ministers went out to watch Mr. Xun, so I asked me to pack the lunch in a food box and take it there to eat!"

  Busy outside, still thinking about the lunch of the public chef... Tang Yuan and A Bing were busy frying meat and glanced at Zhao You who was waiting for food, and the corners of his lips slightly raised revealed his inner emotions.

   "The Zhao officer must run faster!" Tangyuan said while frying the meat, "Today's dish called pot-wrapped meat is delicious when it's hot!"

  The deep-fried twisted seeds are mostly the most fragrant when they are just out of the oven. This dish will be wrapped in sauce later. You can see that it is a sour-sweet dish when Master Wen adds sugar and vinegar to the sauce.

  Although yesterday’s spicy boiled pork slices were not enough, but all the flavors in the world need to be soaked in rain and dew!

   Foggy water vapor and oily smoke filled the square-sized space behind the table. When Zhao Youzheng was watching them cooking, Wen Mingtang suddenly asked him, "Then Mr. Jiang is finished with the trial?"

  She remembered that they saw Zhao You leading Mr. Jiang over before cooking.

Zhao You nodded, "Yes", staring at the pork slices rolling in the pot, swallowed, and said: "The interrogation is over! After coming here to ask for a while, our Lin Shaoqing let Mr. Jiang go back, so quickly Well, then Mr. Jiang is innocent!"

  Innocent? Thinking of what he said to Lin Fei at the evening meal yesterday, Wen Mingtang felt that it was not true.

  However, Lin Fei must have made his own opinion when he easily put Young Master Jiang back in this way. Thinking of this, Wen Mingtang lowered his head and quickened his movements.

  By the time the bell rang at noon, Zhao You had already left Dali Temple with some lunch.



  It was getting colder and colder this day. Xun Zhou, who had been squashing cold buns for a few days, finally had a warm meal for lunch—a lamb soup from the vendor selling porcelain bowls opposite!

   "You don't have to be polite to make your own mutton soup!" The two street vendors opposite said with a smile.

Xun Zhou believed this, and the cooking skills of the two were not very good. Smelling the smell of mutton, Xun Zhou laughed dryly, took a sip of the mutton soup, and swallowed it forcibly. go down.

  Although she drank the soup, the painful look on her face could not be fooled.

  The two vendors looked at each other, and one of them nodded slightly.

   It really is the son who once pampered you! It seems that people like them who live outside eat and sleep in the open usually use the superficial food to deal with a bite. When the scholar who has eaten cold buns for a few days swallows it, his expression seems to be drinking some kind of poison!

   It's best for the son who is not used to living a hard life to control it! At least, compared to the man of the Yang family who is chasing scheming and interests, he is much easier to control!

Thinking about it this way, one of them said, "Where is my brother from? Tonight's brother's birthday is held in the Hongyan Building. It would be embarrassing to be dissatisfied. Brother, I would like to reward you with a small amount of noodles to fill the number of people." ?”


  Not far away, Lin Fei put down the clairvoyance in his hand, and repeated what the vendor said according to his mouth shape.

This seemingly polite but reckless words fell into the ears of Bai Zhutong and Liu Yuan, who were at the desk behind him before eating with chopsticks, and both of them could not help but raise their eyebrows: "This vendor invited Mr. Xun over for dinner? Is it true enthusiasm or…”

   Or that street vendor may be the fish they want to catch!

   "I don't know." Lin Fei held up his clairvoyance, watched the movements of the people in that room, and said, "Xun Zhou promised them to go to the Hongyan Building."

  Hongyan Building! The cooks at Hongyanlou are really good! Liu Yuan nodded, but glanced at the golden and transparent food in the food box in front of him: he didn't expect so much from the cooks of Hongyanlou either! Especially when thinking about the price of each dish in Nahong Banquet House, I completely lost that thought.

  Master Wen’s dishes are better, they are delicious and they don’t cost money, and you only need to spend more money when you need to take them out, but the price of the money is much cheaper than that of Hong Yan Lou.

   Smelling the unique scent of twisted seeds, Liu Yuan looked at the pork slices on the plate in front of him: last night's curiosity was answered.

  The slices of pork meat are not made into boiled pork slices, but are used to make the food in front of me called Guobaorou.

Since it is a noodle, there is a layer of batter on the outside. At this time, the pork slices covered with batter have been fried into a golden color, and the sauce wrapped outside is almost transparent. The sunlight from the window shines on the pork slices. With an alluring luster.

Although the whole dish is dominated by golden meat slices, it is not only meat slices. Shredded carrots, shallots, garlic, and coriander are dotted in the golden meat slices, adding a bright .

   Liu Yuan had already moved his index finger when he saw it, and he couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and pick up a piece of pork meat. The batter-wrapped meat slices puffed up slightly after being fried, and the moment the meat slices were picked up, several filaments were pulled out immediately. This kind of silky feeling makes the body fluid of the mouth come out just by looking at it.

  Liu Yuan felt that his mouth seemed to be domesticated by Master Wen's "cooking skills". When he saw the red hot spicy oil, and the soft and sticky ones, he would involuntarily produce fluid from the bottom of his tongue.

  Smelling the unique aroma of twisted seeds in his nose, Liu Yuan opened his mouth and bit the pot-packed meat on the chopsticks: With a slight "click" sound, Liu Yuan showed a sense of satisfaction on his face! The batter on the outermost layer of this pot of meat is crispy and dry, but the pork slices wrapped in the batter are firm and slightly springy, and the taste is rich in one bite.

  Twisters are rolled in oil once, and the aroma of the oil is naturally very tangy! It's just that it's oily when it's done, and it's also oily when it's defeated. If you eat too much, it's easy to get bored. Therefore, it is always the joy of eating at the beginning, and after two more bites, I will get tired and can't eat anymore.

   But the twisted seeds made by Master Wen have never been greasy. It seems that there are always various ways to get rid of the greasy taste. This is the case with the pot of meat in front of you. The transparent and shiny sauce is sour and sweet. After one bite, there is a slight sweetness in the sourness, which not only neutralizes the greasy smell of oil, but also opens up It satisfies people's appetite and makes people want to eat it.

   Compared with things that are too spicy, the "body" is limited and cannot be eaten. For Liu Yuan, there is nothing taboo about this pot of meat, and stuffing a pot of meat with a big appetite and a mouthful of rice is stuffed into his mouth! This sweet and sour meat food was eaten raw and looked like a meal.

  When most of the food in the food box was down, Zhao You's food box was already on the "CD". After belching comfortably, Zhao You stretched out his hand and hugged the unopened food box beside him.

He was lowering his head to pick up the rice, and when he saw Zhao You's action from the corner of his eye, Liu Yuan was shocked suddenly, and a sense of anxiety of "being robbed" came to his heart, and while passing the bowl in his hand, he said: "Zhao You, you took the extra food in the food box, didn't you? If you see it, share it with us!"

   Zhao You, who brought the food box over, snorted and said, "It's not too much, it's the afternoon snacks made by Master Wen today, let me bring them together!"

  (end of this chapter)

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