People are dead in the hall!

By now, any explanation pales in comparison.

Zhou Dexing knelt on the ground, just now Zhu Yuanzhang said that he did not listen to a word, until now, he was still thinking about the power of Jiang Xiahou!




Zhu Yuanzhang did not look at him, turned around and walked to His Majesty Long, and said leisurely

“The first time we saw the peach blossom fan script, we felt very surprised, and the more we looked at it, the more it tasted.”

“There are many people in it, the scribes of the Criminal Department, the students of the Hanlin Academy who climb to the top, and the powerful who are greedy for life and afraid of death.”

“But it also reveals a lot of truth.”

“Some of us, the emperor, don’t see it very clearly.”

“Just like this sentence~”

“After Zhou Ji escaped by paying bribes, he wrote a comment.”

“I’m afraid that the world is vague about eight or nine things, and human feelings cover up two or three points.”

“How many things have risen and fallen through the ages?”

“Yoyo, endless Yangtze River rolling!”

“You have me, I have me, and if things are bad in this world, they will be bad here.”

And this sentence: ”

“Evil people have no righteous theory, and public discussion is always private.”

“Think carefully about your appearance before the amnesty world~”

“I really don’t know how many damned people have been spared by the amnesty world throughout the ages!”

“The most heart-wrenching thing is to count this sentence~”

“Tianjie stepped on the bones of Gongqing, and Neku burned into splendid ashes!”

“In the second year of Hongwu, Xu Da attacked the capital, and now it is only ten years away!!”

“It’s really…”

Zhu Yuanzhang picked up a holy decree and threw it to Song He, his eyes were extremely firm: “Write!” ”


“Zhongshu Province, Six Ministries, Tongzhengsi, Governor’s Office of the Five Armies, Si Lijian, and the Governor of the Fourteen Provinces of the World are aware of it!”

“From the twelfth year of Hongwu, the Ming Dynasty will never be under amnesty to the world!”

“This edict is included in the ancestral system, if anyone dares to re-mention the amnesty of the world in the future, the emperor will issue an edict to himself, the king will abolish the domain, the officials will kill the nine tribes, and the people will be exiled to the frontier!”

“Admire this!”

As a eunuch of Si Li, Song He is also brilliant, waving his hand to splash ink, and the splendid article is completed overnight!

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction after reading it: “With the seal of the superintendent of ceremonies, it is read by the Zhongshu Province, and the imperial horse supervisor is spread all over the world!” ”


“Let’s go!”

“This kind of vain thing, it’s better to scrap it.”

“The slave retreated.”

Song He tiptoed out of the gate, turned around and announced his will.

At this time, Mao Yi put Zhou Ji outside in, “Emperor, he has passed out three times. ”

“I also urinated outside the Qianqing Palace, and now I can’t stand up with weak legs.”

The two brocade captains threw Zhou Ji on the ground, and Zhou Ji hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy: “Emperor!” ”

“Spare your life!”

“Spare your life!”

“Minister… The minister knows that he is wrong! ”

“I know it’s wrong!”

He cried bitterly, because death was approaching, his cheeks were distorted, and Zhu Yuanzhang was even more disgusted when he saw it!


“This kind of soft bone is also worthy of being the lord of Daming?”

“Zhou Dexing, what else do you want to say?”

Zhou Dexing suddenly got up, and Mao Yi hurriedly blocked in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, for fear that he would make a violent attempt to assassinate the king and kill the driver!

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, “He doesn’t have the guts!” ”

I saw Zhou Dexing reflexively walk in front of Zhou Ji, kick it up, kick and scold, and vent his dissatisfaction:

“Shut up! Shut up! ”

“Stop shouting at me!”


“What a shame!”

These kicks did not stop at all, and Zhou Ji’s heart was stuffy when he kicked.

After finishing, Zhou Dexing stood in place and said, “Emperor.” ”

“You’ve been scolding for a long time, and I also have something to say!”

“At first, I really didn’t expect to come this far.”

“Even if the mud can’t support the wall, he is my son after all.”

“I steal the heavens and deceive the king, and my sins deserve death.”

“There’s not much to say.”

“I remember when I first started the army, I thought about how to survive, and I fought many bloody battles because of this!”

“Later, more and more things were captured, and I thought about how to keep these glory and wealth, so I would only go all out in a few wars that threatened my position, and other times~”

“It’s just that a thousand flowers have passed, and a leaf does not stick to the body.”

“After the founding of the country, I thought about how to enjoy and how to be extravagant.”

“I understand the empathy you said before, I have heard it many times in the last dynasty, even if I am a big old man, I should understand some truths.”

“After experiencing pain, you should understand the pain of others.”

“But it turns out that it can’t be done!”

“From ancient times to the present, it has been like this, and nothing has changed!”

Zhou Dexing said calmly, and he was captured.

Zhou Ji hid on the side and shivered, sobbing constantly.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at him quietly, and then sighed.

When a man dies, his words are good?

He mouthed at Mao Zhununu, who first took off Zhou Dexing’s flying fish suit, and then put the shackles on him: “Hou Ye! ”

“Let’s go!”

Seeing this, Zhou Ji fainted, and two captains in brocade clothes clipped him out.

At this time, Zhu Biao walked out from behind the screen, saw Zhu Yuanzhang sitting on the dragon chair, and went over to help him massage his temples.


“Is this comfortable?”

“Well, it’s okay, give us a squeeze on the head!”

Zhu Yuanzhang closed his eyes comfortably, “Biao’er, did you hear what Zhou Dexing said just now?” ”

“Heard me!”

“Think he has a point?”


Zhu Biao said: “Throughout the ages, this kind of thing has been common in the history books, and it is not uncommon for the Great Han, the Great Tang, and the Great Song Dynasty. ”

“In the end, it’s because of two words, power!”

“Biao’er, you said, we want to establish Wanshi Daming, is there any way?”


“Dad, even you can’t think of it, it’s really embarrassing for me!”

“Yes~” Zhu Yuanzhang said leisurely, “In this world, there is no banzai emperor, and there is no dynasty of ten thousand years!” ”

At this time, the breeze blew, and the peach blossom fan on the table rustled a few pages, just in time for the section where the week was released from prison, and there was a sentence behind:

“The word snobbery, although thousands of disguises, or as small as a slight, or as big as a tree, after all, invincible, no one can be spared!”

The movements on Zhu Biao’s hand slowed down, and he thought in his heart, this peach blossom fan is really the most powerful word book in ancient times!

He seems to only tell a story, but the philosophy contained in it is enough to taste endlessly!

Zhu Biao suddenly came up with an idea~

Or else

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