
“Yunnan Qianguo Duke Mansion, eight hundred li rush!”

“Annan’s army, led by King Chen Shuming, suddenly attacked with the whole army, crossed the border, and attacked my Daming garrison!”

“How presumptuous!” After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang became furious, and kicked the dragon case directly.

Then he glanced at Li Yafu, who was paralyzed on the ground, and the three corpses jumped wildly:

“What a thought!”

“First I attacked Yunnan, and I also sent an embassy to Ying Tian to play conspiracies and tricks, and got a Western document to fall into my Daming’s face!”

“It seems that what Bao’er just said is not comprehensive.”

“After you deceived the King Golden Seal, in addition to hype, did you plan to use the Golden Seal to disrupt the deployment of Daming!”

“Even deceive the city of Daming!”

After hearing this, Li Wenzhong suddenly realized that this is not impossible!

Once Ying Tian’s side canonized the anti-king without knowing the situation, you can imagine what happened when the warring Ming army saw the golden seal.

It must be fearful, and Mu Ying will definitely send someone to verify the situation.

This time comes and goes, the fighter plane changes rapidly, and no one dares to guarantee that something will happen!

“Then Annan is against the king, but with the sesame green beans where the place is bigger, there is a snake devouring elephant.”


“But after creating a rebellion in Xiaobang, he really thinks he has become a climate?”

Chen Mu’an walked to His Majesty Long, knelt down and kowtowed and said, “Emperor, this is not the case. ”

“Annan is very respectful to Daming, and he has given the golden seal of the king and the national letter of repeated tributes in the temple, and he has no two hearts!”

“It’s him!”

“The emperor is a Yafu.”

“He tricked Chen Shuming into rebellion every day and gave advice to it!”

“Emperor, the culprit is Chen Shuming, not the original Annan royal family.”

“Please also ask the emperor to take a look.”

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned: “Who are you again?” ”

“Xia Chen is the daughter of the former King Annan, Chen Mu’an, the lord of Annan County!”

“You are the Lord of Annan County sent by Mu Ying?”


Now Zhu Yuanzhang understood why the previous report of Annan’s delegation entering Zhennan Pass was sent by Mu Ying, and I am afraid that Zhennanguan was also invaded.

He guessed that there was a rebellion in Annan, and the puppet king’s mission and the lord of Annan County should have entered the territory of Daming one after another!

Mu Yingdai Zhennan Guan Shou sent out the first report, and then saw the Lord of Annan County, sent out the second letter, and wrote a personal letter asking her to find Liaozhai’s help!

However, this eight-hundred-li urgent report actually walked even slower than the mission?

It almost made this group of bastards’ strategists succeed!

Killing intent surged in Zhu Yuanzhang’s chest: “Damn it.!” ”

“Call in the messenger who delivered the letter!”


Not long after, the messenger who delivered the letter knelt on the ground: “Long live my emperor, long live long live!” ”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s gaze was cold, and he said, “Let’s ask you, how long have you been on the road?” ”


The messenger’s words were vague, and his eyes were evasive: “Emperor, the lake has been flooded, and the villain has indeed blocked the road for a few days.” ”

“Hmph!” Zhu Yuanzhang said, “Let’s advise you to recruit from the truth!” ”

“We can send someone to check from the post station on this road!” If there is a slight discrepancy, your crime of cheating can be realized! ”

The messenger instantly panicked, and cold sweat broke out in the blink of an eye: “The emperor spares his life, the emperor spares his life.” ”

“When the villain was in Gangneung, he met a fellow villager and inadvertently drank a few more glasses of wine, and this was only a few days later!”

“We know so!” Zhu Yuanzhang said, “Drag it out, behead it and show the public!” ”

“Spread the word to the world, there are strict rules for eight hundred li rush, if there is a violation, the punishment will be heavier!”


Xue Xiang, the shangshu of the army, took the report and read it aloud: “However, in the spring of the twelfth year of Hongwu, Mu Ying, the Duke of Qianguo, led his army to sit in Kunming, and was planning to sweep away the remnants of the puppet Liang king and subdue the entire territory of Yunnan. ”

“Who knew that Annan, under the leadership of the new king Chen Shuming, suddenly attacked our army camp.”

“The minister led the army to face the battle, and its military combat strength is not as good as Erer, but it is just a trick to make some Yin soldiers cross the border!”

“On the evening of April 13, the twelfth year of Hongwu, Chen led his army to fight against him, and an army dressed in black armor suddenly descended on our army camp without knowing it, and the sneak attack was successful in one fell swoop!”

“Wei Chen led his pro-army to chase and kill, who knew that he got into the woods as if he had entered the heavens and the earth, and disappeared without a trace!”

“April 21, the twelfth year of Hongwu, again!”

“Several times after that, this group of black-armored soldiers suddenly appeared, and then strangely disappeared!”

“From the mouth of the Annan captive, I learned that this is the trick used by Chen Shuming to summon Yin soldiers!”

“Wei Chen led the army to the shocking horse trough, but the horse was unwilling to move forward.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Annan captures Yun, this is the land where Yin soldiers enter and exit the Yin and Yang Realms!”

“Even stranger:”

“In April of the twelfth year of Hongwu, just as the minister was leading the army to confront him, a war report suddenly came from Kunming in the rear, saying that the granary had been moved empty overnight!”

“There is only one IOU left in the warehouse, and two big characters are written on the Yin Soldier.”

“Since then, the army has not stored enough food, and the grain transportation officers have said that it is extremely dangerous for the soldiers to borrow food!”


“It can actually go deep into Kunming!”

“The decree of the Yin soldier is annoying for our army, and the army’s heart is also quite disturbed!”

“If you don’t solve this army, the minister will not dare to let go and lead the army deep, for fear of being ambushed by the enemy army!”

“The minister has repaired the book and asked Mr. Liaozhai to make a move!”

“Implore the Emperor to take a look!”

Yin soldiers transit?

What is this trick?

Zhu Yuanzhang swept past the group of ministers, and Li Wenzhong said: “Emperor, is it not that they have already ambushed there, deliberately dressed in black armor to deceive the ghosts and disturb the hearts of our army!” ”

“It’s possible!” Lu Zhongheng said.

The Lord of Annan County shook his head vigorously: “Emperor, Chen Shuming’s defeat of his father mainly relied on this group of Yin soldiers. ”

“He can appear anytime and anywhere from weird places, such as deep in the woods, rocky hills, etc.!”

“Let’s just say that this chaotic stone hill, my father sent people to investigate, and this place is bare, the soil is soft, and all the sights can be seen.”

“It’s impossible to hide people!”

“Father is not guarded over there, but in the evening…”

“They’re attacking from here!”

“And ah~” Shangshu Xue Xiang of the military department said: “Even if they can ambush in advance, they won’t sneak into Kunming City!” ”

“If it is lurking in advance, how should it be explained that Yin soldiers appear in Kunming to borrow food?”


“Hahaha!” Hearing the conversation in the hall, Li Yafu, who had just been frightened to his knees, suddenly burst out laughing: “Your Majesty the Great Emperor! ”

“Do you know why I dared to risk the wrath of thunder to send that letter of state, wanting to take the fire and lose Daming’s face?”

“My king is a true living true dragon, and this Yin soldier is proof of this!”

“Even Kunming has been subjected to Yin soldiers!”

“Maybe when Ying Tiancheng will come, a divine weapon will descend!”

“At that time, change the sun and the moon, it will not work!”


Li Yafu actually laughed wildly in the hall, Li Wenzhong stepped forward and slapped him fiercely, and just as he was about to speak, there was a sudden burst of laughter outside.


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