“Ship, dock!”

Chen Yong immediately said, but the ship’s family said: “Xianggong, it can’t be done here, there is no dock.” ”

“The nearest pier is outside the water gate, where you can disembark and turn back through the city gate.”

“Outside the Watergate?”

By the time everyone got off the boat and rushed back, the pipa girl was gone.

Ning Zhiyu said, “I don’t know what suffering that sister has gone through!” ”

“Her lute is really uncomfortable to listen to.”

“Hmm!” Ouyang Shao and Song Lian also bowed their heads slightly.

Chen Yong threw up his hands and said, “Today’s wine has arrived, why don’t we disperse?” ”


“Then Brother Chen, I’ll wait for the two of you to leave!”


Chen Yong took Ning Zhiyu and them back to the small courtyard of the Chen family in the hutong, but after Song Lian returned home, he couldn’t sleep over and over, and wrote the sixteen words into a fold and handed them to the Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately summoned him.

“Song Lian, you said that these sixteen characters were written by Liaozhai?”


“Hahaha! These sixteen words are too much to our hearts. ”

“Look, for the benefit of the country.”

“When we expelled the Tatars and attacked Mengyuan, for the Central Plains, this was a matter of great benefit!”

“Later, the yellow book and the fish scale atlas were revised and the land was redistributed, and the tax revenue of Daming instantly rose to 30 million stone grain per year.”

“Several times more than before!”

“This is also the country of Eli!”

“Governing the country with virtue is a cliché, but the latter sentence is that virtue comes first, and it is the real finishing touch.”

“Those benefits above are all great benefits that are beneficial to Daming!”

“But some people, for their own interests, do not take Daming to heart at all, talk sweetly on their mouths, and have a stomach full of chickens and dogs.”

“What he did is even worse than Li Linfu!”

“For example, we remember that in Yangzhou Mansion, when a small official formulated the yellow book, he divided his seven aunts and eight aunts into good fields, and the others were wasteland, and they also went up the hillside!”

“This is lust!”

“For this kind of bastard, how many kills and how much, we will not be soft!”

“The promotion of a national policy should be carried out for the benefit of the Lord, but it must be supplemented by virtue.”

“This ensures that there will be no problems in the process of proposing and implementing national policies.”

“The people who rule according to law in the back, in our opinion, are only right to rule officials according to law.”

“It is enough for the people to have a township covenant!”

“Wonderful! Wonderful! ”

“This chat is really too appetizing to us!”


Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhu Biao: “Frame these sixteen characters and hang them under the plaque of the Qianqing Palace.” ”

“As long as we meet with officials, they must see it as soon as possible!”

“Everyone has to have a number in their hearts!”


Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the dragon chair reflexively, reviewed a few books but felt that he couldn’t sit still, and when Zhu Biao came back, he saw the sixteen words hanging on the Qianqing Palace with his own eyes, which was a little more stable.

“Biao’er, over there in Liaozhai, you will come and go a lot in the future.”

“He is a great talent, a real man, who can help you achieve great things!”

Zhu Biao asked: “Father Emperor, Yili Moguoguo, such a red fruit said, still hanging in the Qianqing Palace, is it…”

“It’s not in line with the royal soup.”

Zhu Yuanzhang scratched his head: “Song Lian, what is Wang Dao?” ”

“The way of kings is the way of holy kings, and kings should rule the world with benevolence and righteousness, and appease their subjects with virtue and government.”

“Gotta gotta~”

“After getting along with Liaozhai for so long, how come it is still this set! Don’t talk about it! ”

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly had a whim, pulled out a blank piece of paper from the table, wrote a letter to Liaozhai in the tone of Wang Zibai, and finally asked a question: “Brother Chen, what is the way of kings!” ”

“Come, let Chen Hong send it over quickly!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“We can’t wait to know the answer to this question from Chat Zhai!”


Not long after, Chen Hong came back and took a note that read: “The so-called royal road, if the opponent is not well-behaved, he will be trampled to death!” ”


Song Lian’s beard trembled, Brother Chen, how can you say such domineering words!

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed out loud and wrote another letter: “Then what is domineering? ”

The reply said: “Well, step on it too!” ”

“Then what is the trick!”

“Smile, suddenly trample him to death!”

“What is the Way of Confucius and Meng?”

“Before you step on death, talk to him.”

“So what is the way to do nothing?”

“I was indifferent, but you were inexplicably trampled to death by me.”


Looking at the four replies, Zhu Yuanzhang closed his mouth with a smile: “Biao’er, do you see it!” ”

“Seek the country with profit, rule the country with virtue, virtue comes first, and rule people according to law!”

“This is the true meaning of these four sentences!”

“It’s worthy of being able to write a book of killing barbarians!”


Zhu Yuanzhang left here laughing with his back hand, and Zhu Biao took the four reply letters and gradually fell into deep thought.

He… What a realization!

When I returned to the East Palace, I found that Princess Lin’an was still watching a play here, and the stage sang: “I have seen the Yingxiao of the Jinling Jade Hall, and the flowers of Qinhuai Water Pavilion bloom early~”

Zhu Biao asked, “Lin’an, look at the peach blossom fan again?” ”

Princess Lin’an spat out the lychee in her mouth: “Brother Prince, you come to see, it’s really touching.” ”

“I’ve seen it many times.”

“There are still some twists and turns to deal with in the palace (Zhao Lihao), you and Xiongying have fun.”

After speaking, he said to Zhu Xiongying: “Xiongying, go and call your two younger brothers to watch it together!” ”

“Yun Xi can, Yun Xi…”

“His palm hurts so much that he can’t estimate it.”

“What’s going on?”

“I didn’t finish my homework well today, and I was beaten by Master Zhou.”

This is normal, isn’t that what he said back then?

“Then you have to call even more, comfort and comfort him.”

“Let’s go!”


Zhu Biao left the four letters here before leaving, Lin’an glanced at it, and an idea suddenly came up.


Be a pen pal with Mr. Chatsai?

(Remember this chapter, he is the essence of the book)

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