In fact, Zhu Di did not use artillery, because the loading speed of artillery was very slow.

He used the latest rocket developed by the Ministry of Engineering!

Compared to artillery, although the power is small, but it is too simple to blow up a wall.

Zhu Di stepped on the box and looked at Xu Wendao’s face full of ridicule: “Patriarch Xu, do you have anything else to say now?” ”

Wen Zhengxin’s body immediately went numb, and if it weren’t for Gu Ning’s strong support, he would have knelt on the ground in front of Zhu Di!

That’s all missed.

Xu Wendao wanted to gamble again, betting that Zhu Di did not obtain much other evidence.

He walked up with a smile, saluted respectfully, and restored his light color.

“I heard that there was a fire in the Qingyuan Dart Bureau, and I was so anxious that I hurriedly sent people to the rescue.”

“Your Highness is a noble man of heaven and a body of ten thousand gold.”

“If Yueyue is injured, I really can’t blame it!”

Zhu Di looked at him with a smile, and suddenly applauded: “I really didn’t expect that a person’s skin could be so thick!” ”

“But I have some skills.”

“The biggest evidence has obviously fallen into my hands, but you are completely treated as if nothing happened.”

“That Zhangzhou prefect Wen is not in such a good state of mind.”

Xu Wendao pretended to be puzzled: “What does this mean, adult?” ”

Zhu Di opened the box and handed it to Zhang Yu next to him, letting him read it word by word.

“The division of the 14th year of the Toyo Trading Company Hongwu in March.”

“Wen Zhengxin, the prefect of Zhangzhou, tattooed one thousand taels of silver.”

“Zhangzhou Mansion Cheng, eight hundred taels of silver.”

“Zhangzhou judicial envoy Gu Ning, tattooed silver eight hundred taels.”

“Fujian participates in politics, and Yinren “320” two. ”

“Fujian Metropolitan Command Tan Xiang, tattooed two thousand taels of silver.”


The above list is very long, do not need to be promoted by Chen Yong, after opening the sea, the double-entry accounting method has long appeared, although there are local characteristics, but the general principle followed has not changed.

Fujian’s name is Longmen Account, which has four directories of in, out, vacancy and actual storage, which seem to be clear at a glance.

Xu Wendao pretended to be shocked, “This…”


“Your Highness, please don’t believe what is said above, Lord Prefect and Lord Judicial Envoy are good officials.”

“Didn’t you see the smoke of today’s moon port?”

“The implementation of the Zhangzhou Ten Brands is also very appropriate, and there has been no problem!”

“King Yan, there has always been a wave of small gangsters in Fujian, they secretly oppose the opening of the sea, I think, this matter must be secretly planted for this group of rats.”

“The purpose is to damage my reputation and make a big deal out of public opinion, it is best to make trouble with the emperor and restart the original sea ban.”

“Your Highness, don’t fall for their divisive scheme!”

Gu Ning also pretended to be bitter and said: “King Yan, there is indeed such a group of people, before opening the sea, they colluded with the Wokou and smuggled with the coast. ”

“After opening the sea, its human advantage was gone, so he tried his best to destroy it.”

“The Zhangzhou government has been chasing them all along, but because they are hiding deeply, there is not much progress!”

“Let them not be at their mercy.”

If it weren’t for Zhou Xin’s clear explanation of the matter, if it weren’t for Zhu Di capturing Xu Shuangxi at sea, if he hadn’t caught Zhang Jing, he might have really let them hide from this troubled water!

At this time, because of the fire, the people who had rushed home because of the plague all watched through the windows.

Xu Wendao looked around: “I am also quite famous in Yuegang, leading the people to seek a way to live overseas!” ”

“Definitely wouldn’t do such an insulting thing as Sven!”

“Please believe me!”

“Please also ask Your Highness not to be seduced by the words of villains, do not be used by them!”

Because Daming’s economy became more and more prosperous, Fujian added many new factories specializing in the manufacture of tea porcelain and silk.

These practical reforms have made the people’s lives better and better.

Although Xu Wendao acted perversely, except for being trafficked by people, others really did not feel it.

In addition, he usually builds bridges and paves roads, founded a nursing home, and does his best to create a good image of a good person, which really misled many people for a while.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Di said coldly: “You still have the face to say that your own nursing home?” ”

“It’s really not tears when you don’t see the coffin!”

He asked Zhang Jing to come up: “Open, who asked you to set fire to the Qingyuan Dart Bureau?” ”

Zhu Di took out a fire cap gun and aimed it at his thigh.

“I don’t have time to pester you here, just count three.”





The fire cap gun sounded, and a buckshot directly pierced Zhang Jing’s thigh, and gurgling black blood suddenly gushed out.


Zhang Jing screamed bitterly and wanted to hold the wound and shout, but his body was imprisoned by Zhang Yu.

Zhu Di reloaded another bullet and said mockingly: “Before I clearly admitted that I was for money, the apprentice of Zhang Dingbian has become a lackey of the Xu family, and now he is playing some kind of loyal and tough trick!” ”

“You don’t say it!”

Seeing that Zhang Jing did not open his mouth, the corner of Zhu Di’s mouth hooked a thick black smile, and the muzzle slowly went up, and finally aimed at the position of his crotch.

“If this shot goes down, you won’t be able to enter the ancestral grave if you die.”

“Think about it before answering.”

With Zhang Jing’s martial arts, he naturally knew where Zhu Di was targeting!

“You’re vicious!!”

“Yes… It was Xu Wendao who made me burn it! ”

Xu Wendao hurriedly retorted: “Your Highness, you tortured on the street and tortured to extract a confession, how can the words spoken in this situation count!?” ”

Gu Ning also followed suit: “Yes!” ”

Xu Wendao suddenly changed his words and poured dirty water on Zhu Di’s body, wanting to muddy this stall.

“Your Highness, I know why you are like this, I agreed to the conditions you proposed, how about handing over all the ships in the family to you to take to the West?”

“Even if you take my old life!”

“I just ask you not to be fooled by traitors!”

“The account books in that box were forged by people, and it was a trick of the opponents of opening the sea to separate them, just to make the imperial court restart the sea ban!”

“The people of Zhangzhou live by the sea!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What he said was righteous and righteous, and he was beaten backwards.

In the hearts of the people, Zhu Di, who got the evidence book, became an evil person, and he was a good person who vindicated his wrongs!

Zhu Di really wanted to go up and cut this dagger.

Now he also understands how important Mr. Liaozhai’s public heart is as always in the jade pot!

If it was Chen Yong standing here, he would definitely not bother so much!

The moment he struck, the people naturally had a clear judgment in their hearts!

And the originally trembling Zhangzhou prefect saw that things seemed to have taken a turn, and immediately said with great righteousness: “Your Highness, don’t be deceived by villains!” ”

At this time, only a pop sounded, and two human heads were thrown in front of Xu Wendao.

His pupils shrank, and it was the two Xu family slaves who were staring at the dung picker.

A sergeant walked over, clasped his fists and said, “Your Highness, as Lord Zhou expected, there are indeed people watching outside the door. ”

“I brought people!”


Zhu Di patted him on the shoulder, looked at the manure picker, and then told all the stories Zhou Xin had said: “Fellow people, don’t be fooled by Xu Wendao’s rhetoric just now. ”

“This person originally monopolized the smuggling of Yuegang, and after opening the sea, because he missed the opportunity, he couldn’t make much money by formal means.”

“A dirty man like him didn’t want to open up new routes.”

“Since formal means cannot earn money, use informal means.”

“So he copied the previous pirate’s business, robbed the house, did the unprofitable business, sold the looted things to Nanyang, and then bribed the city boss and the Zhangzhou officials, and gradually re-monopolized the Zhangzhou sea trade.”

“The so-called taking the people to the sea is a complete scam!”

“In the Daming Dynasty, there is the protection of the Great Ming Law, and the emperor is the king of the ages, Hu Weiyong killed more than 10,000 people, and there are ten card supervisors, they dare not be too presumptuous.”

“When they go overseas, it is completely different, and those people who follow them to the sea are confined by them to be used as cattle and horses, and they are killed indiscriminately at the slightest carelessness.”

“And this manure picker, he is one of them, but he ran back from Nanyang!”

Hearing this, Xu Wendao’s originally solemn face gradually became livid.

And Wen Zhengxin stiffened that sentence, and when he heard that Zhu Di had other evidence, he immediately continued to scream in fear.

Angry, even the judicial envoy next to Gu Ning secretly scolded: Useless fool!

The manure digger said, “Oh…”

“My name is Li Zheng, I originally lived in Lijiabaozi outside the city, about a year or so, I followed Xu Wendao to the sea.”

“The situation he painted before going to sea was good, the natives of the South Seas did not understand anything, the land there was also very fertile, it could be ripened three times a year, and the seeds could grow without careful care…”

“The bankers are densely packed, and they can’t finish eating rice in a year!”

“Naturally, I’m looking forward to it!”

“But after going to sea, everything changed, and he loaded them at the bottom of the ship, where it was dark and could not see anything, and he gave him something to eat and drink every third and fifth, and he barely guaranteed not to die.”

“Later, I learned that it was the bottom of the box, and it was originally filled with sand!”

“After arriving in Nanyang, I found that the land was indeed fertile, but it had nothing to do with them!”

“They gave pouts and hoes, and built fences to keep people in place.”

“Because the days are so long, they have to work for a long time every day, which is more tiring than when they first worked for the government.”

“In the first few days, many people vomited up and down, and a doctor accompanying him said that he was not satisfied with the water and soil, and prayed that Xu’s family would give some Chinese medicine to save his life.”

“However, the Xu family ignored it, and even directly beat the doctor to death.”

“Soon, many people died because of the water and soil, and even those who survived could not last long, and gradually lost their likeness.”

“In the end, many people, even the closest relatives, could not recognize his true appearance.”

“My partner who went to sea with me suddenly fell to the ground one day, and my stomach was blue, and everyone who escaped knew that it was because of eating wild vegetables for a long time!”

“Even if you plant more land, it doesn’t matter to them, you can only eat some rotten things every day.”

“In the end, he was exhausted alive.”

“This is not bad, some people can’t tell what wild vegetables can be eaten, and they are directly poisoned;”

“Some were whipped to death; Some were sold to the Nanyangs; Others were drowned in water! ”

“When the natives invaded, they had to go with hoes to help him fight, and many people were killed by arrows and stoned!”

“I was strong and strong, barely survived, and when the people were almost dead, the Xu family pulled another boat of people over.”

“Then repeat what we had done.”

“Because General Li Wenzhong attacked Annan, Annan was in chaos, there were many pirates on the sea of Nanyang, and one day they suddenly attacked the Xu family’s manor, seeing that this is the territory of the Han people and killing people indiscriminately, the head of the Xu family was also hacked to death!”

“Although many of your partners also died under the swords of the Annanese, you don’t know how happy you are in your heart when you see the Xu family being hacked to death, and you can’t wait to go up and crush them!”

“I ran out while I was in chaos, and I don’t know how long I ran and ran into the natives of Nanyang!”

“The Xu family brought them there originally to farm, but the head of the Xu family secretly traded with the Nanyang people and built many workshops privately.”

“The natives saw that he was a Han, so he brought him to the ship and asked him to make all kinds of things.”

“I don’t know that thing, I ate a lot of whips 0.2 seeds at first, and then I understood!”

“I don’t know how long it took, a kind maritime merchant found Li, paid for Li’s body, and brought Li back to Daming.”

“After coming back, I found that the entire Zhangzhou Di was already the world of the Xu family, and Xu Wendao got it himself, just like Mazu, and the people were very convinced of him.”

“Seeing this, I didn’t dare to tell others about my experience during this time, so I could only find a place to make a living using the craft I was forced to learn in Nanyang.”

“Later, I settled in Shijia Pai, but I was afraid that I would be targeted by the Xu family if I was too ostentatious, so I found a job digging manure.”

“Until now!”

“Gentlemen!” He suddenly took off his dirty and smelly clothes, and his vicissitudes eyes were full of tears: “Don’t believe Xu Wendao’s rhetoric!” ”

“He’s a bastard!”

“Look at the wounds on your body, can I still lie to you!”

The original accent of Zhangzhou, who did not learn the Liaozhai dictionary, made the people instantly believe in the identity of this person.

When looking at his body, everyone was startled.

The back was densely covered with scars, which were signs of whipping with a whip; The right arm bears abnormal bending and should have been broken;

Everyone then found that his front teeth were also missing, his toes were missing two, and he was full of dead skin that had fallen off, and there were even cracks one after another!

Apparently worked in the water for a long time!

Everyone looked at Xu Wendao in unison.

Xu Wendao’s face was pale, as if he had been struck by lightning!

Staggered back several steps.

Seeing him like this, Wen Zhengxin fell to the ground with a pop.

Now, I’m afraid it’s really over!.

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