On the night of the full moon, atop the Forbidden City, the battle between the Sword Gods, the ending was rewritten.

Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng was not dead, only because of one man, his name was Zhou Xian!

"Why?"Ximen Chuxue was puzzled. He didn't understand why Ye Gucheng changed the direction of his last sword.

He was not afraid of death.

He learned swordplay at the age of seven and loved swordplay like his life. At the age of twenty-three, he had mastered the swordplay and regarded killing as an art. After killing someone, he liked to blow the blood off his sword, just like a night walker shaking off snowflakes.

Death is like the wind, always with him.

"Because he doesn't want you to die!"

Ye Gucheng pointed at Zhou Xian.

"There are too few sword gods in the Ming Dynasty, and there is not a single sword master.

You and Ye Gucheng both have a chance. You are still young, and it is easy to become a grandmaster. For you, at the latest, in a few years, or even decades, you will be another grandmaster and suppress the world!

But it is difficult to become a celestial being. If the Ming Dynasty produces a sword master, what is there to fear for the eight dynasties?

Therefore, you should not die, otherwise, it will be a loss for the Ming Dynasty!"

"I am not interested in the rise and fall of dynasties!"

"No, you are sentimental, you have your wife and children in your heart, so in this battle, you will be reluctant to lose.

If the Ming Dynasty is in danger, you will take action because they are all citizens of the Ming Dynasty."

Ximen Chuixue was silent. He was indeed defeated, because he still had concerns in his heart.

He stood tall and straight, his white clothes were as white as snow, like a sculpture that had stood there since time immemorial. After so many years of ups and downs, the shadow of loneliness finally flashed across his lonely eyes.

Being obsessed with kendo, you are destined to have no friends, no relatives, no lovers, and only the sword.

At first, Ximen Chuixue practiced swordplay day and night, and although he was alone, he did not feel the loneliness that penetrated deep into his bones.

His only goal was to achieve success in swordplay. His passionate feelings for the sword could cover up other emotions in human nature, and loneliness was the most insignificant one among them.

From the moment he decided to devote himself to kendo, the seeds of loneliness were buried deep in his heart.

When he first entered kendo and made some success, the shadow of loneliness became stronger.

After all, he was still a human being, a person with blood, tears, and emotions.

When Ximen Chuixue met his opponent, he showed a passionate 's eyes, that was a strong feeling of pursuing the way of the sword.

At this time, he only had his eyes on his opponent, and his heart only had the sword.

Loneliness was a very distant thing that would not have any effect on him.

However, most of the time, he could only wait, waiting for that sacred moment to come.

This sole waiting became the source of his loneliness deep in his bones.

He could only wait, and there was nothing else in his life.

When he saw Sun Xiuqing for the first time, the pattern of loneliness began to change.

He treated a woman's injury, and then they fell in love with each other.

Later, they had a child.

He was no longer alone, there was someone to wait with him, someone to accompany him, someone to listen to him, and someone to understand him.

He was no longer alone, in form and in emotion, he had a support.

Many people said that he had begun to become human, that he had begun to have feelings.

But the sword is ruthless, and the pursuit of the sword is...���Can he be sentimental? He seemed to be getting further and further away from the way of the sword.

The sword is a sacred item from ancient times, supreme and precious, revered by both humans and gods. It is the king of all weapons and the ancestor of short weapons.

"Is it true that a person is sincere to the sword, that is the pinnacle of the sword? The sword is inherently ruthless, and the person is also ruthless, is there a chance to reach the peak?

Seeing him silent, Zhou Xian asked

"Yes!" He answered without hesitation.

In this battle, because he had feelings and concerns, he lost, even if it was only half a move.

Of course, his swordsmanship was sublimated again.

"What do you think?" Zhou Xian didn't say anything and looked at Ye Gucheng.

"Yes!" Ye Gucheng's answer was exactly the same.

"I don't think so!"

Zhou Xian's words were earth-shattering, and everyone around was dumbfounded.

You deny two kendo masters?

Who do you think you are?

When they were learning swords, you were probably learning the Three Character Classic, full of"zhihuzheya" and"shiyunziyu".

He is a kendo master, who in the world can be better than him.

Yu Huatian looked at him with some contempt, thinking that he didn't understand kendo at all, let alone other people.

If Zhuge Xiaohua hadn't been next to him, someone would probably have scolded him.

"There are 30 million sword cultivators in the world, and they all bow their heads when they see me.

If I, Zhou Xian, were not born, the sword path would be as dark as the night forever!


Zhou Xian roared, and a long sword flew into his hand. The sword was not gorgeous, but just a wooden sword.

He stroked the sword in his hand, as if he could feel its breath.



"Big talk!"

""You're a clown!"

The people around, especially the swordsmen, shouted. This was simply an insult.

Zhou Xian ignored them and continued to talk to himself.

"Today I will tell the sword practitioners in the world what is the sword way?

The sword is made of ordinary iron, but it becomes spiritual because of holding it, moves because of the heart, lives because of blood, and dies because of non-thought!

The four realms of swordsmanship: swordsmanship, sword intention, sword heart, and sword way.

The realm of art: mastering swordsmanship, swordsmanship is subtle, and the sword is gathered into a force; the realm of intention: the sword intention is slightly accomplished, the vision is manifested, and the heart and sword are traceless; the realm of heart: the sword heart is condensed, the sword heart is indestructible, and the sword heart contains the Tao; the realm of Tao: there is no me and no sword, no sword and no Tao, and there is no me and no Tao.

The first realm of sword training is to see mountains as mountains and water as water.

The second realm of sword training is to see mountains not as mountains and water not as water.

The third realm of sword training is to see mountains as mountains and water as water.

The fourth realm is that everything is mountains and water.

To put it simply, it is the first level, the unity of man and sword, the connection between heart and sword. The second level, there is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart.

The third level, grass, trees, flying stones can all be swords.

The fourth level, the sword is me, I am the sword, the way is the sword. The highest sword, my way is the sword, if I have feelings, then the sword has feelings; if I have no feelings, then the sword has no feelings; the heart moves with the will, the sword is based on people!"

After Zhou Xian finished speaking, there was silence all around, and you could hear a pin drop.

"Today, I will use a wooden sword to cut iron, and show you what the pinnacle of swordsmanship is.


Zhou Xian yelled again, and a well-made iron sword flew into his hand.


He was seen holding the wooden sword and slashing at the iron sword.


The iron sword broke neatly into two pieces, while the wooden sword remained intact.

There was still silence, and then the discussion broke out.

"How is it possible?"

Someone shouted.

"Am I dazzled? Slap me!"

"The wooden sword cut the iron sword without any damage. It's incredible?"

"Is this the pinnacle of kendo?"


A moment later,

"I've learned your lesson!"Ye Gucheng bowed to Zhou Xian. As arrogant as he was, he also admitted that his swordsmanship had not reached its peak.

"Today I know the pinnacle of swordsmanship. From now on, whatever you ask for, I will grant it to you!"

Ximen Chuxue's eyes flashed like a sword, and he also bowed.

"His sword art can be regarded as the ancestor!"Yu Huatian sighed,

"Is this still the way of the sword in the human world?"Duan Tianya stroked the sword in his hand.

"Ye Gucheng, do you want to fight?" Zhou Xian looked at him.

"No, you are the strongest in kendo, I still need to calm down!"

"So you admit that you are not as good as me in kendo?"


He answered straightforwardly, and then added:"But only now, I will surpass you!"

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