""My Lord, your presence is a great honor to my humble home. I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar!" Lin Zhennan complimented politely. For those who live in the underworld, martial arts is the first priority, followed by rules, then loyalty, and finally information.

As an escort agency in the underworld, information is the most important thing.

The man in front of him is the most turbulent trend-setter in the Ming Dynasty in the past month. He is the sworn brother of Emperor Zhengde, the top scholar in the Ming Dynasty, the president of the Shenwu Academy, the Marquis of Xiaoyao, the Supreme Sword Master, the Martial Arts Prodigy, the Grandmaster of Martial Arts...

Any of these titles is what others dream of all their lives.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you?"

"I don't know what you are doing, sir. But if you have a request, I will do it!"

"Let me be frank. Your family is going to be destroyed. I have observed the celestial phenomena at night and calculated with my fingers. Your Fuwei Escort Agency is about to meet with disaster!"

"My Lord, don't joke!"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Lin Zhennan frowned and said nothing. If anyone else dared to say that, he would definitely beat them out.

But he couldn't afford to offend the person in front of him.

"Don't talk nonsense. My Fuwei Escort Agency travels all over the country. Who in the world would not give us face?"

A handsome man behind Lin Zhennan spoke. He had delicate eyebrows and eyes, and was very handsome. He was more handsome than Zaixing and more beautiful than a beautiful woman.

His eyes were clear and innocent, and his words were tender and coquettish. He was Lin Pingzhi.

Born in a wealthy merchant family, he was doted on since childhood. He didn't know the dangers of the world.

Although his martial arts were not high, he was kind and chivalrous, pure and proud, and extremely beautiful and filial.

Because his ancestral sword manual was coveted by others, he was exterminated by the Qingcheng Sect. He was forced to step into the rivers and lakes due to the blood feud.

In his wanderings, he met Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan Sect, but was used and murdered.

Finally, he found out that he was the"item" that everyone wanted to plunder in the bloody rivers and lakes.

The only thing he could rely on was the sword method of exorcising evil. In the endless torrent of bad luck,

Lin Pingzhi, who went upstream, was gradually contaminated by the dangerous and cruel rivers and lakes, and went to the destructive extreme, killing cruelly, ruthlessly and ruthlessly. He practiced the Exorcism Sword and became a top expert in the martial arts world.

He used the Exorcism Sword to massacre the Qingcheng Sect and ruthlessly killed his wife Yue Lingshan.

Finally, he was imprisoned by Linghu Chong at the bottom of the West Lake.

But when Zhou Xian came, his ending would be rewritten.

A person who was once so kind and pure should not have such an ending.

He was not wrong, but the world was wrong!

The disaster of exterminating the family was so tragic.

But Lin Pingzhi still retained a pure heart after his family was exterminated.

He would rather be a beggar than a thief, and would not attack the peasant woman who insulted him.

He would never fight back when bullied by his fellow disciples, and would not take revenge when his enemies were sleeping.

When Yu Canghai was surrounded, he still had a fair one-on-one duel.

He even had a lot of beautiful illusions.

He always naively thought that someone would help him and seek justice for his innocent family members.

When he first met Yue Buqun, he suddenly felt...

Reverence made him see hope and light, but he didn't know that the world was not as simple as he thought.

He is innocent, kind, pure, and stupid, but that is not a sin, they are all beautiful and noble qualities!

Like in the previous life, some people are obviously very kind, they will give money to beggars, give up seats to the elderly and pregnant women on the bus, and no matter what they do, they will say thank you!

But there are so many sufferings in this world, but nothing lets him go!

I don't know since when did the word"honest" become a derogatory term? I don't know since when did the word"honest" become a synonym for cowardice and incompetence? The word"honest" has also become the lowest and most cowardly derogatory term.

Don't marry an honest person, because honest people are the most boring and the most avoided.

To be honest, what does it mean to be honest? Honesty, integrity, and diligence in doing things.

Industry, diligence, honesty is a precious quality.

We advocate honesty and trustworthiness in everything we do.

The right way in the world is vicissitudes, and even the policy of national development is to be down-to-earth, pragmatic and enterprising, and to struggle honestly!

The backbone of the Chinese nation is precisely those scientists, workers, and farmers who do things honestly.

How come honesty has become a synonym for cowardice now? Are those flashy stars the backbone of the Chinese nation? Absolutely not!

Honest people do not mean cowardice, nor are they good people without opinions.

It's just that some people are good at expressing themselves, and some people are more introverted.

When turbidity becomes the norm, innocence is also a sin!

When a beam of light shines into the darkness, that beam of light is a sin, but if that beam of light attempts to become more dazzling and hopes to illuminate more darkness, then it is faith!

Zhou Xian doesn't want to be the faith of this world.

He is not that noble.

Like most people, he is just a layman.

When he came to this world, he just wanted to be the ancestor of the clan, invincible in the world, free and easy, hold the power of the world when awake, and sleep on the lap of a beautiful woman when drunk.

If there is a chance, it would be best if he could live forever!

But his education, his values, and the sense of responsibility engraved in his bones do not allow him to see that good people are scarred and carry heavy burdens , while evil people are rampant and free and easy!

Wrong is wrong, evil is evil, how can it be right? It shouldn't be like this!!!

At this time, he suddenly remembered a sentence:"From now on, if there is no torch, I will be the only light!

" PS: I didn't want to write this chapter.

Maybe some people don't like to read it, but I still wrote it.

The performance of this book is not good, but I don't want to cut it.

I write books not just for money.

I am a layman, like most people, I like money, very much!

But, there is still a fire in my heart, and my blood is hot.

Maybe it is because society is impetuous.

Many times, everything is about money.

Ideals and so on are all lies.

However, wrong is wrong and right is right.

It is obviously the same thing.

When it happens to the poor, some people despise it.

���Because it is wrong, it happens to rich people, and some people praise it and think it is right.

Am I really wrong?

No, I would rather admit that the world is wrong and accept some doubts, and I will not hurt any kind and lovely person who has dreams and is full of passion!

My blood is hot, flowing with the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang for five thousand years.

It is noble, sincere, and hot.

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