At night, the lights flickered in the residence of Qiao Ziyun, the governor of Guangde City, Fuzhou.

"Sir, we are afraid that……"Zhao Deyang, a trusted subordinate, was also a little scared.

"What are you afraid of? Is there any evidence to prove that they are true?"

Qiao Ziyun, a Jinshi in the 15th year of Chenghua, the cousin of the current head of the Qiao family, one of the eight great families of the Ming Dynasty, about 50 years old, at the peak of innateness, the prefect of Fufu, a fourth-rank official of the court, in Fufu, he is the sky, can control the 10,000 garrison troops of Fufu, if there is an emergency, such as a large-scale attack by the Qing Dynasty, or someone rebels, can control the 40,000 border troops of Fufu, plus the 10,000 garrison troops, a total of 50,000 troops, even if the Grand Master comes, he may not be able to please him.

"I have already found out that Xiaoyao Hou went to Fuwei Escort Agency"

"A person who relies on flattery to please others, how can he be the top scholar? Or a marquis? He won't live long."


"Do you know what he wrote in his essay for the palace examination?"


"Collect commercial taxes, weaken Buddhism, lift the maritime ban, train new troops, and change the land!"

"This is simply out of this world."

"Yes, he has offended all the noble families and sects in the world. This time he has established the Shenwu Academy and the Arsenal, hoping to control all the warriors in the world. This is simply wishful thinking."

"It seems that his death is not far away."

"So, it's okay to offend him to death this time. It would be better if he makes a big fuss. I will lead the army to destroy him."

""Your Excellency is wise!" His confidant Zhao Deyang immediately flattered him.

Suddenly, a voice sounded,

"Oh, really?"

"Who is it?"

Qiao Ziyun panicked. Someone had come to his study without anyone noticing. He must be a master.

A man walked in. He was elegant and graceful, like a fairy descending from the earth.

"Zhou Xian!" He introduced himself.

"Come, there is an assassin, protect the Lord!"

The confidant Zhao Deyang shouted, but no one responded.

"Don't waste your energy. I'll let Shangguan Haitang deal with the person."

"I wonder what instructions Lord Zhou has for you?"

Qiao Ziyun's pupils shrank, and he immediately regained his composure, worthy of being a man who had seen the world.

"Kill you!"

"You dare? I am an official appointed by the imperial court!"

Qiao Ziyun yelled, grabbed his confidant Zhao Deyang and pushed him towards Zhou Xian, then turned around and fled.

""My Lord!" Zhao Deyang cried miserably, his eyes filled with despair.

"I expected it!"

Zhou Xian moved a hundred paces, moved, moved, turned back and stabbed, no, it should be turned back and pointed, the sword energy was running wild, using his finger as a sword,


Qiao Ziyun's eyes flashed with resentment, and then he fell down. There was a small wound between his eyebrows, but it was very deep, almost penetrating his entire head.

He was bleeding and had no breath.

""My Lord!"

Zhao Deyang shouted, trembling with fear, but also with the joy of surviving a disaster.

"What's that smell?"

Zhou Xian suddenly smelled something fishy, and when he turned around, he saw Zhao Deyang slumped on the ground, his pants were soaked.

"Do you want to live?"

"I want to!" Zhao Deyang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"That Qiao Ziyun…"

"Lord Qiao, that's not right. The traitor Qiao colluded with the Qing Dynasty and intended to rebel. His crimes were unforgivable. It was a blessing for the Ming Dynasty that he was beheaded on the spot by you.

I have an irreconcilable relationship with this traitor and I was deceived by him before.

Fortunately, you saw through everything and exposed the true face of the traitor Qiao for me.

You are truly a pillar of the country, with both literary and military skills, and no one can match you. You are like my second parent. I have no way to repay you, but I am willing to serve you at your service!"

"Yes, you are a talent!" Zhou Xian was very satisfied.

He had to say that Zhao Deyang was indeed a scholar.

Although he was not good at martial arts, his skill of flattery was superb and had reached the pinnacle.

This skill of taking advantage of every opportunity, catering to others' wishes, acting according to the situation, turning black into white, and telling lies to people was so impressive that even a grandmaster would sigh!

Who is the peak of flattery? Once you see this person, everything is in vain!

""Clang!" A hidden weapon flew towards Zhao Deyang, obviously intending to kill him.

""Pah!" Zhou Xian waved his hand, and a burst of sword energy knocked the hidden weapon off the ground.

"What you?"

"I was just wondering what you were doing! How could such a villain be allowed to stay?"

It turns out that the person who secretly attacked was Shangguan Haitang

"Sir, save me!"

Zhao Deyang was so frightened that his limbs went limp. With great willpower, he crawled towards Zhou Xian.

""Get lost!"

Zhou Xian immediately distanced himself from him.

Just when Zhao Deyang was already in despair, Zhou Xian's words rekindled his hope.

"Everyone has the right to live, life is precious, and we have no right to deprive others of their lives.

Besides, he is a talented person and speaks very well."

Shangguan Haitang was speechless. You just killed a fourth-rank official of the court without blinking an eye, and now you tell me to respect life?

"What about him?"

She pointed at Qiao Ziyun's body.

"A dog that is in the way should be killed."

Zhou Xian said calmly.

"You are so self-centered that you allow the officials to set fires but not the people to light lamps."

"Yes, I have double standards!"

"Double Standards?"

"Double standards!"

"Good words, your evaluation of yourself is very pertinent, it seems that you still have self-awareness.

Shangguan Haitang rolled her eyes at him

"I think, therefore I am. Who in this world is not centered on himself?

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