Chapter 0050 – Protect Zhu Yuanzhang Back to the Palace, but He Wants to Get Angry with Me!!!


It’s pretty cold!

When Ye Jin pushed open the door of the prison and went out, a cold breath came to him, and he was snorting vigorously.

After spending so long in prison, I felt quite warm, but I didn’t expect it to be so cold.

Yes, it’s the middle of the night, can ~ not feel cold.

At this hour, Ye Jin also felt tired, and he couldn’t wait to hurry back to the dormitory and get into the warm bed to lie comfortably, how comfortable it was

But it’s a pity that now Ye Jin and Luo Ren can’t go back for the time being.

Because they still have to send the old Zhu father and son back first, so that any of their tasks can be successfully completed.

“Please be careful with Your Majesty and the Crown Prince!”

Ye Jin quickly turned around and played the lantern, respectfully showed the way to the old Zhu father and son, and led them out of the prison.

Just like when he came, when he went back this time, Ye Jin opened the way in front, and Luo Ren served beside the two of them.

Ye Jin followed the road, and after taking Zhu Yuanzhang’s father and son out, he pondered in his heart, now the old Zhu father and son are angry, well, so they have to be careful, so as not to get into trouble… Otherwise, it would be unlucky.

It stands to reason that since he wants to go back now, Ye Jin should confirm with them whether he really wants to go back to the palace. Because just now Zhu Yuanzhang just said to go back, but he is not sure if he does not return to the palace.

Who knows what he thinks in his old Zhu’s heart, maybe he is happy to go somewhere else for a while?

But Ye Jin thought that Zhu Yuanzhang was angry now. Forehead…… So don’t ask him. Otherwise, it would not be good if he took the opportunity to get angry.

All in all, they had to leave the Jinyiwei command post first, which was no problem, so they better go first.

So Ye Jin carefully opened the way with the lantern in front.

This time, he was more careful and attentive than when he came, and when passing through a dark place, or turning a corner, Ye Jin specially stopped, waited for the two to pass by with a lantern, and then quickly continued to run.

When he arrived at the door of the command post, Ye Jin waited until the two of them came to the bright light at the door, and then quickly ran over and showed his waist card to open the way for the two of them.

He followed Ye Jin to the door, stood on the steps with a lantern, and let them come down for the father and son.

In fact, the door of the Jinyiwei command post is brightly lit, and everything is clearly illuminated, even if Ye Jin does not hold a lantern, the road on the steps can be seen clearly

But isn’t this afraid that these two will find trouble… So in order to be cautious, it is better to be smart and courteous, so as not to give these two an excuse to get angry.

As a result, this time around, Ye Jin saw that Zhu Yuanzhang was full of murderous anger at this time, staring at the four brocade guards guarding the gate of the commander, seemingly wanting to get angry.

But the four men stood there, unaware of the danger.

It turned out that these four people were on duty at night, so they couldn’t help but feel a little sleepy, so before they came over just now, one of the four people accidentally yawned.

Yes, this can give Zhu Yuanzhang a chance to get angry.

Good fellow, let you guard the door, it’s not a big deal, how can you dare to desert and get sleepy? What is this Nima! Is this also worthy of being called Jin Yiwei?

Zhu Yuanzhang thought that in the era when they fought the world, the most important thing was the guard at night.

If the guards do not pay attention at night, it is likely that they will be attacked by the enemy army and the whole army will be destroyed! In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang is now angry, so can he not want to have a seizure when he sees this?


I saw that Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyebrows were twisted, and when he was about to scold, the prince Zhu Biao quickly came over and grabbed the old man’s raised arm, and then signaled Zhu Yuanzhang with his eyes to calm down, don’t get angry.

Because Zhu Biao knew very well in his heart that it was nothing for people to yawn their big brother.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who was so angry now that he was looking for trouble and wanted to get angry.

If this Zhu Yuanzhang is angry, then it will not be as simple as two people alone.

Therefore, Zhu Biao, who was benevolent and righteous, hurriedly came to stop him and not let him cause trouble.


Although Zhu Yuanzhang likes to be assertive, he still respects Zhu Biao and Empress Ma. Therefore, since Zhu Biao came to persuade, this fire did not start.

He flicked his arm and snorted coldly, and walked down the steps with an unkind expression.

Look, see… What did I say…

Sure enough, it’s a kicking cat effect…

Ye Jin saw these in his eyes, and sighed in his heart. He thought that his guess was indeed correct, and Zhu Yuanzhang was easily angry now.

Fortunately, they were careful along the way, so they were able to stay safe.

Fortunately, now that the matter has been completed, they will soon return to the palace… Ye Jin calculated, this return to the palace will be more than twenty minutes, so as long as he is careful along the way and does not provoke their father and son to be angry, then he and Luo Ren can go back to sleep unharmed.

As for who the father and son will find to be angry with after they go back, it is none of their business. When the time comes, love which unlucky egg is unlucky, which unlucky egg is unlucky, in short, their brothers are fine.

They didn’t bother to worry about it either.

“Prince! Shall we go back to the palace? ”

Ye Jin pretended to be serious and came to the front of Prince Zhu Biao to despise it.

Because now out of the command post, where exactly to go next, you must ask clearly.

Lao Zhu is now angry, if he asks him, it may be a stinky curse… Therefore, Ye Jin came to ask Zhu Biao very shrewdly, so that it would be much safer.

Originally, an emperor and a prince, the prince came to serve the emperor, so it didn’t matter if he asked the prince.

“Well, let’s go back to the palace!”

“Yes, Prince!”

Hearing Zhu Biao say this, Ye Jin was completely relieved.

Very good, it is more than twenty minutes away, as long as you can get through it, hehe, everything will be fine.

Then let’s go!

I’ll be able to go back to sleep in no time!

Ye Jin suddenly saw the hope of going back, so he shook his spirits and continued to carefully lead the way in front.

When he was halfway there, there was still no accident, which made Ye Jin suddenly more relaxed.

He thought that this was how it would go, and they would soon go back.

But it’s a pity that although Ye Jin thinks so, sometimes it backfires, which makes people very depressed.

Just as Ye Jin was playing a lantern in front of him, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps in the silent alley, and he immediately felt that something was wrong.

Immediately after that, in the alley, four murderous black-clothed masked men, armed with shining lancets, domineeringly blocked their way. At the same time, in the rear box, three identical assassins also came out, blocking the retreat of several of them.

It seems that this is what they have calculated for a long time, that is, they are ambushing Ye Jin and them…

This…… I’ll go…… Assassin? This meets the assassin?

Seeing that there were really assassins blocking the way, Ye Jin couldn’t help but be stunned at that time.

Because he was completely unprepared, he didn’t expect to come out and meet assassins?

In broad daylight…… Well, no, even on the big night, this is in Yingtian City, near the palace.

But did you expect that there were assassins ambushed here?

Ye Jin and Luo Ren were just two Jin Yiwei pawns, and of course these assassins were not here to assassinate them.

So there is no doubt that they came for the emperor behind them.

Ye Jin suddenly felt shocked and speechless, he thought to himself how bad the situation in the early years of the Ming Dynasty was, how bad did it be, and he dared someone to assassinate the emperor on the street? If this Nima hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, who would have believed it?


Ye Jin saw that the other party was not good, so he decisively pulled out the embroidered spring knife on his waist.

No matter what, he and Luo Ren are Jin Yiwei, and they must not let the emperor get hurt.

Ye Jin saw these people with murderous looks, and seemed to be very cooperative, it should not be a rabble, it is estimated that he was prepared for a long time, and he came to Lao Zhu.

But just when Ye Jin was about to ask them what was going on and what they were going to do.

Zhu Yuanzhang in the back suddenly scolded with his throat.

“There are really assassins, there are really assassins!”

“Tell me what this is about? Yes? As the son of the great emperor, the honor of the emperor, he also dared to send people to assassinate him! Is he so ungrateful! ”

“Isn’t it good enough for him to promote him all the way up from a petty official? Did he dare to deal with Xu like this? It’s really a heartless thing! ”

“I’ll fuck it!”

Zhu Yuanzhang angrily stretched out his hand behind and cursed.

When Ye Jin heard Zhu Yuanzhang’s words, he suddenly felt a snort in his heart.

He thought to himself, listening to Zhu Yuanzhang’s meaning, he actually knew that there was an assassin for a long time? Do you even know who sent these assassins? He understood for a long time?

Hey, things in this palace are really complicated, it’s really getting more and more confused, and it’s getting more and more confusing.

Ye Jin was also a little confused at this time, he didn’t know what was going on, and this was too chaotic.

“You two kill all these assassins! Go, leave no one, kill them clean! ”

Without waiting for Ye Jin to figure out what was going on, Zhu Yuanzhang roared in anger in the back.

This Zhu Yuanzhang was originally angry, which Ye Jin understood in his heart.

Therefore, after seeing the assassin, it is understandable that he Zhu Yuanzhang angrily ordered him to be killed.

But Ye Jin felt crying and laughing at Zhu Yuanzhang’s order.

He thought to himself that even if his old Zhu wanted to kill someone, he would have to see the situation.

There were seven people on the other side, but Ye Jin and there were only two on their side, and the other party had already prepared and far outnumbered them.

After that, Zhu Yuanzhang actually let their two pawns strike out and kill these elite assassins who had been prepared for a long time?

Make a fuss! Is Lao Zhu really dizzy, or is he playing with him and Luo Ren? Let the two of them kill so many assassins, isn’t this the one who let their brothers die!

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