Daming's First Sword God/daming's Super God Six Doors

The First Sword GodThe Six Gates of the Great Ming Dynasty

Great wine!

Delicious food!

And another beauty!

All three items were ready, but no one moved the chopsticks.

Half an hour later, Sun Hu and others were still sitting here, the dishes were cold.

"He won't come!" Sun Hu said.

"His character, it shouldn't be! Sun Hu just finished speaking, and suddenly, a young man walked in outside, wearing a black robe, with a knife and a sword hanging from his left and right waists. The eyes project a fierce murderous intent.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Lin Wuya walked up and sat opposite Sun Hu.

Sun Hu looked at Lin Wuya, and the masters around him were also staring at Lin Wuya. Lin Wuya glanced at it. There were about twenty people, and they should all be third-rate masters. Wu Ya also understands that Sun Hu can't let the six-door arresters come and kill him. After all, he is also the appointed deputy governor, a third-rank court official.

"Haha, brothers are waiting for you, drink and eat!"

Sun Hu filled Lin Wuya with a cup.

Lin Wuya held the wine glass, sandwiched the delicious food, and slowly chewed it.

“Good wine!”

“The food is also good!”

"Of course, this wine is Zuixianlou's Zuixian wine. It is said that the immortals will get drunk when they drink it. This dish is also of the highest quality and is extremely precious. Master Lin tastes it well." Sun Hu was also holding a wine glass.

Lin Wuya tasted some delicious wine and delicious food, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, I will trouble Governor Sun tonight!"

"You're welcome!"

"After tasting, there are still beauties!"

"Come up!"

Soon, a woman wearing a white sheer tulle came over. Her sexy body and proud breasts made every man want to move. She walked to Lin Wuya's back and put her arms around Lin Wuya. , "Master, I'll accompany you to drink!"

The beauty was holding the wine glass, her body was close to Lin Wuya, and then she took Lin Wuya's hand and slowly moved it to her chest.

"Lin, please enjoy it slowly!"

"Brother Lin, is this woman beautiful? She is the top card of Zuixianlou!"

As soon as the words fell, the face of the proprietress became a little unnatural, Lin Wuya smiled, his eyes flashed a hint of coldness, and his left hand slipped to his waist while sitting on the chair!

The light suddenly appeared, and everyone could not see what Lin Wuya had done, only to see a bloodstain on the neck of the beautiful woman standing beside Lin Wuya, she looked at Lin Wuya with an unbelievable look, "You... such a fast knife!"

With a bang!

The woman next to Lin Wuya died on the spot!

The boss was shivering with fright and his face was pale.

Sun Hu's eyes were extremely gloomy, and he smiled and said, "Good skills and fast swordsmanship, I wonder how Brother Lin knew that this woman was sent by me?"

Lin Wuya smiled and said, "She's still a novice, so she's not a woman of the past!"

"How do you know she's not a woman of the past?"

"Whether it's there, I, someone in Lin, will know when I smell it!"

Sun Hu's face changed greatly, and he didn't know if this guy was joking or if he really had such awesome skills. He smelled it and knew that this was really awesome.

"Since she's not a Fengchen woman, and she's still wearing this look, it's obvious that she wants to kill me!" Lin Wuya didn't hold a wine glass this time, but carried a wine jug and poured it into his throat .


Lin Wuya drank abruptly, his eyes bursting with light, he looked at the female boss thirty meters away, and said, "Please close the windows and doors, I, Lin, are going to kill someone today!"

ps (feel free to cast flowers, evaluate votes, and give rewards! The author will update more!)

Chapter [-] Killing is still a knife! (Fourth more!)

Thirty meters away, the proprietress was shivering, her thighs were softening, she walked slowly to the door, closed the door, pulled the bolt on the house, and then put on the bench and closed the window. After finishing, she looked at Lin Wu Ya said: "Master, I have closed the doors and windows."

Lin Wuya waved his hand and motioned her to retreat.

Sun Hu's eyes fell on Lin Wuya: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, Lin Wuya, I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

Behind Sun Hu, more than [-] masters drew long knives from their waists, and everyone was staring at Lin Wuya.

"Lin Wuya, you must die today!" Sun Hu snorted coldly!

Lin Wuya glanced at the masters who surrounded him. Although these masters were strong, in Lin Wuya's eyes, they were still a lot worse. After all, he had plenty of internal strength, and with the Golden Snake Swordsmanship, he would kill him tonight and turn the world upside down. .

Lin Wuya's right hand slipped to his waist!

The light of the sword is dazzling, like the dazzling sun, Lin Wuya holds the long sword, his palm oscillates, the long sword's body is like a golden snake, and it twists strangely. The sound of tearing is like the sound of a poisonous snake sticking its tongue out.


The voice was extremely harsh and strange. Sun Hu and the others looked at the long sword in Lin Wuya's hand, and their expressions changed.

"This person is so weird, what kind of swordsmanship is this, how does a long sword feel like a poisonous snake, brothers, be careful."


One of Sun Hu's men held a long knife and slashed at Lin Wuya. Lin Wuya stood there, his eyes narrowed, and the long knife came. Lin Wuya's long sword entangled the man's long sword like a poisonous snake. The knife, in an instant, the tip of the sword spread toward the man's wrist, slashing fiercely!

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