Daming's First Sword God/daming's Super God Six Doors

The First Sword GodThe Six Gates of the Great Ming Dynasty

Still so beautiful!

Xuan Wu looked at the woman in red and frowned, "Who are you, dare to fight against my Jin Yiwei? Are you courting death?"

Dongfang Bai sneered, "They are all people who are about to die, how dare you mention Jin Yiwei!"

Immediately afterwards, Dongfang Bai looked at Lin Wuya and said, "Let me do it. Anyway, Dongfang Invincible is the great devil of the Demon Sect. If Lord Lin does it, it may cause a lot of trouble! I will help you. Murder, you owe me a favor, I think the favor of the Governor of the Six Gates Lin is still very valuable!"

Lin Wuya nodded, what Dongfang Bai said was indeed very reasonable. It was really easy to do Xuanwu and the dozen or so Jinyiwei here, but Jinyiwei and Wei Zhongxian might join forces to deal with him. Lin Wuya was not afraid, but Now, the six gates must be taken every step of the way. In this arena, if you take one wrong step, you will lose the whole game.

Of course, if Dongfang Bai didn't come here today, Lin Wuya would have other ways to get rid of Jinyiwei Xuanwu and the others!


In a word!

Dongfang Bai is here, Xuanwu and the others are dead!

Not coming!

Xuanwu and others are still dead!

The ultimate is death!

Xuanwu kneeled on the ground, his face changed greatly, showing an unbelievable look on the face of Dongfang Invincible, "Dongfang Invincible?"

Xuanwu felt that these names were very familiar, and in an instant, a trembling expression flashed in his eyes.

"Sun Moon Divine Sect, Dongfang Invincible! You are the devil Dongfang Invincible!" Xuanwu was shocked and looked at Lin Wuya in surprise, "Lin Wuya, it turns out that you are backed by the Demon Cult, no wonder you are so arrogant! "

Speaking of which, Xuanwu slapped the ground with a slap, the whole person rolled up, and wanted to escape, Dongfang Bai stretched out his white palm, the steel needle quickly shuttled, pierced the air, and there was a tearing sound in the air!

Chi Chi!

The steel needle penetrated Xuanwu's throat and exploded, and Xuanwu, who had not been able to escape, died on the spot!

The other Jinyiwei were so frightened that their faces were pale and shivering!

"Master Xuanwu is dead!"

"How to do!"

"How to do!!"

"Go, escape, and report to the commander!"

"Yes, get out!"

More than a dozen Jinyiwei guards clenched their knives, their foreheads covered in sweat.

"Your bosses are all going to hell, it's better for you to accompany them!"

As soon as the words fell, Dongfang Bai who was beside Lin Wuya suddenly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, Dongfang Bai circled around a dozen Jin Yiwei guards. When everyone reacted, Dongfang Bai returned to Lin Wuya.


One after another sound exploded!

Small blood holes appeared on everyone's neck, and then all of them died silently!

"Okay, it's over, Master Lin, you owe me a favor!" Dongfang Bai stared at Lin Wuya with big eyes.

Lin Wuya said with a smile: "Okay! I remember it, as expected of the big devil Dongfang girl, the shot is ruthless!"

"Are you complimenting me? Or are you hurting me?"

"Of course I'm complimenting you!"

"Cut, it's not like you fell into the pit of Lord Lin! With a hundred people going to Heimuya, you made me Dongfang Invincible and became yours!" Dongfang Bai smiled.

"My person?" Lin Wuya's palm suddenly climbed onto Dongfang Bai's soft waist.

Dongfang Bai smiled softly: "If you don't put your hands down, I'll kill you!"


Lu Jianxing and the others quickly cleaned up and was extremely agile.

Back in the lobby.

Dongfang Bai pointed to the box that his subordinates brought in, and said, "I have the six-door flying eagle suit ready!"

Immediately afterwards, Dongfang Bai personally opened a box, and inside the box was Lin Wuya's robe, embroidered on it with an eagle, piercing, piercing, and five sharp claws.

"I made it by myself!"

Lin Wuya took the robe, looked at her, and said, "Trouble Dongfang girl!"

After he finished speaking, Lin Wuya grabbed his palm, clasped the robe on his body, and looked at the lifelike flying eagle on it. The five claws seemed to be real. Lin Wuya had to admire Dongfang Bai's embroidery skills. It was truly unparalleled in the world.

"I, Lin Wuya, feel extremely honored to be able to wear the robe embroidered by Dongfang girl herself!"

"Lord Lin is very polite, I still want Lord Lin's protection from the Sun Moon Divine Sect, right!" Dongfang Bai approached Lin Wuya, spit out a fragrance, and opened his beautiful eyes.

"By the way, let me ask you a question!"

"Eastern girl, please speak!"

"In Heimuya, you call me Dongfang Bai. No one knows this name. How could you know?" Dongfang Bai looked at Lin Wuya and was very puzzled. This is her nickname. How could Master Lin know?

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