Daming's First Sword God/daming's Super God Six Doors

The First Sword GodThe Six Gates of the Great Ming Dynasty

"It's true!"

"Someone Lin never lies when he talks about dialogue!"

"Okay, that's what you said!"

Wan Yulou was suddenly shocked, and the strength of the whole body gathered, and the eunuch clothes on his body shook.

Lin Wuya's palm slipped to his waist, his eyes closed!

Raise your palm lightly!

Everyone didn't see whether Lin Wuya made a knife or not, but saw him turn around and leave.

"Okay, pack up and go back to Beijing!"

Wan Yulou looked at Lin Wuya and said, "Lord Lin, are you planning not to do anything? If that's the case, then I'll leave!"

Lin Wuya did not speak.

Wan Yu Building stepped out!

Forehead online!

A blood line suddenly bloomed!

He opened his mouth.

"How can time have a shadowless knife!"

Wan Yulou was torn apart!

It's not that Lin Wuya didn't do anything!But Lin Wuya's knife was so fast that Wan Yulou thought that Lin Wuya didn't shoot.

People around!

Also fell into silence!

Deathly silence!

Chapter [-] Six doors handle the case, everyone retreats! (Fourth more!)


Lin Wuya's swordsmanship and practice have reached the realm of perfection!

One word!


It was so close that it was almost impossible for countless people to see how Lin Wuya was using the knife.

The three brothers Shen Lian swallowed their saliva, and Yi Jifeng also did the same, showing a look of shock. Lin Wuya's swordsmanship was invincible in the world, and he was secretly glad that he did not carry Lin Wuya, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. It is very likely that the fate of Wan Yulou is his own.

This knife!

Lin Wuya just slashed at Wan Yulou, a second-rate master who owns the Shaolin golden bell hood with just a random knife. I have to say that Lin Wuya's blood demon knife is powerful!


Extremely domineering, combined with Lin Wuya's swordsmanship, it can be said that Lin Wuya's current strength is much stronger!

"Sure enough, only this blood-turning magic knife can match the magic knife of the divine knife, and other knives can't withstand the magic of the divine knife!" Lin Wuya said to himself, this time, he came to the famous sword villa and made a lot of money. earn!

Not only did he earn a saber, not only did he earn Famous Sword Villa to build weapons for them in the future, but more importantly, Lin Wuya obtained the blood-turning magic knife.

Lin Wuya, wearing a robe, looked at the crowd and said, "Pack up and go back to the capital!"

"Master Yi, I'll trouble you to clean up here!"

Yi Jifeng clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Lord Lin, for your help!"

Lin Wuya nodded, "You are famous Sword Villa, and you don't need to be afraid of Wei Zhongxian in the future. You can name my Six Doors on the rivers and lakes, and my Six Doors protect the famous Sword Villa!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Well, Wei Zhongxian, Xichang, after a short while, will be eradicated by my six gates!" Lin Wuya finished speaking, and left with a mighty [-] people!

Holding a saber!

Wearing a flying eagle suit!

Carry a killing crossbow!

Run fast all the way!Shen Lian rode a dark horse, watching the people from the rivers and lakes coming and going on the official road, drinking tea in a tea forest, Shen Lian suddenly drank it.

"Six doors handle the case, everyone retreats!"

On the official road, many people from all corners of the world looked pale and weak when they saw such a huge battle, and they all made way for Lin Wuya and others.

"Who is this, what a big battle?"

"So majestic!"

"Everyone is so powerful and murderous!"

"It's someone from the imperial court, look at the clothes they wear!"

"Is it Jin Yiwei?"

People in the rivers and lakes are discussing it one after another.

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