Damn it, the poor little girl I bullied is a chaebol daughter

Chapter 140 You can take a few photos and keep them for yourself...

But where can Gu Ran find a leg model to help him take photos?

The only girl who has a good relationship with him and is close to him is Jiang Xueli.

The last time Jiang Xueli wore her swimming trunks, Gu Ran saw her two long legs that were white, straight, long and tender, with slender calves and thighs that were not without plumpness. She must be more than qualified to be a leg model.

But if Jiang Xueli really took this kind of photo for him...

Gu Ran would only keep it for himself to look at secretly in the bed, how could he take it out and put it on the Internet as a product picture of selling socks?


It's really a problem!

I have no idea, so I can only give up the leg model photos for the time being, upload other photos first, and then do more later.

However, asking Jiang Xueli to help take photos has always been in Gu Ran's mind, and he can't get rid of it.

Of course, it is impossible to post it.

But can't I use this as a cover to ask Jiang Xueli to help take a few photos, and then keep them for myself?

After thinking for a while, Gu Ran shook his head and drove the idea out of his mind.


It's not that this idea is not okay.

It's that this excuse is not okay.

Asking someone to take a photo of his legs as the cover of the website is too frivolous, and it makes him look like a nobody.


Gu Ran suddenly thought of another way to say it!

When giving the train ticket, my mother said that she was opening an online store.

Then I can say that I asked Jiang Xueli to help me test the quality of the socks and try them on...

Can I put the photos aside first?

It's a good thing that the eyes can see it!

That's right!

Just do it!

Gu Ran said in his heart that he was a genius, and then he was stunned again, thinking of a sentence.

When a man does something sexy, his intelligence will increase by 50%...

I didn't think about this, did I?


Definitely not.

He just wanted to test the quality of the stockings, and there was no other intention.


This is simply because he is very intelligent!

It's so fucking reasonable!

Thinking of this, Gu Ran silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

"San'er, the wine is here! Let's drink!"

Gu Ran was almost done, and Gu Li also bought wine and came back. Gu Dong was almost done and rushed back. They set up a small table and the three of them started drinking.

What is principle.

They said Gu Ran could only drink one bottle, so they only gave him one bottle, and Gu Ran didn't ask for more after drinking a bottle. They only poured him one more glass at the end. The three of them raised their glasses together to celebrate Gu Ran's good results in the college entrance examination.

"Brother, I have added the new product and uploaded the photos. It is no different from the ordinary socks before. Just remember that this is 15D..."

After eating and drinking, Gu Ran explained to Gu Dong that the incoming goods will be delivered tomorrow. The deposit has been paid, and there is no need to worry about the balance. After explaining to Gu Li, Gu Ran returned the camera to Gu Li and said, "Brother, I have to take a few more photos. I will use it again later."

"Then you can take it directly." Gu Li was about to give the camera to Gu Ran again.

Gu Ran waved his hand and said, "No, I don't know when to take the photos. I will come to you to get it when the time comes."

"Okay, call me, and I can send it to you if I am not busy." Gu Li said.


After the explanation, the sky had completely darkened. It was past eight o'clock. Gu Ran was ready to leave. Before leaving, Gu Li patted Gu Ran on the shoulder and said, "You haven't been to my place for a long time. Remember to come when you are free. We learn boxing to strengthen our bodies. We can't waste our physical exercise!"

"Okay, I'll go there when I have time." Gu Ran nodded, plugged in the key of the electric bike, turned on the light, and waved, "Brother, I'm leaving!"

"Ride slowly and be safe. Remember to send a message when you get home."


Waving goodbye to the two, Gu Ran rode the electric bike on the way back.

After drinking a bottle of wine, he didn't feel anything at all, but he was a little bloated. After all, he didn't have the beer belly of later generations, and his stomach capacity was relatively small. The evening breeze accompanied the electric bike's galloping and kept hitting his cheeks, sweeping all over his body. Gu Ran half-closed his eyes with some enjoyment.

Since rebirth, he has been busy every day.

But Gu Ran feels extremely fulfilled. If he had not been reborn, he would have wanted to live such a life in high school when he recalled the past in his dreams.

Although there has been no substantial progress, everything is moving in a good direction. The two of them sitting on the same chair can be regarded as a beautiful woman by their side.

I got a good score in the college entrance examination, which did not disappoint my parents and relatives, nor did I disappoint myself who studied so hard before high school.

My career has just started, but it is just like the sunrise at seven or eight o'clock, it is booming...

Everything is full of hope and prospects, and the future is bright!

Although Gu Ran in his previous life later made a career, the first thirty years of his life were undoubtedly a failure.

He has heard a truth, and he still remembers it deeply.

People must not have lofty ambitions and weak personalities.

The weakness here is not the weakness when facing others.

But when facing yourself.

I know what I should do and what I shouldn't do.

But I just can't control myself.

When you should work hard, you are lazy. When you should face it, you escape. After escaping, you become weak. But you can't get over it. You torture yourself both mentally and physically.

People either lie down quietly or work hard for their dreams.

The result of being ambitious but incompetent is that you will be muddleheaded and unhappy all your life.

Gu Ran was like this when he didn't do well in the college entrance examination. He knew what he should do, but he couldn't get motivated. At first, it was because of the double blow of emotions and studies. Later, laziness gradually occupied his brain. It was not until several years later that he suddenly realized that he shouldn't be like this. Later, he regretted all the time for the wrong decisions he made and the life he went astray. He hated his unsteady mind when he was young.

Although he slowly came to his senses later, after all, which teenager is not confused, he still dreamed countless times that he did not sink and fall, and took another path of life. Even if that path was not necessarily better than his at the end, he still yearned for it.

And now.

Yearning for realization.

Going back to the path he came from, even if it is full of unknowns, as long as his mind remains steadfast, he has the confidence to overcome any difficulties and obstacles, and he also has the confidence to better walk through this journey of life in the way he expects!

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