Gu Ran said so, Gu Dong had nothing to say, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go and bargain for you."

"He still has 20,000 yuan worth of goods left, brother, you can actually consider taking the remaining 10,000 yuan."

"This is not stock speculation or something, the real goods are in hand, even if you lose, you can't lose too much, there is no big risk to give it a try..."

Gu Ran tried to persuade Gu Dong, but Gu Dong thought about it and still didn't want to take the risk. Gu Ran nodded and didn't say much. For such a thing, he couldn't force people to buy with a knife.

Gu Dong went over to bargain with Gao Liang.

Gao Liang had just said that he would give him a cheaper price. When he heard that Gu Dong really wanted to buy, he raised two fingers.

Two hundred yuan!

Let these be the most!

If Gu Dong bought all the goods worth 20,000 yuan, then he could consider giving Gu Dong a discount of 500 yuan.

This batch of goods has so much capital, and he didn't make any money. If he didn't make any money, he would lose money. He couldn't offer too much discount. If Gao Liang hadn't been struggling these days and it was so late now, he really wanted to sell all the goods and have a good sleep, so he wouldn't be willing to sell them cheaply.

Gu Dong also knew that it was not appropriate to talk about it further. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be good to take all the goods. He didn't hoard them and just sold them to the next buyer. Wouldn't he get 500 yuan? If it couldn't reach 500, it would definitely be no problem to make 200 or 300 yuan. So he gave up the idea of ​​absolutely not taking them, and directly paid 20,000 yuan to the other party, and took all the remaining 20,000 yuan of goods.

"Very good, I'll give you that batch of goods, and you don't even have to move. Look how convenient it is... I'm going home to sleep first. I haven't been home for several days. My wife wants to put a hat on me and I don't know... Let's go!"

Holding the briefcase, Gao Liang walked out of the warehouse and drove away in his BMW 5 Series.

Another reason for giving a discount of a few hundred yuan is that if it is given to Gu Dong, there is no need to find someone to load and unload the goods.

No matter what, it is a good thing that Gu Dong accepted the goods. How much money is not the key, but the confidence of the eldest brother. After the incident in the previous life, the eldest brother became more decadent. Another point is that it will be much more convenient to ask the eldest brother to help with something in the future. Gu Ran put on his schoolbag and said, "Brother, I am going back too. It is too late to ride a bicycle home. I will bring you money after class tomorrow."

"No need to take it. Let's talk about it when this batch of goods is shipped later."

Gu Dong waved his hand and said, "Can you ride a bicycle so late? Do you have a flashlight? I will take you home!"

He is lame in his left leg, and he can drive an automatic car. He has a second-hand automatic Bora with a round butt and a big red color.

"Okay, let's talk about it later... Big brother, you don't have to send me off, there are street lights! I'm leaving! Oh, by the way, big brother, open the windows in your room for ventilation, don't smoke in the room all the time!"

Gu Ran refused Gu Dong's offer to send him home, rode his bike and left, and finally reminded him that Gu Ran would smoke occasionally, but it was really unbearable to smoke in the room with the windows closed.

Riding a bicycle all the way, Gu Ran returned home at lightning speed. It was already half past nine when he got home. Tang Ru came out of the bathroom holding the washed clothes and asked in confusion: "Why did you come back so late today? Did you stay for extra classes?"

"No, I went to my big brother's place and rode a bicycle there, so it was a bit late." Gu Ran said truthfully.

"Hurry up and eat, the food is in the steamer, I'm going to bed first, you should go to bed early." Tang Ru hung the clothes on the shelf, reminded Gu Ran, and yawned back to the bedroom.

Gu Ran finished the still hot dishes, took a shower, went back to the bedroom and changed into pajamas. He sat at the desk and read a history book.

In this era, although there are mobile phones and computers, it is not like the later generations. You can search everything on the Internet, and there are all kinds of detailed tutoring courses.

Now if you want to attend classes, there are also.

You have to pay!

Gu Ran searched on his mobile phone.

Wow, 398 yuan for ten classes, and I don’t know what they are talking about...

It’s really priceless knowledge, but service is priced.

Gu Ran missed Qiandu Cloud a little. Why did this thing have to wait for half a year before it went online? By then, he would have gone to college!

Memorize all the knowledge points that should be memorized first, and then slowly make up for it. Wait and see if you can find someone who can tutor you. It’s okay to pay a little. After memorizing for half an hour, Gu Ran put down the book and prepared to go to bed.

Before going to bed, he put all the 10,000 yuan in the small treasury into his backpack.

Gu Dong said that the ten thousand yuan would be sold after the goods were shipped, which also gave Gu Ran more room for operation. With the ten thousand yuan, he could also look for other opportunities to make money at the same time.

After putting the money in the mezzanine, Gu Ran lay down, put the phone next to the pillow, and closed his eyes.

It feels so good to fall asleep after lying down for a while. Only insomniacs can understand it.

When he opened his eyes again, it was the next morning. When Gu Ran washed and changed his clothes, his phone rang twice. He thought it was Xu Kun, but when he picked it up, it turned out to be Jiang Xueli.

"Student Gu Ran, are you okay?"


Why is this question so strange... Gu Ran replied: "I'm fine, I'm really fine, not hurt at all."


Changlin Mansion, one of the few luxury villas in Lincheng, in the master bedroom on the top floor of the villa, a beautiful girl lies on the soft big bed, her long black hair falls like a waterfall, her feet in white lace socks sway, her slender white fingers press the screen of the new iPhone, and after sending the message, her almond eyes stare intently, waiting for the other party's message reply.

The reply was very fast.

But the message sent by the other party is still the same as before.

What should I do?

He keeps saying that it's okay, how should I take the next step!

Jiang Xueli wrinkled her nose slightly, and quickly typed and sent: "Then classmate Gu Ran, I will treat you to dinner after school tonight. I'm really sorry for knocking you away. Please accept my apology!"


Gu Ran looked at Jiang Xueli's latest message and a question mark appeared on his forehead.

She has said it's okay so many times, but she still insists on treating me to dinner to apologize. She is too persistent.

But on second thought, it can't be said to be persistent.

I should say it's kindness...

Gu Ran doesn't have the problem of feeling good about himself, because when he invited me to dinner, his thoughts began to spread wildly, but no matter whether it was good or not, Gu Ran couldn't refuse it.

Eating a meal for free is not the key.

The main thing is that Jiang Xueli is sitting opposite him. Whether we develop or not, it's okay to chat and promote our relationship. It would be better if we can be friends first...

That's not right.

The main thing should be.

The other person feels sorry. If I don't go to eat this meal, how can I let him feel at ease?


I am also a kind person!

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