Damn it, the poor little girl I bullied is a chaebol daughter

Chapter 22 Could this be the child of some leader?

"Have the prices of the goods you stocked increased?"

Gu Ran asked after taking a bite of fried pancake.

"I can guess that, you are so smart! After the discount from Lao Gao for the 20,000 yuan worth of goods we stocked yesterday, we can earn 500 yuan from shipping the goods, excluding the cost of loading and unloading the truck. , at most it was about two to three hundred yuan. Who knew that when I woke up this morning, the price increased by 80 yuan. Now if the goods are shipped out, excluding miscellaneous expenses such as loading and unloading trucks, I can earn 1,800 yuan. It's not a problem. Otherwise, you have a good brain and you can earn five hundred yuan just by lying down in one night. If you call me, I would definitely not be able to collect this batch of goods yesterday..."

Gu Dong was particularly happy.

How much money you make is a small part of the reason.

More importantly, Gu Dong's self-confidence has been restored a lot because of the sense of accomplishment that comes from betting on the right thing.

Gu Dong repeatedly praised Gu Ran for being smart.

Gu Ran had heard the word smart countless times.

From childhood to adulthood, there was no one in the neighborhood or relatives who didn't praise Gu Ran for his intelligence.

Gu Chunlin and Tang Ru were very happy and proud when they heard that Gu Ran was praised.

But, only before the college entrance examination...

Gu Dong asked Gu Ran what he thought about when to take action.

Gu Ran said that his opinion was to wait and see for a few days.

This increase is likely to be a wave, not limited to one or two days.

Wait until the continuous increase stops.

It's time to take action.

After Gu Dong listened, he obeyed Gu Ran's statement without any objection.

After finishing a portion of fried pancakes in three strokes, Gu Ran didn't stay much longer. He said hello to Gu Ran and set off on his bicycle to his destination this time, Uvo Department Store.

In his previous life, in order to make up for the trouble he caused Xu Zhiting by confessing his love at the ski resort, he asked for her forgiveness and wanted to buy her a gift.

Ordinary gifts are too superficial, so I thought I should give something more expensive.

Xu Zhiting has always liked a necklace that costs 10,000 yuan.

He gritted his teeth and was ready to buy it for the other party, but the money he had on hand was no longer enough. It was a few hundred short. He heard that the department store was going to hold an event this Saturday and Sunday and needed to recruit temporary staff. There are basically no restrictions on security requirements, as long as you are strong and healthy, so Gu Ran came and stood there for two days.

At that time, in addition to doing this, Gu Ran also distributed leaflets for several days.

But the good thing is that before going to buy the necklace, Gu Ran suddenly couldn't bear it, because he saw the necklace his mother wore, which was still a hundred yuan gift from him five years ago. Finally, he went to a gold store. I bought my mother a gold necklace weighing more than ten grams...

Fortunately, Gu Ran sobered up for a moment while in the deep state of poisoning. Otherwise, in later generations, Gu Ran would have had one more thing to regret...

Gu Ran certainly didn't come here to continue working part-time as a security guard.

After two days of standing for a total of 24 hours, Gu Ran got 100 yuan. At that time, the kid knew how to make chicken legs, so he didn't think it was less. Later I found out that the mall gave each person 80 yuan a day. , it was the unscrupulous job agency that took 30 yuan from each person!

Later, a group of people quit and went to find the other party. The other party got it right and he paid a deposit of 10,000 yuan to the mall. He took the risk, so 30 yuan is not much. If you have the ability, You can do this too. Everyone was so angry that they gritted their teeth, but there was nothing they could do.

And Gu Ran came here with money this time just to see if he could cut off this intermediary transaction.

In later generations, Gu Ran also injected capital into this department store and even forcibly changed its name, so he was familiar with the office area here.

The most familiar one is undoubtedly the location of the general manager’s office.

But when he came here this time, he didn't intend to go to the general manager. If he went to talk to someone about such a trivial matter, they would just think you were wasting their time.

If he was sent off, his plan to intercept Hu would completely cease to exist.

Gu Ran arrived at the office floor and walked swaggeringly in the area where no one else was allowed to enter.

It was this swagger that caused no one to notice him while coming and going.

Arriving at the HR manager's office, Gu Ran knocked on the door directly.

"Please come in."

There was a sound from inside the door, and Gu Ran pushed the door open and entered.

After the other party saw Gu Ran's unfamiliar face, he frowned in confusion: "Who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

Gu Ran called the other party by his last name and continued: "My name is Gu Ran. I heard from a friend that our mall is looking for security personnel for Saturday and Sunday events, so I came over to see if there is anyone who can take over this contract. Chance."

Manager Lu frowned even deeper after hearing these words.

As soon as the other party came in, they were friends again and called me by their last names...

It gave him a feeling of being shrouded in mist and not knowing the depth of it.

In addition, this young man stood there with a smile on his face and a strong sense of confidence all over his body.

Not like a boy of this age at all...

And you can go directly to your office.

Is he the child of a leader's family?

Lu Bo thought, he got up from his desk, came to the sofa and coffee table nearby, stretched out his hand and said: "Mr. Gu! Hello, hello! Please sit down first!"

No matter what you say, it's definitely not wrong to be polite first.

He took a glass of water for Gu Ran at the water dispenser, and after sitting opposite Gu Ran, he got straight to the point and said, "Mr. Gu, I heard that we are looking for security personnel for the activities on Saturday and Sunday. Have you heard that we need to provide a deposit as a prerequisite?"

"I know that in order to avoid any emergencies caused by part-time staff, the deposit is of course normal. I brought 10,000 yuan directly."

Gu Ran took out a full 10,000 yuan in cash from his pocket. His money was originally in small and large amounts. When he was eating fried cakes just now, he and Gu Dong changed all the small amounts into 100-yuan bills.

Bringing the money directly.

Enough to show Gu Ran's sincerity.

After taking out the money, Gu Ran promised two more points.

First, he can guarantee that the management of personnel is absolutely in place.

Then all part-time staff must be young and strong men of his age, and there will definitely be no phenomenon of bringing old men to get wages.

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