Gu Ran rode his electric scooter to the Tongda Socks Factory in the east of the city. The lights at the factory gate were still on, and a small door was open, obviously waiting for Gu Ran's arrival.

Gu Ran rode his electric scooter directly into the security room at the gate. A fat man in his fifties with mottled white hair and a flat head came out immediately after hearing the noise. Seeing Gu Ran riding the electric scooter in, he frowned in confusion: "Who are you?"

"Director Li Chao, right?" Gu Ran slowly set up the electric scooter and asked.

The fat man nodded: "I'm Li Chao, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for you, Director Li, my name is Gu Ran, I called you during the day to purchase socks, please wait until so late." Gu Ran said calmly, walked up and stretched out a hand to Li Chao.

" called?"

Li Chao shook hands with Gu Ran in disbelief.

According to Gu Ran's request, he took Gu Ran to the warehouse and looked at their overstocked and difficult-to-sell goods, but Li Chao frowned all the time and looked at Gu Ran with a questioning look.

It was hard for him not to question!

After all, Gu Ran was so young, and he came here on an electric scooter...

If it weren't for Gu Ran's demeanor and temperament, which was not like a young man, he would have thought that the other party was fooling him!

Gu Ran didn't care what he thought of him at all, because it didn't matter at all. He came with money, not to get something for nothing. As long as he had money, opinions were nothing.

"This, this, this... How many of these socks are left?"

Gu Ran's main point when choosing socks is that they are not fancy, the simpler the better. Those fancy ones may be good, but the audience will be greatly compressed. There will definitely be people who like them and people who don't like them, and solid colors are different, especially black and white.

Most of the ones Gu Ran picked are pure black and white, but the styles and patterns are slightly different, and there are also several kinds of boat socks!

In this era, the sales volume of boat socks is not high, but since Gu Ran has chosen them, he is confident that they can be sold!

"There are more of these ordinary ones, and there are probably tens of thousands of pairs of each. I have to check the accounts for details. There are not many of these boat socks, and there are about a few thousand pairs of each."

Hearing Li Chao's words, Gu Ran nodded, took out 10,000 yuan in cash from his pocket, and said: "Director Li, I came here with sincerity this time, so I hope you can also talk to me with sincerity."

Just as Gu Ran expected.

The moment he saw the money, Li Chao's suspicion and contempt for Gu Ran disappeared immediately.

That's how it is.

Not to mention a young man like Gu Ran, even an old man who collects rags, as long as he can afford the money, he is still a customer, God!

"The socks we make are all good socks, with very good quality. These thicker ones were originally sold at 1.3 yuan a pair, but now we are in a hurry to clear the stock, so we can give you a 20-cent discount, 1.1 yuan, and the thinner mid-waist ones are 1 yuan, and the lowest price can be 80 cents. These boat socks are cheaper, a few cents a pair, but the room for discount is not big, at most 10 cents cheaper, 40 cents a pair... These are the prices without packaging!"

"Well, there is no need for packaging, so each item can be discounted by 10 cents, and the boat socks can be discounted by 5 cents. If you promise me, I will give you a deposit of 2,000 first." Gu Ran spoke softly and bargained down the price.

Li Chao glanced at the socks in his hand, was silent for a while, and nodded: "Okay, let's go with the price you said."

Gu Ran directly counted out two thousand yuan and handed it to Li Chao, saying: "I will make a list for you later. I will pay you the remaining balance after you have counted the goods."


Li Chao took the money and carefully checked each one. After confirming the quantity and authenticity, the two went to his office.

After returning home and having dinner, Gu Ran opened the drawer and took out an old HP laptop from it. This computer was an old antique that Gu Ran bought when he was a child. Because it was very stuck, Gu Ran had no interest in playing computer at this time, so he sealed it in the drawer.

After plugging in the power and the network cable, Gu Ran waited for three minutes before the computer finally turned on. It took another three minutes to react before he could operate it. At the moment he reacted, four or five windows popped up in the lower right corner, prompting how long it took for the computer to boot up. There were Kingsoft, Tengxun, Sanliuling, and Lion Head, which Gu Ran remembered was called Rising Antivirus. The computer suddenly crashed again. Gu Ran reluctantly took out "Three Years of College Entrance Examination and Five Years of Simulation" and did three pages of questions before he finally reacted.

He first opened the property panel and took a look at the computer configuration. As for why the first thing he did was not to delete a few antivirus software, it was because there was no need to do so. Deleting these software would probably make Gu Ran anxious. He would just install a system tomorrow and everything would be gone.

The computer configuration was not high.

However, there would be no problem running a web page or something. After installing the system, adding a memory stick or something, there should be no problem.

After closing the lid of the computer and putting it in his backpack, Gu Ran lay down and fell asleep. On the way to school the next day, he knocked on the door of a computer repair shop. The owner came out yawning, and rubbed his eyes when he saw Gu Ran: "Xiao Ran, what's wrong? It's so early in the morning."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Li, I have to go to school, so I can only knock on your door at this time."

The owner of this store is called Li Qiang, who knows Gu Chunlin. His wife divorced him and left with the children. Gu Ran knew that he lived in the store and knew that it was immoral to wake people up early in the morning, but between being immoral in the morning and being immoral at night, Gu Ran still chose the former.

Because he still needs to use the computer tonight...

"Give it to me, what's wrong?"

Li Qiang took the computer and asked Gu Ran. Gu Ran smiled and told Li Qiang to open it and see what happened. Li Qiang opened it and it almost broke.

"There are so many antivirus software. This Rising is a paid version. It's obviously your father's work. Leave it here. I'll install the system for you and replace it for you. But this computer is a bit old and the configuration is not high. It probably can't play games."

"It's okay. I don't play games! Uncle Li, please replace me with some cheap and effective hardware. As long as it can browse the web without lag, it will be fine."

"Well, that's no problem. I can pick it up tonight."

"What time?"

"Your genuine Rising antivirus software is in the computer. It's difficult to reinstall the system. It will take at least seven or eight hours. If you want to replace the hardware, it will be at least ten o'clock."

Ten o'clock is good!

The later the better!

Gu Ran said he was very pleased and said, "Then I will come to pick it up around half past ten?"

"Okay, half past ten. Do you have a mobile phone? Leave your phone number and we'll contact each other by phone when the time comes."


Coming out of the messy computer store, Gu Ran whistled and headed for school.

I will probably be able to make up for the lessons at noon today, and I will definitely be able to do it in the evening...

A wonderful day has begun again!


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