Not long after, Qin Yang, who had gone out to make a phone call, came back. His first words after coming back were to tell Gu Ran that Gu Ran's plan was OK, but there was a prerequisite, that is, every three months, Gu Ran must have a month with more than 10,000 express orders. Gu Ran agreed directly, but he also put forward a condition, that is, they had just moved to Lincheng, and the number of express deliveries in the first month might not be too much, and the price of express delivery during this period should also be calculated according to the price of 3,000 pieces.

Qin Yang pondered for a moment after hearing this, and asked: "How long will it take?"

"About a month." Gu Ran said.

"Then count it as one month and ten days for you." Qin Yang glanced at the date: "Starting from June, we will charge strictly according to the price we just said."

"Well, no problem."

Although it was for better calculation, Qin Yang gave himself half a month more time, which Gu Ran did not expect. First, he charged two thousand yuan into the express account, signed all the agreements that should be signed, and everything was settled. Before leaving, Gu Ran picked up the pen on the table and wrote a website on a blank piece of waste paper.


It's a gift!

As for how Gu Ran knew it.

Who doesn't have a few solid stocks?

Qin Yang didn't understand what Gu Ran meant by the gift, and didn't dare to use the computer. He took his mobile phone and entered the URL with a skeptical attitude to take a tentative look.

As a result, this look.

He opened the door to a new world...

After the express delivery was negotiated, while there was still time, Gu Ran went to the sock factory not far away. There were not many workers working in the sock factory. All the socks were counted by Li Chao himself and two relatives. It shouldn't have been so troublesome. Before, it was a big bag of 200 pairs, but now they are scattered, so they can only be counted slowly.

Seeing Gu Ran coming over to ask about the progress, Li Chao said a little embarrassedly that he had only counted about 300 pairs of each item. Gu Ran said that 300 pairs would be 300 pairs first, and they would be packed separately. He would ask someone to come tomorrow to pick them up.

Everything is almost ready.

Now we just have to wait for the pictures of the online store to be made.

Gu Ran's cell phone camera is really rubbish. He has no material to make pictures. After thinking about it, Gu Ran called his second cousin Gu Li and asked him to come over to help him. He asked him to bring a camera and take pictures of different socks for him.

Gu Ran's second cousin Gu Li is the one who runs the Sanda gym. Gu Ran learned the skill of beating four hooligans from him since he was a child. The Sanda gym mainly relies on teaching children to make money. There is no one at all except weekends and holidays. When he has time, he just happens to have a camera specially used for taking pictures of children for publicity.

Gu Li was very surprised when he heard that Gu Ran wanted him to help him go to the east of the city to pull a few bags of socks. However, they have a very good relationship with each other. Gu Ran rarely asks them to help. Now that Gu Ran called, how could he not agree?

After arranging everything, Gu Ran rode his electric bike back to school. The security guard was basking in the sun at the gate today. Seeing Gu Ran go out every day at noon, he shouted and asked, "Young man, why do you ask for leave every day at noon?"

"Yes, I go out to make up for my lessons."

Gu Ran stopped the electric bike and answered loudly.

"Oh, you work so hard, your grades must be very good, right?"

The security guard asked a soul-searching question. It is not difficult to see that he has no ill intentions, but what he asked is indeed...

However, the smile on Gu Ran's face did not diminish at all. He waved and said, "It will be very good! Goodbye!"

"It will be very good?"

The security guard did not understand and did not think about it. He turned up the volume of the radio a little, and while listening, his fingers tapped lightly on his legs.

"Gu Ran, did you bring any food?" As soon as Gu Ran came back, Xu Kun immediately came up and looked at Gu Ran's backpack and pockets.

"Bring your sister, didn't stand in the corridor enough last time?" Gu Ran directly pressed his head aside.

"It's okay to stand in the corridor for a while." Xu Kun looked indifferent.

Gu Ran looked at his big and chubby face and suddenly found that this guy was really suitable to go to India to do food broadcasting.

He ate, made money, and finally lost weight.

He knew Xu Kun was greedy in his previous life, but why didn't he realize that he was so greedy...

Gu Ran thought about it and said, "How about this, let's make a bet. As long as you get 40 points more in the mock exam in a few days, I will bring you McDonald's every day. How about it?"


Xu Kun was surprised at first, and then discouraged: "40 points, you might as well kill me directly."

"Damn, the total score is 40 points, and one subject is less than 10 points, and I'm going to kill you... If you can do it, eat it. If you can't do it, don't ask me every day if I brought you food."

"Less than 10 points in one subject..."

Xu Kun fell into deep thought.

If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem to be very difficult?

He looked down and saw that the last exam paper was still under his arm. He found that one multiple-choice question was worth 3 points, and he got more than half of them wrong...

In other words.

As long as he got three more multiple-choice questions right in each subject, it would be enough?

After a moment of silence, he asked Gu Ran: "Did you treat me to this McDonald's?"

"Of course I'm treating you. If I asked you to pay, why would I bet with you?"

"Then I agree!" Xu Kun waved his hand.

"Very good, then if you lose, you have to do whatever I tell you to do!" Gu Ran said again.

"Ah?" Xu Kun almost jumped up: "You didn't say that just now!"

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