After returning home, Gu Ran picked up the pair of slippers Jiang Xuelia wore yesterday and put them at her feet. Gu Ran was not an agent, so naturally he would not pay attention to whether the shoes had been tampered with.

"This is a question I completed yesterday."

After dinner last night, Gu Ran went back to the room to work on the questions until very late. As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Gu Ran picked up the paper and handed it to Jiang Xueli to read.

Jiang Xueli checked, and at the same time, the tip of the pen was sketching on a piece of draft paper, and soon the paper she made for Gu Ran was marked right and wrong.

"There are quite a lot of correct questions. We should be able to cram the rest of the content a little faster."

Jiang Xueli pursed her lips and smiled and handed the paper to Gu Ran. Gu Ran looked at it for half a second and immediately looked away.

Gu Ran also knew the general situation in his heart. Could it be that he still didn't know? After tutoring so far, there are very few cases where I don’t know how to solve the problem at all.

"Then let's start?"

"Well, let's get started."

Taking out their textbooks, they started a new round of make-up lessons today with Jiang Xueli's voice.

The two people sitting almost shoulder to shoulder at the desk did not know that Tang Ru, who was working in the company at this time, seemed to have ants crawling in her heart...

She has almost finished the work she came to work overtime today.

She really wants to go home and see...

But she was afraid that going back would cause too much embarrassment, so she could only...pick up the phone and call her staff: "Continue to send tomorrow's..."

The time soon reached noon again.

Jiang Xueli had already gotten an ordinary mobile phone from Uncle Zhong. It was black and ugly. She put the mobile phone there and kept looking at the time. She obviously felt that not long had passed, but when she raised her head, half an hour had passed. It's just another half hour...

Does time really fly by just being with Gu Ran?

"It's past eleven o'clock, are you hungry?"

Gu Ran also saw the time on Jiang Xueli's cell phone. Jiang Xueli's stomach didn't growl today, but she came here at about seven o'clock and has been sitting there until now, so she should be hungry.


Jiang Xueli rubbed her belly and shook her head: "Not yet."

She found that she had a slight stomachache, which was like a aunt's coming. She didn't feel it when she came out in the morning. But thinking about it, there were still three or four days before the day, and she was not allowed to go there usually, so she didn't go more. care.

"Then just finish these questions. After you finish, the math will be almost over."

The progress of their make-up lessons was unexpectedly fast.


Jiang Xueli nodded: "After finishing, let's change the subjects in the afternoon. You have time to complete this set of papers, consolidate them, and then look for weak points and deficiencies. If you can summarize them, we will talk about it again. "


Gu Ran nodded and continued to write. He really couldn't control his emotions. He was so lucky. Without Jiang Xueli's help, he wouldn't have been able to study so quickly and so well, even if he went out to pay for it. It is absolutely impossible to find other tutors with the money to be as conscientious as Jiang Xueli. Jiang Xueli's level of conscientiousness has made Gu Ran doubt several times, suspecting that she is really here to make up lessons for him, but this kind of suspicion is only In the blink of an eye, he dismissed it in his heart again, and then reminded himself in his heart that he should not daydream and feel good about himself...

It was approaching twelve o'clock, and Gu Ran had finished all the questions. After Jiang Xueli looked at them, he found that they were all correct and there were no wrong questions. At this point, the make-up lesson in mathematics had come to a successful conclusion.

"Aren't you hungry yet?" Gu Ran asked.

Jiang Xueli nodded: "Yes!"

Gu Ran said: "We have been sitting all morning, and we need to move around even if we are not hungry. Let's go out and walk around the neighborhood. If we want to eat, we can eat outside. If there is nothing we want to eat, we can buy some ingredients and come back. If it doesn’t work, I’ll feed it to you.”

Jiang Xueli thought for a while, this was Gu Ran's community, would it have any impact if she walked out with him, but after thinking about it, she realized that there was no need to think about it. Gu Ran didn't even care, so she nodded and said, "Okay. !”

After agreeing, she stood up. Gu Ran did not get up immediately, but simply packed up the math textbooks. As soon as Jiang Xueli stood up, he heard a hissing gasp.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Ran turned around and saw Jiang Xueli holding her belly, and visible to the naked eye... a deep red color was gradually spreading at the thighs of her washed white jeans.

"I, I'm fine, I'll go to the toilet first..."

Jiang Xueli's face turned extremely pale in an instant. She bit her lips and finished speaking. She quickly walked out of the bedroom holding her stomach, went to the bathroom at the door and closed the door with a bang.

She sat on the toilet, looking at her pair of pants stained red with blood, and burst into tears in the blink of an eye.

The weather was getting warmer day by day. This pair of jeans was something she had owned many years ago. Wearing long johns was a bit embarrassing and ugly, so she didn't wear them, so they got wet so quickly.

But, it was obviously going to be several days before it came, so how could it happen suddenly...

Gu Ran must have seen it!

Definitely saw it!

This was the reason why she was crying. No matter what the pain was in her stomach, she would not let her shed tears so easily. She cried uncontrollably because she had just treated herself yesterday in the bathroom. I said, never mess up anything again, but on the second day, I broke a big one...

And my current situation...

How to get out?

At this time.

Two clicks.

Someone knocked on the toilet door.

There were only two of them at home, and it must be Gu Ran who knocked on the door... Jiang Xueli bit her lip to prevent herself from crying, and said: "Classmate Gu Ran, I will wait for a while, you go first, go buy groceries by yourself first Bar."

There was silence at the door for a while, and then Gu Ran's voice rang out: "I took a pair of swimming trunks. I bought them last year and washed them and never wore them. There are also sanitary napkins, which are put in the bag and hung on the door handle. You are waiting. Take it in later and put it on for a while. Oh yes, there is hot water on the left side of the shower. Leave it for a while and wait for the water to heat up before using it. I will go to other rooms later. You can go back to my room and cover it up. Quilt, take a rest first.”


After hearing Gu Ran's words, Jiang Xueli's tears fell down and she couldn't help but let out a few choked sounds. She couldn't tolerate rejection in her current situation. After sobbing several times, she calmed down a little. The tone of voice said: "Okay."

"Then I'm leaving. Remember to shout when you get better."

Gu Ran's voice finally sounded, and there was no more movement outside the toilet door.

Jiang Xueli raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face, and took several deep breaths to calm down.

The bathroom door opened a small gap and he took the bag inside.

Soon, Jiang Xueli came out after packing up. She was wearing Gu Ran's men's swimming trunks. She looked a little funny, but it clearly outlined those two flawless, straight and slender legs. She didn't She went to see if Gu Ran was outside. She believed Gu Ran and quickly returned to Gu Ran's room. She opened the quilt and covered her lower body. She took several deep breaths and fanned her eyes. Then he shouted: "Classmate Gu Ran, I'm back."

The sound fell, and the sound of opening the door came from outside the ajar door. Footsteps approached the door. Gu Ran knocked on the door before entering.

"Please come in."

After getting Jiang Xueli's approval, Gu Ran opened the door and walked in. When he saw Jiang Xueli sitting on the bed and covering herself with a quilt, Gu Ran could tell at a glance that she must have cried. Her eyes lit up. The circles are all red, and even though there are no water stains, you can still see the appearance of pear blossoms with rain.

As expected of Jiang Xueli, in this situation, the aura of the flower of the high mountains is still there, but there is a little more brokenness, which makes people feel more pitiful.

"You lie down and rest for a while. I'll get you two books to read. I'll take care of your pants, and then go out and buy something to eat." Gu Ran said softly with a smile.

This gentle look made Jiang Xueli calm down a lot, and she let out a low hum.

"What are you reading? The Four Great Classics? Read this one. You must have never read it." Gu Ran took a Chinese version of "Walden" from the bookshelf and placed it on the quilt in front of her.

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